4,033 research outputs found

    Automatic human face detection for content-based image annotation

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    In this paper, an automatic human face detection approach using colour analysis is applied for content-based image annotation. In the face detection, the probable face region is detected by adaptive boosting algorithm, and then combined with a colour filtering classifier to enhance the accuracy in face detection. The initial experimental benchmark shows the proposed scheme can be efficiently applied for image annotation with higher fidelity

    Relating visual and semantic image descriptors

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    This paper addresses the automatic analysis of visual content and extraction of metadata beyond pure visual descriptors. Two approaches are described: Automatic Image Annotation (AIA) and Confidence Clustering (CC). AIA attempts to automatically classify images based on two binary classifiers and is designed for the consumer electronics domain. Contrastingly, the CC approach does not attempt to assign a unique label to images but rather to organise the database based on concepts

    Indexing of fictional video content for event detection and summarisation

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    This paper presents an approach to movie video indexing that utilises audiovisual analysis to detect important and meaningful temporal video segments, that we term events. We consider three event classes, corresponding to dialogues, action sequences, and montages, where the latter also includes musical sequences. These three event classes are intuitive for a viewer to understand and recognise whilst accounting for over 90% of the content of most movies. To detect events we leverage traditional filmmaking principles and map these to a set of computable low-level audiovisual features. Finite state machines (FSMs) are used to detect when temporal sequences of specific features occur. A set of heuristics, again inspired by filmmaking conventions, are then applied to the output of multiple FSMs to detect the required events. A movie search system, named MovieBrowser, built upon this approach is also described. The overall approach is evaluated against a ground truth of over twenty-three hours of movie content drawn from various genres and consistently obtains high precision and recall for all event classes. A user experiment designed to evaluate the usefulness of an event-based structure for both searching and browsing movie archives is also described and the results indicate the usefulness of the proposed approach

    Beat-Event Detection in Action Movie Franchises

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    While important advances were recently made towards temporally localizing and recognizing specific human actions or activities in videos, efficient detection and classification of long video chunks belonging to semantically defined categories such as "pursuit" or "romance" remains challenging.We introduce a new dataset, Action Movie Franchises, consisting of a collection of Hollywood action movie franchises. We define 11 non-exclusive semantic categories - called beat-categories - that are broad enough to cover most of the movie footage. The corresponding beat-events are annotated as groups of video shots, possibly overlapping.We propose an approach for localizing beat-events based on classifying shots into beat-categories and learning the temporal constraints between shots. We show that temporal constraints significantly improve the classification performance. We set up an evaluation protocol for beat-event localization as well as for shot classification, depending on whether movies from the same franchise are present or not in the training data
