23,474 research outputs found

    Folds and Buckles at the Nanoscale: Experimental and Theoretical Investigation of the Bending Properties of Graphene Membranes

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    The elastic properties of graphene crystals have been extensively investigated, revealing unique properties in the linear and nonlinear regimes, when the membranes are under either stretching or bending loading conditions. Nevertheless less knowledge has been developed so far on folded graphene membranes and ribbons. It has been recently suggested that fold-induced curvatures, without in-plane strain, can affect the local chemical reactivity, the mechanical properties, and the electron transfer in graphene membranes. This intriguing perspective envisages a materials-by-design approach through the engineering of folding and bending to develop enhanced nano-resonators or nano-electro-mechanical devices. Here we present a novel methodology to investigate the mechanical properties of folded and wrinkled graphene crystals, combining transmission electron microscopy mapping of 3D curvatures and theoretical modeling based on continuum elasticity theory and tight-binding atomistic simulations

    Dynamical heterogeneity in soft particle suspensions under shear

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    We present experimental measurements of dynamical heterogeneities in a dense system of microgel spheres, sheared at different rates and at different packing fractions in a microfluidic channel, and visualized with high speed digital video microscopy. A four-point dynamic susceptibility is deduced from video correlations, and is found to exhibit a peak that grows in height and shifts to longer times as the jamming transition is approached from two different directions. In particular, the time for particle-size root-mean square relative displacements is found to scale as τ∗∼(γ˙Δϕ4)−1\tau^* \sim (\dot \gamma \Delta \phi^4)^{-1} where γ˙\dot\gamma is the strain rate and Δϕ=∣ϕ−ϕc∣\Delta\phi=|\phi-\phi_c| is the distance from the random close packing volume fraction. The typical number of particles in a dynamical heterogeneity is deduced from the susceptibility peak height and found to scale as n∗∼(γ˙Δϕ4)−0.3n^* \sim (\dot \gamma \Delta \phi^4)^{-0.3}. Exponent uncertainties are less than ten percent. We emphasize that the same power-law behavior is found at packing fractions above and below ϕc\phi_c. Thus, our results considerably extend a previous observation of n∗∼γ˙−0.3n^* \sim \dot\gamma^{-0.3} for granular heap flow at fixed packing below ϕc\phi_c. Furthermore, the implied result n∗∼(τ∗)0.3n^*\sim (\tau^*)^{0.3} compares well with expectation from mode-coupling theory and with prior observations for driven granular systems

    Simulating Organogenesis in COMSOL: Tissue Mechanics

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    During growth, tissue expands and deforms. Given its elastic properties, stresses emerge in an expanding and deforming tissue. Cell rearrangements can dissipate these stresses and numerous experiments confirm the viscoelastic properties of tissues [1]-[4]. On long time scales, as characteristic for many developmental processes, tissue is therefore typically represented as a liquid, viscous material and is then described by the Stokes equation [5]-[7]. On short time scales, however, tissues have mainly elastic properties. In discrete cell-based tissue models, the elastic tissue properties are realized by springs between cell vertices [8], [9]. In this article, we adopt a macroscale perspective of tissue and consider it as homogeneous material. Therefore, we may use the "Structural Mechanics" module in COMSOL Multiphysics in order to model the viscoelastic behavior of tissue. Concretely, we consider two examples: first, we aim at numerically reproducing published [10] analytical results for the sea urchin blastula. Afterwards, we numerically solve a continuum mechanics model for the compression and relaxation experiments presented in [4]
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