4 research outputs found

    Impact of Television Advertisement on Undergraduate Students’ Purchase Decision on Indomie Noodles

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    This study surveys undergraduate students’ views on the effect of television advertisement on their purchase of indomie noodles. 392 respondents, drawn from the Business Administration unit of Abia State University were studied. The structured questionnaire was administered on the select respondents. The SPSS version 20 students t-test was used to test stated hypotheses. Finding disclosed that television advertising has a significant influence on students’ preference, patronage and repeat purchase of indomie noodles. The study recommends that Advertising messages should be clear, credible and precise so that the target market will not give different meanings to it and that noodles marketers should see television advertising as a long-term investment into the life of products and not be discouraged by the early, immediate low returns of advertisements


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    ABSTRAK Kedisiplinan sekolah termasuk salah satu bagian penting dalam pendidikan yang bermanfaat untuk kemajuan sekolah. Apabila sekolah mempunyai peserta didik yang disiplin maka proses pembelajaran tentu berjalan dengan baik. Namun sebaliknya, apabila sekolah mempunyai peserta didik yang kurang disiplin, tentu proses belajar tidak akan berjalan secara maksimal. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui bagaimana peran guru bimbingan dan konseling dalam mengatasi kedisiplinan peserta didik di SMP Negeri 02 Way Tenong Lampung Barat. Penelitan ini menggunakan pendekatan lapangan (Field Research), dengan metode kualitatif yang bersifat deskriftif. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah wawancara dan dokumentasi dengan dilakukan triangulasi sumber data sebagai keabsahan data. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian yang di peroleh, peran guru bimbingan dan konseling dalam mengatasi kedisiplinan peserta didik yaitu : Kedisiplinan peserta didik belum mencapai kategori yang baik, yang disebabkan dengan latar belakang peserta didik yang berbeda-beda. Dalam mengatasi tingkat kedisiplinan peserta didik guru BK mengadakan pendekatan khusus dengan cara memahami latar belakang peserta didik melalui layanan konseling individual. Pelanggar kedisiplinan yang masih dikatakan cukup ringan guru BK memberikan peringatan dan hukuman maksimal tiga kali. Guru BK mengadakan bimbingan dan memantau keadaan peserta didik disela jam kosong dengan memberikan arahan dan nasihat yang bermanfaat tentang disiplin, untuk mencari tahu kebutuhan dan masalah kedisiplinan pada peserta didik dapat dilihat melalui daftar buku absensi kelas dan buku catatan BK. Guru BK tidak berkerja sendiri namun berkolaborasi dengan berbagai pihak seperti wali kelas, guru bidang study, satuan pengaman sekolah dan orang tua. Hambatan-hambatan dalam menjalanankan peranan nya secara keseluruhan kurang maksimal dikarenakan ruangan BK yang kurang memadai dan belum adanya jam khusus BK

    The effect of Indomie advertising on Instagram on purchase decisions (survey on Instagram account @indomie)

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    Indomie is an instant noodle product brand that has existed since 1971, even this brand has been embedded in people's minds, so it is often found that the Indomie brand is no longer a brand but also a name for instant noodle products. One of the advertisements displayed on Instagram @Indomie is an advertisement about a new variant, namely Indomieghetti Bolognese, which informs about a new variant or innovation of Indomie. This study aims to determine the effect of Indomie Advertising version of Indomieghetti Bolognese on purchasing decisions. The theory used is advertising theory from Kotler and Keller which has informative, persuasive, reminder, and reinforcement dimensions. Then the Purchasing Decision theory from Kotler and Armstrong with the dimensions of need recognition, information search, evaluation of alternatives, purchase decisions, and postpurchase behavior. This research is a quantitative research with survey methods and data collection techniques using qff1uestionnaires. The population of this study is Instagram @Indomie's active followers who commented on the upload of March 15, 2021, as many as 156 followers and the sample used is 61 respondents, which is calculated using the Slovin formula. The sampling technique used in this study was Simple Random Sampling. The results of this study indicate that there is an influence of Indomieghetti Bolognese ads on Instagram on purchasing decisions of 0.601 or 60.1% while the remaining 39.9% is influenced by other variables other than those in this study