779 research outputs found

    Extrapolation of Airborne Polarimetric and Interferometric SAR Data for Validation of Bio-Geo-Retrieval Algorithms for Future Spaceborne SAR Missions

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    Spaceborne SAR system concepts and mission design is often based on algorithms developed and the experience gathered from airborne SAR experiments and associated dedicated campaigns. However, airborne SAR systems have better performance parameters than their future space-borne counterparts as their design is not impacted by mass, power, and storage constraints. This paper describes a methodology to extrapolate spaceborne quality SAR image products from long wavelength airborne polarimetric SAR data which were acquired especially for the development and validation of bio/geo-retrieval algorithms in forested regions. For this purpose not only system (sensor) related parameters are altered, but also those relating to the propagation path (ionosphere) and to temporal decorrelation

    SIGNAL: A Ka-band Digital Beam-Forming SAR System Concept to Monitor Topography Variations of Ice Caps and Glaciers

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    This paper discusses the implementation of an endto- end simulator for the BIOMASS mission. An overview of the system architecture is provided along with a functional description of the modules that comprise the simulator

    Advanced Multi-Channel SAR Imaging - Measured Data Demonstration

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    Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) is a well-established technique for remote sensing of the Earth. However, conventional SAR systems relying on only a single transmit and receive aperture are not capable of imaging a wide swath with high spatial resolution. Multi-channel SAR concepts, such as systems based on multiple receive apertures in azimuth, promise to overcome these restrictions, thus enabling high-resolution wide-swath imaging. Analysis revealed that these systems imperatively require sophisticated digital processing of the received signals in order to guarantee full performance independently of the spatial sample distribution imposed by the applied pulse repetition frequency (PRF). A suitable algorithm to cope with these challenges of multi-channel data is given by the “multi-channel reconstruction algorithm”, which demonstrated in comprehensive analysis and system design examples its potential for high perform-ance SAR imaging. In this context, various optimization strategies were investigated and aspects of operating multi-channel systems in burst modes such as ScanSAR or TOPS were discussed. Furthermore, a first proof-of-principle showed the algorithm’s applicability to measured multi-channel X-band data gathered by the German Aerospace Cen-ter’s (DLR) airborne F-SAR system. As a next step in the framework of multi-channel azimuth processing, this paper builds on the results recalled above and continues two paths. Firstly, focus is turned to further optimization of the proc-essing algorithm by investigating the classical Space-Time Adaptive Processing (STAP) applied to SAR. Secondly, attention is turned to the analysis of the measured multi-channel data by elaborating the impact and compensation of channel mismatch and by verifying the derived theory

    Spaceborne Polarimetric SAR Interferometry: Performance Analysis and Mission Concepts

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    Spaceborne polarimetric SAR interferometry enables quantitative measurements of important bio- and geophysical parameters of the Earth surface on a global scale. We will first give a short review about actual and planned spaceborne SAR missions that can provide the observation space required for the derivation of Pol-InSAR products. This overview includes both repeat pass mission scenarios like ALOS/PalSAR, TerraSAR-L and Radarsat II, as well as single-pass mission scenarios like a fully-polarimetric Interferometric Cartwheel or TanDEM- X. The Pol-InSAR performance of the suggested mission scenarios will then be analysed by introducing the new concept of a phase tube. This concept enables an optimization of the system parameters and a quantitative comparison between different sensor configurations. The performance analysis for the investigated repeat pass mission scenarios reveals that major limitations have to be expected from temporal decorrelation. Some suggestions will be made to alleviate this performance loss by appropriate orbit refinement. Furthermore, important aspects in the design of future Pol-InSAR sensors will be addressed and we demonstrate the potential benefits arising from the use of bi- and multistatic single pass sensor configurations

    Development of the TanDEM-X Calibration Concept: Analysis of Systematic Errors

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    The TanDEM-X mission, result of the partnership between the German Aerospace Center (DLR) and Astrium GmbH, opens a new era in spaceborne radar remote sensing. The first bistatic satellite synthetic aperture radar mission is formed by flying the TanDEM-X and TerraSAR-X in a closely controlled helix formation. The primary mission goal is the derivation of a high-precision global digital elevation model (DEM) according to High-Resolution Terrain Information (HRTI) level 3 accuracy. The finite precision of the baseline knowledge and uncompensated radar instrument drifts introduce errors that may compromise the height accuracy requirements. By means of a DEM calibration, which uses absolute height references, and the information provided by adjacent interferogram overlaps, these height errors can be minimized. This paper summarizes the exhaustive studies of the nature of the residual-error sources that have been carried out during the development of the DEM calibration concept. Models for these errors are set up and simulations of the resulting DEM height error for different scenarios provide the basis for the development of a successful DEM calibration strategy for the TanDEM-X mission

    System Concepts for Bi- and Multi-Static SAR Missions

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    The performance and capabilities of bi- and multistatic spaceborne synthetic aperture radar (SAR) are analyzed. Such systems can be optimized for a broad range of applications like frequent monitoring, wide swath imaging, single-pass cross-track interferometry, along-track interferometry, resolution enhancement or radar tomography. Further potentials arises from digital beamforming on receive, which allows to gather additional information about the direction of the scattered radar echoes. This directional information can be used to suppress interferences, to improve geometric and radiometric resolution, or to increase the unambiguous swath width. Furthermore, a coherent combination of multiple receiver signals will allow for a suppression of azimuth ambiguities. For this, a reconstruction algorithm is derived, which enables a recovery of the unambiguous Doppler spectrum also in case of non-optimum receiver aperture displacements leading to a non-uniform sampling of the SAR signal. This algorithm has also a great potential for systems relying on the displaced phase center (DPC) technique, like the high resolution wide swath (HRWS) SAR or the split antenna approach in the TerraSAR-X and Radarsat II satellites

    Efficient SAR MTI simulator of marine scenes

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    TĂšcniques de detecciĂł de moviment amb radars d'apertura sintĂštica multicanals sobre escenaris marĂ­tims.[ANGLÈS] Multichannel spaceborne and airborne synthetic aperture radars (SAR) offer the opportunity to monitor maritime traffic through specially designed instruments and applying a suitable signal processing in order to reject sea surface clutter. These processing techniques are known as Moving Target Indication techniques (MTI) and the choice of the most adequate method depends on the radar system and operating environment. In maritime scenes the seas presents a complicated clutter whose temporal/spatial coherence models and background reflectivity depends on a large number of factors and are still subject of research. Moreover the targets kinematics are influenced by the sea conditions, producing in some situations high alterations in the imaged target. These aspects make difficult the detectability analysis of vessels in maritime scenarios, requiring both theoretical models and numerical simulations. This thesis looks into the few available MTI techniques and deals experimentally with them in a developed simulator for maritime SAR images. The results are also presented in a image format, giving the sequence for one trial simulation and the asymptotic probability of detection for the simulated conditions.[CASTELLÀ] Los radares de apertura sintĂ©tica (SAR) multicanal a bordo de satĂ©lites o plataformas aerotransportadas ofrecen la oportunidad de monitorizar el trĂĄfico marĂ­timo a travĂ©s de instrumentos especialmente diseñados y procesando los datos recibidos de forma adecuada para rechazar la señal provocada por la reflexiĂłn del mar. A estas tĂ©cnicas se las conoce como Moving Target Indication techniques (MTI) y la elecciĂłn de la mĂĄs adecuada depende del sistema y del entorno de aplicaciĂłn. En escenarios marinos, el mar presenta un clutter complicado de modelar, cuya coherencia espacio-temporal y reflectividad radar dependen de un gran nĂșmero de factores que hoy en dĂ­a todavĂ­a siguen siendo investigados. Por otra parte los parĂĄmetros dinĂĄmicos del target estan influenciados por las condiciones del mar, produciendo en algunas situaciones graves alteraciones en la formaciĂłn de la imagen. Estos aspectos dificultan el anĂĄlisis de la detecciĂłn de las embarcaciones, requiriendo modelos teĂłricos y simulaciones numĂ©ricas. Este Proyecto Final de Carrera investiga las tĂ©cnicas MTI disponibles, aplicĂĄndolas sobre las imĂĄgenes marĂ­timas generadas por un simulador SAR. Los resultados son la generaciĂłn de los productos MTI en formato imagen y el cĂĄlculo de la probabilidad de detecciĂłn para cada target.[CATALÀ] Els radars d'obertura sintĂštica (SAR) multicanal embarcats en satĂšl·lits o plataformes aerotransportades ofereixen l'oportunitat de monitoritzar el trĂ fic marĂ­tim a travĂ©s d'instruments especialment dissenyats i processant les dades rebudes de forma adequada per rebutjar la senyal provocada per la reflexiĂł del mar. A aquestes tĂšcniques se les coneix com Moving Target indication techniques (MTI) i l'elecciĂł de la mĂ©s adequada depĂšn del sistema i de l'entorn d'aplicaciĂł. En escenaris marins, el mar presenta un clutter complicat de modelar, la coherĂšncia espai-temporal i reflectivitat radar depenen d'un gran nombre de factors que avui dia encara segueixen sent investigats. D'altra banda els parĂ metres dinĂ mics del target estan influenciats per les condicions de la mar, produint en algunes situacions greus alteracions en la formaciĂł de la imatge. Aquests aspectes dificulten l'anĂ lisi de la detecciĂł de les embarcacions, requerint models teĂČrics i simulacions numĂšriques. Aquest Projecte Final de Carrera investiga les tĂšcniques MTI disponibles, aplicant-les sobre les imatges marĂ­times generades per un simulador SAR. Els resultats sĂłn la generaciĂł dels productes MTI en format imatge i el cĂ lcul de la probabilitat asimptĂČtica de detecciĂł per a cada target

    Estimation of Forest Biomass and Faraday Rotation using Ultra High Frequency Synthetic Aperture Radar

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    Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) data in the Ultra High Frequency (UHF; 300 MHz – 3 GHz)) band have been shown to be strongly dependent of forest biomass, which is a poorly estimated variable in the global carbon cycle. In this thesis UHF-band SAR data from the fairly flat hemiboreal test site Remningstorp in southern Sweden were analysed. The data were collected on several occasions with different moisture conditions during the spring of 2007. Regression models for biomass estimation on stand level (0.5-9 ha) were developed for each date on which SAR data were acquired. For L-band (centre frequency 1.3 GHz) the best estimation model was based on HV-polarized backscatter, giving a root mean squared error (rmse) between 31% and 46% of the mean biomass. For P-band (centre frequency 340 MHz), regression models including HH, HV or HH and HV backscatter gave an rmse between 18% and 27%. Little or no saturation effects were observed up to 290 t/ha for P-band. A model based on physical-optics has been developed and was used to predict HH-polarized SAR data with frequencies from 20 MHz to 500 MHz from a set of vertical trunks standing on an undulating ground surface. The model shows that ground topography is a critical issue in SAR imaging for these frequencies. A regression model for biomass estimation which includes a correction for ground slope was developed using multi-polarized P-band SAR data from Remningstorp as well as from the boreal test site Krycklan in northern Sweden. The latter test site has pronounced topographic variability. It was shown that the model was able to partly compensate for moisture variability, and that the model gave an rmse of 22-33% when trained using data from Krycklan and evaluated using data from Remningstorp. Regression modelling based on P-band backscatter was also used to estimate biomass change using data acquired in Remningstorp during the spring 2007 and during the fall 2010. The results show that biomass change can be measured with an rmse of about 15% or 20 tons/ha. This suggests that not only deforestation, but also forest growth and degradation (e.g. thinning) can be measured using P-band SAR data. The thesis also includes result on Faraday rotation, which is an ionospheric effect which can have a significant impact on spaceborne UHF-band SAR images. Faraday rotation angles are estimated in spaceborne L-band SAR data. Estimates based on distributed targets and calibration targets with high signal to clutter ratios are found to be in very good agreement. Moreover, a strong correlation with independent measurements of Total Electron Content is found, further validating the estimates
