52,128 research outputs found

    An Efficient Algorithm for Video Super-Resolution Based On a Sequential Model

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    In this work, we propose a novel procedure for video super-resolution, that is the recovery of a sequence of high-resolution images from its low-resolution counterpart. Our approach is based on a "sequential" model (i.e., each high-resolution frame is supposed to be a displaced version of the preceding one) and considers the use of sparsity-enforcing priors. Both the recovery of the high-resolution images and the motion fields relating them is tackled. This leads to a large-dimensional, non-convex and non-smooth problem. We propose an algorithmic framework to address the latter. Our approach relies on fast gradient evaluation methods and modern optimization techniques for non-differentiable/non-convex problems. Unlike some other previous works, we show that there exists a provably-convergent method with a complexity linear in the problem dimensions. We assess the proposed optimization method on {several video benchmarks and emphasize its good performance with respect to the state of the art.}Comment: 37 pages, SIAM Journal on Imaging Sciences, 201

    Joint Reconstruction of Multi-view Compressed Images

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    The distributed representation of correlated multi-view images is an important problem that arise in vision sensor networks. This paper concentrates on the joint reconstruction problem where the distributively compressed correlated images are jointly decoded in order to improve the reconstruction quality of all the compressed images. We consider a scenario where the images captured at different viewpoints are encoded independently using common coding solutions (e.g., JPEG, H.264 intra) with a balanced rate distribution among different cameras. A central decoder first estimates the underlying correlation model from the independently compressed images which will be used for the joint signal recovery. The joint reconstruction is then cast as a constrained convex optimization problem that reconstructs total-variation (TV) smooth images that comply with the estimated correlation model. At the same time, we add constraints that force the reconstructed images to be consistent with their compressed versions. We show by experiments that the proposed joint reconstruction scheme outperforms independent reconstruction in terms of image quality, for a given target bit rate. In addition, the decoding performance of our proposed algorithm compares advantageously to state-of-the-art distributed coding schemes based on disparity learning and on the DISCOVER

    Sparsity driven ultrasound imaging

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    An image formation framework for ultrasound imaging from synthetic transducer arrays based on sparsity-driven regularization functionals using single-frequency Fourier domain data is proposed. The framework involves the use of a physics-based forward model of the ultrasound observation process, the formulation of image formation as the solution of an associated optimization problem, and the solution of that problem through efficient numerical algorithms. The sparsity-driven, model-based approach estimates a complex-valued reflectivity field and preserves physical features in the scene while suppressing spurious artifacts. It also provides robust reconstructions in the case of sparse and reduced observation apertures. The effectiveness of the proposed imaging strategy is demonstrated using experimental data
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