46,707 research outputs found

    Hierarchical Video Generation from Orthogonal Information: Optical Flow and Texture

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    Learning to represent and generate videos from unlabeled data is a very challenging problem. To generate realistic videos, it is important not only to ensure that the appearance of each frame is real, but also to ensure the plausibility of a video motion and consistency of a video appearance in the time direction. The process of video generation should be divided according to these intrinsic difficulties. In this study, we focus on the motion and appearance information as two important orthogonal components of a video, and propose Flow-and-Texture-Generative Adversarial Networks (FTGAN) consisting of FlowGAN and TextureGAN. In order to avoid a huge annotation cost, we have to explore a way to learn from unlabeled data. Thus, we employ optical flow as motion information to generate videos. FlowGAN generates optical flow, which contains only the edge and motion of the videos to be begerated. On the other hand, TextureGAN specializes in giving a texture to optical flow generated by FlowGAN. This hierarchical approach brings more realistic videos with plausible motion and appearance consistency. Our experiments show that our model generates more plausible motion videos and also achieves significantly improved performance for unsupervised action classification in comparison to previous GAN works. In addition, because our model generates videos from two independent information, our model can generate new combinations of motion and attribute that are not seen in training data, such as a video in which a person is doing sit-up in a baseball ground.Comment: Our supplemental material is available on http://www.mi.t.u-tokyo.ac.jp/assets/publication/hierarchical_video_generation_sup/ Accepted to AAAI201

    Semi-supervised FusedGAN for Conditional Image Generation

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    We present FusedGAN, a deep network for conditional image synthesis with controllable sampling of diverse images. Fidelity, diversity and controllable sampling are the main quality measures of a good image generation model. Most existing models are insufficient in all three aspects. The FusedGAN can perform controllable sampling of diverse images with very high fidelity. We argue that controllability can be achieved by disentangling the generation process into various stages. In contrast to stacked GANs, where multiple stages of GANs are trained separately with full supervision of labeled intermediate images, the FusedGAN has a single stage pipeline with a built-in stacking of GANs. Unlike existing methods, which requires full supervision with paired conditions and images, the FusedGAN can effectively leverage more abundant images without corresponding conditions in training, to produce more diverse samples with high fidelity. We achieve this by fusing two generators: one for unconditional image generation, and the other for conditional image generation, where the two partly share a common latent space thereby disentangling the generation. We demonstrate the efficacy of the FusedGAN in fine grained image generation tasks such as text-to-image, and attribute-to-face generation

    Informative sample generation using class aware generative adversarial networks for classification of chest Xrays

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    Training robust deep learning (DL) systems for disease detection from medical images is challenging due to limited images covering different disease types and severity. The problem is especially acute, where there is a severe class imbalance. We propose an active learning (AL) framework to select most informative samples for training our model using a Bayesian neural network. Informative samples are then used within a novel class aware generative adversarial network (CAGAN) to generate realistic chest xray images for data augmentation by transferring characteristics from one class label to another. Experiments show our proposed AL framework is able to achieve state-of-the-art performance by using about 35%35\% of the full dataset, thus saving significant time and effort over conventional methods

    Deep Video Generation, Prediction and Completion of Human Action Sequences

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    Current deep learning results on video generation are limited while there are only a few first results on video prediction and no relevant significant results on video completion. This is due to the severe ill-posedness inherent in these three problems. In this paper, we focus on human action videos, and propose a general, two-stage deep framework to generate human action videos with no constraints or arbitrary number of constraints, which uniformly address the three problems: video generation given no input frames, video prediction given the first few frames, and video completion given the first and last frames. To make the problem tractable, in the first stage we train a deep generative model that generates a human pose sequence from random noise. In the second stage, a skeleton-to-image network is trained, which is used to generate a human action video given the complete human pose sequence generated in the first stage. By introducing the two-stage strategy, we sidestep the original ill-posed problems while producing for the first time high-quality video generation/prediction/completion results of much longer duration. We present quantitative and qualitative evaluation to show that our two-stage approach outperforms state-of-the-art methods in video generation, prediction and video completion. Our video result demonstration can be viewed at https://iamacewhite.github.io/supp/index.htmlComment: Under review for CVPR 2018. Haoye and Chunyan have equal contributio

    Attribute-Guided Face Generation Using Conditional CycleGAN

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    We are interested in attribute-guided face generation: given a low-res face input image, an attribute vector that can be extracted from a high-res image (attribute image), our new method generates a high-res face image for the low-res input that satisfies the given attributes. To address this problem, we condition the CycleGAN and propose conditional CycleGAN, which is designed to 1) handle unpaired training data because the training low/high-res and high-res attribute images may not necessarily align with each other, and to 2) allow easy control of the appearance of the generated face via the input attributes. We demonstrate impressive results on the attribute-guided conditional CycleGAN, which can synthesize realistic face images with appearance easily controlled by user-supplied attributes (e.g., gender, makeup, hair color, eyeglasses). Using the attribute image as identity to produce the corresponding conditional vector and by incorporating a face verification network, the attribute-guided network becomes the identity-guided conditional CycleGAN which produces impressive and interesting results on identity transfer. We demonstrate three applications on identity-guided conditional CycleGAN: identity-preserving face superresolution, face swapping, and frontal face generation, which consistently show the advantage of our new method.Comment: ECCV 201

    AttnGAN: Fine-Grained Text to Image Generation with Attentional Generative Adversarial Networks

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    In this paper, we propose an Attentional Generative Adversarial Network (AttnGAN) that allows attention-driven, multi-stage refinement for fine-grained text-to-image generation. With a novel attentional generative network, the AttnGAN can synthesize fine-grained details at different subregions of the image by paying attentions to the relevant words in the natural language description. In addition, a deep attentional multimodal similarity model is proposed to compute a fine-grained image-text matching loss for training the generator. The proposed AttnGAN significantly outperforms the previous state of the art, boosting the best reported inception score by 14.14% on the CUB dataset and 170.25% on the more challenging COCO dataset. A detailed analysis is also performed by visualizing the attention layers of the AttnGAN. It for the first time shows that the layered attentional GAN is able to automatically select the condition at the word level for generating different parts of the image