4 research outputs found

    DC-DFFN: Densely Connected Deep Feature Fusion Network With Sign Agnostic Learning for Implicit Shape Representation

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    Reconstructing 3D surfaces from raw point cloud data is still a challenging and complex problem in computer vision and graphics. Recently emerged neural implicit representations model 3D surfaces implicitly in arbitrary resolution and diverse topologies. In this domain, most of the studies have so far used a single latent code-based variational auto-encoder (VAE) or auto-decoder (AD) architectures, or architectures similar to UNets. Due to the deep architectures of the existing approaches, gradients and/or input information can vanish while passing through the layers, which can cause suboptimal learning at training time and consequently low performance at test time. As a countermeasure, skip connections and feature fusion have been used in related application fields of convolutional neural networks. In this study, we embrace this idea and propose a novel densely connected deep feature fusion network, DC-DFFN, architecture for implicit shape representation. In the experimental results we show that DC-DFFN outperforms baseline approaches in terms visual reconstruction quality and quantitatively based on several measures. In addition, the proposed approach provides faster convergence during training compared to the baseline approaches. The DC-DFFN architecture has been implemented in PyTorch and is available as open source.©2023 The Authors. Published by IEEE. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License. For more information, see https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/fi=vertaisarvioitu|en=peerReviewed

    ConTesse: Accurate Occluding Contours for Subdivision Surfaces

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    This paper proposes a method for computing the visible occluding contours of subdivision surfaces. The paper first introduces new theory for contour visibility of smooth surfaces. Necessary and sufficient conditions are introduced for when a sampled occluding contour is valid, that is, when it may be assigned consistent visibility. Previous methods do not guarantee these conditions, which helps explain why smooth contour visibility has been such a challenging problem in the past. The paper then proposes an algorithm that, given a subdivision surface, finds sampled contours satisfying these conditions, and then generates a new triangle mesh matching the given occluding contours. The contours of the output triangle mesh may then be rendered with standard non-photorealistic rendering algorithms, using the mesh for visibility computation. The method can be applied to any triangle mesh, by treating it as the base mesh of a subdivision surface.Comment: Accepted to ACM Transactions on Graphics (TOG

    Mandoline: robust cut-cell generation for arbitrary triangle meshes

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    Although geometry arising "in the wild" most often comes in the form of a surface representation, a plethora of geometrical and physical applications require the construction of volumetric embeddings either of the geometry itself or the domain surrounding it. Cartesian cut-cell-based mesh generation provides an attractive solution in which volumetric elements are constructed from the intersection of the input surface geometry with a uniform or adaptive hexahedral grid. This choice, especially common in computational fluid dynamics, has the potential to efficiently generate accurate, surface-conforming cells; unfortunately, current solutions are often slow, fragile, or cannot handle many common topological situations. We therefore propose a novel, robust cut-cell construction technique for triangle surface meshes that explicitly computes the precise geometry of the intersection cells, even on meshes that are open or non-manifold. Its fundamental geometric primitive is the intersection of an arbitrary segment with an axis-aligned plane. Beginning from the set of intersection points between triangle mesh edges and grid planes, our bottom-up approach robustly determines cut-edges, cut-faces, and finally cut-cells, in a manner designed to guarantee topological correctness. We demonstrate its effectiveness and speed on a wide range of input meshes and grid resolutions, and make the code available as open source.This work is graciously supported by NSERC Discovery Grants (RGPIN-04360-2014 & RGPIN-2017-05524), NSERC Accelerator Grant (RGPAS-2017-507909), Connaught Fund (503114), and the Canada Research Chairs Program