15,890 research outputs found

    SurfelWarp: Efficient Non-Volumetric Single View Dynamic Reconstruction

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    We contribute a dense SLAM system that takes a live stream of depth images as input and reconstructs non-rigid deforming scenes in real time, without templates or prior models. In contrast to existing approaches, we do not maintain any volumetric data structures, such as truncated signed distance function (TSDF) fields or deformation fields, which are performance and memory intensive. Our system works with a flat point (surfel) based representation of geometry, which can be directly acquired from commodity depth sensors. Standard graphics pipelines and general purpose GPU (GPGPU) computing are leveraged for all central operations: i.e., nearest neighbor maintenance, non-rigid deformation field estimation and fusion of depth measurements. Our pipeline inherently avoids expensive volumetric operations such as marching cubes, volumetric fusion and dense deformation field update, leading to significantly improved performance. Furthermore, the explicit and flexible surfel based geometry representation enables efficient tackling of topology changes and tracking failures, which makes our reconstructions consistent with updated depth observations. Our system allows robots to maintain a scene description with non-rigidly deformed objects that potentially enables interactions with dynamic working environments.Comment: RSS 2018. The video and source code are available on https://sites.google.com/view/surfelwarp/hom

    MonoPerfCap: Human Performance Capture from Monocular Video

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    We present the first marker-less approach for temporally coherent 3D performance capture of a human with general clothing from monocular video. Our approach reconstructs articulated human skeleton motion as well as medium-scale non-rigid surface deformations in general scenes. Human performance capture is a challenging problem due to the large range of articulation, potentially fast motion, and considerable non-rigid deformations, even from multi-view data. Reconstruction from monocular video alone is drastically more challenging, since strong occlusions and the inherent depth ambiguity lead to a highly ill-posed reconstruction problem. We tackle these challenges by a novel approach that employs sparse 2D and 3D human pose detections from a convolutional neural network using a batch-based pose estimation strategy. Joint recovery of per-batch motion allows to resolve the ambiguities of the monocular reconstruction problem based on a low dimensional trajectory subspace. In addition, we propose refinement of the surface geometry based on fully automatically extracted silhouettes to enable medium-scale non-rigid alignment. We demonstrate state-of-the-art performance capture results that enable exciting applications such as video editing and free viewpoint video, previously infeasible from monocular video. Our qualitative and quantitative evaluation demonstrates that our approach significantly outperforms previous monocular methods in terms of accuracy, robustness and scene complexity that can be handled.Comment: Accepted to ACM TOG 2018, to be presented on SIGGRAPH 201

    Separating Reflection and Transmission Images in the Wild

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    The reflections caused by common semi-reflectors, such as glass windows, can impact the performance of computer vision algorithms. State-of-the-art methods can remove reflections on synthetic data and in controlled scenarios. However, they are based on strong assumptions and do not generalize well to real-world images. Contrary to a common misconception, real-world images are challenging even when polarization information is used. We present a deep learning approach to separate the reflected and the transmitted components of the recorded irradiance, which explicitly uses the polarization properties of light. To train it, we introduce an accurate synthetic data generation pipeline, which simulates realistic reflections, including those generated by curved and non-ideal surfaces, non-static scenes, and high-dynamic-range scenes.Comment: accepted at ECCV 201

    DTF-Net: Category-Level Pose Estimation and Shape Reconstruction via Deformable Template Field

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    Estimating 6D poses and reconstructing 3D shapes of objects in open-world scenes from RGB-depth image pairs is challenging. Many existing methods rely on learning geometric features that correspond to specific templates while disregarding shape variations and pose differences among objects in the same category. As a result, these methods underperform when handling unseen object instances in complex environments. In contrast, other approaches aim to achieve category-level estimation and reconstruction by leveraging normalized geometric structure priors, but the static prior-based reconstruction struggles with substantial intra-class variations. To solve these problems, we propose the DTF-Net, a novel framework for pose estimation and shape reconstruction based on implicit neural fields of object categories. In DTF-Net, we design a deformable template field to represent the general category-wise shape latent features and intra-category geometric deformation features. The field establishes continuous shape correspondences, deforming the category template into arbitrary observed instances to accomplish shape reconstruction. We introduce a pose regression module that shares the deformation features and template codes from the fields to estimate the accurate 6D pose of each object in the scene. We integrate a multi-modal representation extraction module to extract object features and semantic masks, enabling end-to-end inference. Moreover, during training, we implement a shape-invariant training strategy and a viewpoint sampling method to further enhance the model's capability to extract object pose features. Extensive experiments on the REAL275 and CAMERA25 datasets demonstrate the superiority of DTF-Net in both synthetic and real scenes. Furthermore, we show that DTF-Net effectively supports grasping tasks with a real robot arm.Comment: The first two authors are with equal contributions. Paper accepted by ACM MM 202

    Non-rigid Reconstruction with a Single Moving RGB-D Camera

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    We present a novel non-rigid reconstruction method using a moving RGB-D camera. Current approaches use only non-rigid part of the scene and completely ignore the rigid background. Non-rigid parts often lack sufficient geometric and photometric information for tracking large frame-to-frame motion. Our approach uses camera pose estimated from the rigid background for foreground tracking. This enables robust foreground tracking in situations where large frame-to-frame motion occurs. Moreover, we are proposing a multi-scale deformation graph which improves non-rigid tracking without compromising the quality of the reconstruction. We are also contributing a synthetic dataset which is made publically available for evaluating non-rigid reconstruction methods. The dataset provides frame-by-frame ground truth geometry of the scene, the camera trajectory, and masks for background foreground. Experimental results show that our approach is more robust in handling larger frame-to-frame motions and provides better reconstruction compared to state-of-the-art approaches.Comment: Accepted in International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR 2018
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