5 research outputs found


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    ANALISA PENGARUH VARIASI BEBAN TERHADAP PROFIL TEGANGAN PADA FEEDER GI POLEHAN DISTRIBUSI 20 kV PLN KOTA MALANG Mochamad Ifan Mashudi, Awan Uji Krismanto, Ni Putu Agustini [email protected] ABSTRAK Sistem tenaga elektrik memiliki beberapa persyaratan, Salah satu persyaratan keandalan sistem penyaluran tenaga listrik yang harus dipenuhi untuk pelayanan kepada konsumen adalah profil tegangan yang baik dan stabil, karena meskipun kelangsungan catu daya dapat diandalkan, namun tidak dapat mempertahankan tegangan tetap stabil pada sistem distribusi, karena profil tegangan yang buruk akan terjadi disemua bagian sistem dan akan berubah dengan adanya perubahan beban. Beban sebagian besar memiliki faktor daya tertinggal, pada dasarnya saat beban puncak daya reaktif yang dibutuhkan beban meningkat dan dapat lebih besar dari yang dibangkitkan oleh sistem. Oleh karena itu perlu dilakukannya analisa pengaruh variasi beban terhaadap profil tegangan jaringan distribusi. Setelah dilakukannya analisa dengan data beban yang bervariasi, akan terlihat profil tegangan jaringan distribusi di salah satu feeder tersebut buruk atau baik. Skripsi ini membahas tentang analisa pengaruh variasi beban terhadap profil tegangan pada 5 Feeder jaringan distribusi 20 kV Kota Malang. Dalam penelitian ini digunakan software DigSILENT PowerFactory untuk menganalisa profil tegangan. Kata kunci – Profil Tegangan, Probabilitas, Fluktuasi. Probabilistic Load Flow Analysis of Malang City Distribution System (20 kV) Mochamad Ifan Mashudi, Awan Uji Krismanto, Ni Putu Agustini [email protected] ABSTRACT Electrical power systems have several requirements. One of the requirements for the reliability of electrical distribution systems that must be met for service to consumers is a good and stable voltage profile, because even though the continuity of the power supply is reliable, it cannot maintain a stable voltage in the distribution system, because bad voltage profile will occur in all parts of the system and will change with changes in load. Most loads have a lagging power factor, basically when the peak load of reactive power required by the load increases and can be greater than that generated by the system. Therefore it is necessary to analyze the effect of load variations on the distribution network voltage profile. After analyzing the various load data, it will be seen that the distribution network voltage profile in one of the feeders is bad or good. In this paper, we will analyze the effect of load variations on voltage profile with probabilistic method that occurs in the Malang city electricity, East Java. This paper presents the results of the probability analysis due to load variations in distributions system which has an impact on the voltage profile. The results showed the effect of load variations on the distributions system have an effect on voltage profile. With analysis using probability method it can be concluded that voltage profile would be fluctuated. Keywords β€” Voltage Profile, Probability, Fluctuation

    Mitigating the Adverse Impact of Un-Deterministic Distributed Generation on a Distribution System Considering Voltage Profile

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    Electric power systems are enforced to operate near to their stability limit due to the fast increase in power demand. Therefore, voltage stability has become a primary concern. The main cause of voltage variations is the imbalance between generation and consumption. In order to mitigate variations in voltage profile, most of the modern electric power systems are adopting new emerging technologies such as distributed generation. Validation of standard voltage optimization is a difficult task when distributed generation is integrated to medium and low voltage networks. Integration of distributed generation (DG) will have diverse impacts on voltage levels when connected un-deterministically to the electric distribution system. This paper analyzes both the impacts of un-deterministic large and small size DG on voltage profile. Feasible solutions by incorporating reactors and increasing cross sectional area of cables, variation in voltage profile were mitigated. Detailed simulations were performed in ETAP by modeling and evaluating Kohat road grid station situated in Peshawar, Pakistan. The results anticipated that this approach can be useful to ensure standard voltage profile and better utilization of un-deterministic DG units

    PMU-Based Adaptive Central Protection Unit (CPU) for Power Systems with High DG Penetration

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    The rapid expansion and integration of Distributed Generations (DG) into power systems plays an increasingly important role in their planning, operation, and control. The rules used to design and operate current systems are being altered by the DGs incorporation. This may jeopardize the system\u27s reliability and security. Private owners of large DGs should not be restricted to a particular time schedule to connect/disconnect their generation to/from the system. This feature dynamically changes the typical power system with unidirectional power flow from generation to the loads. A smart Central Protection Unit (CPU) is needed to take proper measures in case of DGs arbitrarily disconnection, isolation or any other type of fault. On the other hand, recent major blackouts resulting from pushing the power systems to the edge has revealed the need for a smarter supervisory system for enhanced reliability and stability. Hence, there is a high demand for a robust and smart supervisory system which can diagnose power systems disturbances in real-time and prevent aggravation and expansion.This thesis is focused on studying the impacts of DG integration on the power systems. Phasor Measurement Units (PMUs) play an important role on the monitoring of power systems. Multiple major data analysis techniques including K-means, Smart K-means clustering, and DBSCAN clustering of the PMU output data have been implemented. Higher order moments of Kurtosis and Skewness indices were also employed in order to estimate the system state

    Impact of Distributed Generation on Voltage Profile in Distribution System

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