704 research outputs found

    Medical Image Classification via SVM using LBP Features from Saliency-Based Folded Data

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    Good results on image classification and retrieval using support vector machines (SVM) with local binary patterns (LBPs) as features have been extensively reported in the literature where an entire image is retrieved or classified. In contrast, in medical imaging, not all parts of the image may be equally significant or relevant to the image retrieval application at hand. For instance, in lung x-ray image, the lung region may contain a tumour, hence being highly significant whereas the surrounding area does not contain significant information from medical diagnosis perspective. In this paper, we propose to detect salient regions of images during training and fold the data to reduce the effect of irrelevant regions. As a result, smaller image areas will be used for LBP features calculation and consequently classification by SVM. We use IRMA 2009 dataset with 14,410 x-ray images to verify the performance of the proposed approach. The results demonstrate the benefits of saliency-based folding approach that delivers comparable classification accuracies with state-of-the-art but exhibits lower computational cost and storage requirements, factors highly important for big data analytics.Comment: To appear in proceedings of The 14th International Conference on Machine Learning and Applications (IEEE ICMLA 2015), Miami, Florida, USA, 201

    Sabanci-Okan system at ImageClef 2011: plant identication task

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    We describe our participation in the plant identication task of ImageClef 2011. Our approach employs a variety of texture, shape as well as color descriptors. Due to the morphometric properties of plants, mathematical morphology has been advocated as the main methodology for texture characterization, supported by a multitude of contour-based shape and color features. We submitted a single run, where the focus has been almost exclusively on scan and scan-like images, due primarily to lack of time. Moreover, special care has been taken to obtain a fully automatic system, operating only on image data. While our photo results are low, we consider our submission successful, since besides being our rst attempt, our accuracy is the highest when considering the average of the scan and scan-like results, upon which we had concentrated our eorts

    Machine learning methods for histopathological image analysis

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    Abundant accumulation of digital histopathological images has led to the increased demand for their analysis, such as computer-aided diagnosis using machine learning techniques. However, digital pathological images and related tasks have some issues to be considered. In this mini-review, we introduce the application of digital pathological image analysis using machine learning algorithms, address some problems specific to such analysis, and propose possible solutions.Comment: 23 pages, 4 figure

    Plant image retrieval using color, shape and texture features

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    We present a content-based image retrieval system for plant image retrieval, intended especially for the house plant identification problem. A plant image consists of a collection of overlapping leaves and possibly flowers, which makes the problem challenging.We studied the suitability of various well-known color, shape and texture features for this problem, as well as introducing some new texture matching techniques and shape features. Feature extraction is applied after segmenting the plant region from the background using the max-flow min-cut technique. Results on a database of 380 plant images belonging to 78 different types of plants show promise of the proposed new techniques and the overall system: in 55% of the queries, the correct plant image is retrieved among the top-15 results. Furthermore, the accuracy goes up to 73% when a 132-image subset of well-segmented plant images are considered

    A Method Of Content-based Image Retrieval For The Generation Of Image Mosaics

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    An image mosaic is an artistic work that uses a number of smaller images creatively combined together to form another larger image. Each building block image, or tessera, has its own distinctive and meaningful content, but when viewed from a distance the tesserae come together to form an aesthetically pleasing montage. This work presents the design and implementation of MosaiX, a computer software system that generates these image mosaics automatically. To control the image mosaic creation process, several parameters are used within the system. Each parameter affects the overall mosaic quality, as well as required processing time, in its own unique way. A detailed analysis is performed to evaluate each parameter individually. Additionally, this work proposes two novel ways by which to evaluate the quality of an image mosaic in a quantitative way. One method focuses on the perceptual color accuracy of the mosaic reproduction, while the other concentrates on edge replication. Both measures include preprocessing to take into account the unique visual features present in an image mosaic. Doing so minimizes quality penalization due the inherent properties of an image mosaic that make them visually appealing


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    Pencarian gambar berdasarkan gambar pada database, seringkali dilakukan untuk mengatasi duplikasi pada suatu karya. Content Based Image Retrieval (CBIR) Citra Bunga adalah engine pada komputer untuk melakukan pencarian gambar berdasarkan gambar pada database. Penelitian pada Content Based Image Retrieval (CBIR) Citra Bunga telah dilakukan oleh banyak peneliti. Permasalahan terjadi ketika memilih metode pendekatan seperti preprocessing, ekstraksi fitur dan similarity measure pada CBIR Citra Bunga. Pendekatan yang tidak sesuai dengan data yang diuji, tidak akan memberikan hasil yang optimal. Untuk mengetahui tingkat keberhasilan pendekatan yang digunakan pada CBIR Citra Bunga, digunakan perhitungan nilai precision. Pada penelitian ini, dataset yang akan digunakan adalah dataset Oxford Flower 17. Berdasarkan penelitian sebelumnya, untuk mendapatkan nilai precision yang lebih baik, penelitian ini akan menggunakan ekstraksi fitur warna Hue Saturation Value (HSV), ekstraksi fitur tekstur Gray Level Co-occurrence Matrix (GLCM), dan gabungan kedua fitur dengan pendekatan histogram. Pada penelitian CBIR Citra Bunga ini, terdapat tiga proses yaitu segmentasi menggunakan thresholding, proses ekstraksi fitur, dan pengukuran tingkat kemiripan citra dengan Euclidean Distance. Pengujian pada sistem dilakukan berdasarkan citra yang tersegmentasi dan tidak tersegmentasi. Pengujian sistem dengan hasil Mean Average Precision (MAP) terbesar dihasilkan oleh proses ekstraksi fitur GLCM tidak tersegmentasi sebesar 87,32%, dan untuk nilai MAP terbesar pada citra tersegmentasi dihasilkan pada proses ekstraksi fitur HSV sebesar 83,35%. Kata kunci: Content Based Image Retrieval, ekstraksi fitur HSV, ekstraksi fitur GLCM, thresholding, Euclidean Distance, Mean Average Precision (MAP);--- Searching images based on images in the database, often done to overcome duplication of a work. Content Based Image Retrieval (CBIR) Flower Image is the engine on the computer To perform image-based image search on the database. Research on Content Based Image Retrieval (CBIR) Flower Image has been done by many researchers. Problems occur when choosing approaches such as preprocessing, feature extraction and similarity measure in CBIR Flower Image. Approaches which don't correspond with the data image test, would not provide optimal results. To know the success rate of approach used in CBIR Flower Image, the calculation of precision value is used. In this study, the dataset that will be used is dataset Oxford Flower 17. Based on previous research, to get better precision value, this research will use Hue Saturation Value (HSV) feature extraction, feature extraction of Gray Level Co-occurrence Matrix (GLCM) texture, and combination of both features with histogram approach. In this research, there are three processes: segmentation using thresholding, feature extraction process, and measurement of image similarity level with Euclidean Distance. For testing the system, is based on segmented image and non-segmented image. The result of the largest Mean Average Precision (MAP) produced in this study, resulted from the process of unsegmented image by the GLCM feature extraction of 87.32%, and for the largest MAP value in the segmented image produced by the HSV feature extraction process of 83.35%. Keywords: Content Based Image Retrieval, feature extraction HSV, feature extraction GLCM, thresholding, Euclidean Distance, Mean Average Precision (MAP