301 research outputs found


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    学位の種別: 修士University of Tokyo(東京大学

    Bio-inspired learning and hardware acceleration with emerging memories

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    Machine Learning has permeated many aspects of engineering, ranging from the Internet of Things (IoT) applications to big data analytics. While computing resources available to implement these algorithms have become more powerful, both in terms of the complexity of problems that can be solved and the overall computing speed, the huge energy costs involved remains a significant challenge. The human brain, which has evolved over millions of years, is widely accepted as the most efficient control and cognitive processing platform. Neuro-biological studies have established that information processing in the human brain relies on impulse like signals emitted by neurons called action potentials. Motivated by these facts, the Spiking Neural Networks (SNNs), which are a bio-plausible version of neural networks have been proposed as an alternative computing paradigm where the timing of spikes generated by artificial neurons is central to its learning and inference capabilities. This dissertation demonstrates the computational power of the SNNs using conventional CMOS and emerging nanoscale hardware platforms. The first half of this dissertation presents an SNN architecture which is trained using a supervised spike-based learning algorithm for the handwritten digit classification problem. This network achieves an accuracy of 98.17% on the MNIST test data-set, with about 4X fewer parameters compared to the state-of-the-art neural networks achieving over 99% accuracy. In addition, a scheme for parallelizing and speeding up the SNN simulation on a GPU platform is presented. The second half of this dissertation presents an optimal hardware design for accelerating SNN inference and training with SRAM (Static Random Access Memory) and nanoscale non-volatile memory (NVM) crossbar arrays. Three prominent NVM devices are studied for realizing hardware accelerators for SNNs: Phase Change Memory (PCM), Spin Transfer Torque RAM (STT-RAM) and Resistive RAM (RRAM). The analysis shows that a spike-based inference engine with crossbar arrays of STT-RAM bit-cells is 2X and 5X more efficient compared to PCM and RRAM memories, respectively. Furthermore, the STT-RAM design has nearly 6X higher throughput per unit Watt per unit area than that of an equivalent SRAM-based (Static Random Access Memory) design. A hardware accelerator with on-chip learning on an STT-RAM memory array is also designed, requiring 1616 bits of floating-point synaptic weight precision to reach the baseline SNN algorithmic performance on the MNIST dataset. The complete design with STT-RAM crossbar array achieves nearly 20X higher throughput per unit Watt per unit mm^2 than an equivalent design with SRAM memory. In summary, this work demonstrates the potential of spike-based neuromorphic computing algorithms and its efficient realization in hardware based on conventional CMOS as well as emerging technologies. The schemes presented here can be further extended to design spike-based systems that can be ubiquitously deployed for energy and memory constrained edge computing applications

    Performance Analysis of BigDecimal Arithmetic Operation in Java

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    The Java programming language provides binary floating-point primitive data types such as float and double to represent decimal numbers. However, these data types cannot represent decimal numbers with complete accuracy, which may cause precision errors while performing calculations. To achieve better precision, Java provides the BigDecimal class. Unlike float and double, which use approximation, this class is able to represent the exact value of a decimal number. However, it comes with a drawback: BigDecimal is treated as an object and requires additional CPU and memory usage to operate with. In this paper, statistical data are presented of performance impact on using BigDecimal compared to the double data type. As test cases, common mathematical processes were used, such as calculating mean value, sorting, and multiplying matrices

    Tiny Machine Learning Environment: Enabling Intelligence on Constrained Devices

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    Running machine learning algorithms (ML) on constrained devices at the extreme edge of the network is problematic due to the computational overhead of ML algorithms, available resources on the embedded platform, and application budget (i.e., real-time requirements, power constraints, etc.). This required the development of specific solutions and development tools for what is now referred to as TinyML. In this dissertation, we focus on improving the deployment and performance of TinyML applications, taking into consideration the aforementioned challenges, especially memory requirements. This dissertation contributed to the construction of the Edge Learning Machine environment (ELM), a platform-independent open-source framework that provides three main TinyML services, namely shallow ML, self-supervised ML, and binary deep learning on constrained devices. In this context, this work includes the following steps, which are reflected in the thesis structure. First, we present the performance analysis of state-of-the-art shallow ML algorithms including dense neural networks, implemented on mainstream microcontrollers. The comprehensive analysis in terms of algorithms, hardware platforms, datasets, preprocessing techniques, and configurations shows similar performance results compared to a desktop machine and highlights the impact of these factors on overall performance. Second, despite the assumption that TinyML only permits models inference provided by the scarcity of resources, we have gone a step further and enabled self-supervised on-device training on microcontrollers and tiny IoT devices by developing the Autonomous Edge Pipeline (AEP) system. AEP achieves comparable accuracy compared to the typical TinyML paradigm, i.e., models trained on resource-abundant devices and then deployed on microcontrollers. Next, we present the development of a memory allocation strategy for convolutional neural networks (CNNs) layers, that optimizes memory requirements. This approach reduces the memory footprint without affecting accuracy nor latency. Moreover, e-skin systems share the main requirements of the TinyML fields: enabling intelligence with low memory, low power consumption, and low latency. Therefore, we designed an efficient Tiny CNN architecture for e-skin applications. The architecture leverages the memory allocation strategy presented earlier and provides better performance than existing solutions. A major contribution of the thesis is given by CBin-NN, a library of functions for implementing extremely efficient binary neural networks on constrained devices. The library outperforms state of the art NN deployment solutions by drastically reducing memory footprint and inference latency. All the solutions proposed in this thesis have been implemented on representative devices and tested in relevant applications, of which results are reported and discussed. The ELM framework is open source, and this work is clearly becoming a useful, versatile toolkit for the IoT and TinyML research and development community

    Applications in Electronics Pervading Industry, Environment and Society

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    This book features the manuscripts accepted for the Special Issue “Applications in Electronics Pervading Industry, Environment and Society—Sensing Systems and Pervasive Intelligence” of the MDPI journal Sensors. Most of the papers come from a selection of the best papers of the 2019 edition of the “Applications in Electronics Pervading Industry, Environment and Society” (APPLEPIES) Conference, which was held in November 2019. All these papers have been significantly enhanced with novel experimental results. The papers give an overview of the trends in research and development activities concerning the pervasive application of electronics in industry, the environment, and society. The focus of these papers is on cyber physical systems (CPS), with research proposals for new sensor acquisition and ADC (analog to digital converter) methods, high-speed communication systems, cybersecurity, big data management, and data processing including emerging machine learning techniques. Physical implementation aspects are discussed as well as the trade-off found between functional performance and hardware/system costs

    Tiny Machine Learning Environment: Enabling Intelligence on Constrained Devices

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    Running machine learning algorithms (ML) on constrained devices at the extreme edge of the network is problematic due to the computational overhead of ML algorithms, available resources on the embedded platform, and application budget (i.e., real-time requirements, power constraints, etc.). This required the development of specific solutions and development tools for what is now referred to as TinyML. In this dissertation, we focus on improving the deployment and performance of TinyML applications, taking into consideration the aforementioned challenges, especially memory requirements. This dissertation contributed to the construction of the Edge Learning Machine environment (ELM), a platform-independent open source framework that provides three main TinyML services, namely shallow ML, self-supervised ML, and binary deep learning on constrained devices. In this context, this work includes the following steps, which are reflected in the thesis structure. First, we present the performance analysis of state of the art shallow ML algorithms including dense neural networks, implemented on mainstream microcontrollers. The comprehensive analysis in terms of algorithms, hardware platforms, datasets, pre-processing techniques, and configurations shows similar performance results compared to a desktop machine and highlights the impact of these factors on overall performance. Second, despite the assumption that TinyML only permits models inference provided by the scarcity of resources, we have gone a step further and enabled self-supervised on-device training on microcontrollers and tiny IoT devices by developing the Autonomous Edge Pipeline (AEP) system. AEP achieves comparable accuracy compared to the typical TinyML paradigm, i.e., models trained on resource-abundant devices and then deployed on microcontrollers. Next, we present the development of a memory allocation strategy for convolutional neural networks (CNNs) layers, that optimizes memory requirements. This approach reduces the memory footprint without affecting accuracy nor latency. Moreover, e-skin systems share the main requirements of the TinyML fields: enabling intelligence with low memory, low power consumption, and low latency. Therefore, we designed an efficient Tiny CNN architecture for e-skin applications. The architecture leverages the memory allocation strategy presented earlier and provides better performance than existing solutions. A major contribution of the thesis is given by CBin-NN, a library of functions for implementing extremely efficient binary neural networks on constrained devices. The library outperforms state of the art NN deployment solutions by drastically reducing memory footprint and inference latency. All the solutions proposed in this thesis have been implemented on representative devices and tested in relevant applications, of which results are reported and discussed. The ELM framework is open source, and this work is clearly becoming a useful, versatile toolkit for the IoT and TinyML research and development community

    Deep Learning Algorithms on Embedded Devices

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    Táto práca popisuje v súčastnosti široko používané architektúry a modely pre Hlboké Učenie, riešiace úlohu detekcie a klasifikácie objektov vo videu. Dôraz tu bude kladený na ich použiteľnosť na vstavaných zariadeniach. Postupne preberieme kroky a odvôvodňovanie pri výbere najlepšieho vstavaného systému pre našu aplikáciu. Ukážková aplikáci pozostáva hlavne z detekcie vozidiel a detekcie voľných parkovacích miest s využitím algoritmov Hlbokého Učenia. Táto aplikácia umožňuje monitorovať počet vozidiel, nachádzajúcich sa na parkovisku a zároveň rozhodnúť, či sa nachádzajú na prakovacom mieste alebo nie. Následne tu budú prebrané kroky nutné ku konfigurácii zariadenia s dôrazom na optimalizáciu hardvéru pre dosiahnutie čo najväčšej rýchlosti. V ďaľšej časti bude poskytnuté porovnanie vybraných modelov, ktoré budú porovnávané hlavne v kategóriách ako rýchlosť alebo F1 skóre. Najlepší kandidát bude použitý na riešenie našej aplikácie a následné testovanie jej vlastností s názvom Inteligentné parkovisko.This paper describes currently widely used Deep Learning architectures and methods for object detection and classification in video, with intention of using them on embedded systems. We will cover steps and reasoning when choosing the most appropriate embedded hardware for our application. Our test application consists of vehicle detection and free parking space detection using Deep learning methods, all wrapped under name Smart car park. This application provides monitoring of vehicle presence in car park and if they occupy parking spot or not. All this is expected to be done using embedded device. Later, there will be covered configuration steps for our embedded device with emphasis on hardware optimization for speed. We will provide comparison of available inference models, which will be rated mostly in categories like speed or F1 score, which have the biggest impact in our application. The best candidate will be selected and used for testing of our application.