856 research outputs found

    Advanced Three-dimensional Echocardiography

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    CardiacNET: Segmentation of Left Atrium and Proximal Pulmonary Veins from MRI Using Multi-View CNN

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    Anatomical and biophysical modeling of left atrium (LA) and proximal pulmonary veins (PPVs) is important for clinical management of several cardiac diseases. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) allows qualitative assessment of LA and PPVs through visualization. However, there is a strong need for an advanced image segmentation method to be applied to cardiac MRI for quantitative analysis of LA and PPVs. In this study, we address this unmet clinical need by exploring a new deep learning-based segmentation strategy for quantification of LA and PPVs with high accuracy and heightened efficiency. Our approach is based on a multi-view convolutional neural network (CNN) with an adaptive fusion strategy and a new loss function that allows fast and more accurate convergence of the backpropagation based optimization. After training our network from scratch by using more than 60K 2D MRI images (slices), we have evaluated our segmentation strategy to the STACOM 2013 cardiac segmentation challenge benchmark. Qualitative and quantitative evaluations, obtained from the segmentation challenge, indicate that the proposed method achieved the state-of-the-art sensitivity (90%), specificity (99%), precision (94%), and efficiency levels (10 seconds in GPU, and 7.5 minutes in CPU).Comment: The paper is accepted by MICCAI 2017 for publicatio

    Advanced Three-dimensional Echocardiography

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    Multi-modality cardiac image computing: a survey

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    Multi-modality cardiac imaging plays a key role in the management of patients with cardiovascular diseases. It allows a combination of complementary anatomical, morphological and functional information, increases diagnosis accuracy, and improves the efficacy of cardiovascular interventions and clinical outcomes. Fully-automated processing and quantitative analysis of multi-modality cardiac images could have a direct impact on clinical research and evidence-based patient management. However, these require overcoming significant challenges including inter-modality misalignment and finding optimal methods to integrate information from different modalities. This paper aims to provide a comprehensive review of multi-modality imaging in cardiology, the computing methods, the validation strategies, the related clinical workflows and future perspectives. For the computing methodologies, we have a favored focus on the three tasks, i.e., registration, fusion and segmentation, which generally involve multi-modality imaging data, either combining information from different modalities or transferring information across modalities. The review highlights that multi-modality cardiac imaging data has the potential of wide applicability in the clinic, such as trans-aortic valve implantation guidance, myocardial viability assessment, and catheter ablation therapy and its patient selection. Nevertheless, many challenges remain unsolved, such as missing modality, modality selection, combination of imaging and non-imaging data, and uniform analysis and representation of different modalities. There is also work to do in defining how the well-developed techniques fit in clinical workflows and how much additional and relevant information they introduce. These problems are likely to continue to be an active field of research and the questions to be answered in the future

    Focal Spot, Summer/Fall 2004

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    Vessel tractography using an intensity based tensor model with branch detection

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    In this paper, we present a tubular structure seg- mentation method that utilizes a second order tensor constructed from directional intensity measurements, which is inspired from diffusion tensor image (DTI) modeling. The constructed anisotropic tensor which is fit inside a vessel drives the segmen- tation analogously to a tractography approach in DTI. Our model is initialized at a single seed point and is capable of capturing whole vessel trees by an automatic branch detection algorithm developed in the same framework. The centerline of the vessel as well as its thickness is extracted. Performance results within the Rotterdam Coronary Artery Algorithm Evaluation framework are provided for comparison with existing techniques. 96.4% average overlap with ground truth delineated by experts is obtained in addition to other measures reported in the paper. Moreover, we demonstrate further quantitative results over synthetic vascular datasets, and we provide quantitative experiments for branch detection on patient Computed Tomography Angiography (CTA) volumes, as well as qualitative evaluations on the same CTA datasets, from visual scores by a cardiologist expert

    4D FLOW CMR in congenital heart disease

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    This thesis showed that the use of a cloud-based reconstruction applicationwith advanced eddy currents correction, integrated with interactiveimaging evaluation tools allowed for remote visualization and interpretationof 4D flow data and that was sufficient for gross visualizationof aortic valve regurgitation. Further, this thesis demonstrated that bulkflow and pulmonary regurgitation can be accurately quantified using 4Dflow imaging analyzed. Peak systolic velocity over the pulmonary valvemay be underestimated. However, the measurement of peak systolicvelocity can be optimized if measured at the level of highest velocity inthe pulmonary artery. Also correlated against invasive measurements (inan animal model), this thesis shows that aorta flow and pulmonary flowcan be accurately and simultaneously measured by 4D flow MRI.When applied in clinical practice, 4D flow has extra advantages, of beingable to visualize flow pattern, vorticity and to predict aortic growth. InASD patients it can measure shunt volume directly following the septumframe by frame. In Fontan patients in can visualize better than standardMRI the Fontan circuit and it can measure flow at multiple points alongthe Fontan circuit. We observed in our Fontan population that shunt lesionswere very common, most of the time via veno-venous collaterals.Further using advanced computations, we showed that WSS angle wasthe only independent predictor of aortic growth in BAV patients. We alsoshowed the feasibility of GLS analysis on 4D flow MRI and presented anintegrative approach in which flow and functional data are acquired inone sequence.From the technical point of view, 4D flow MRI has proved to complementthe traditional components of the standard cardiac MR exams, enablingin-depth insights into hemodynamics. At this moment it proved its addedvalue, but in most of the cases it is not able yet to replace the standardexam. This is still due to long scanning times and relatively longpost-processing times.<br/

    Quantitative Assessment of Intra- and Inter-Modality Deformable Image Registration of the Heart, Left Ventricle, and Thoracic Aorta on Longitudinal 4D-CT and MR Images

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    Purpose Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)-based investigations into radiotherapy (RT)-induced cardiotoxicity require reliable registrations of magnetic resonance (MR) imaging to planning computed tomography (CT) for correlation to regional dose. In this study, the accuracy of intra- and inter-modality deformable image registration (DIR) of longitudinal four-dimensional CT (4D-CT) and MR images were evaluated for heart, left ventricle (LV), and thoracic aorta (TA). Methods and materials Non-cardiac-gated 4D-CT and T1 volumetric interpolated breath-hold examination (T1-VIBE) MRI datasets from five lung cancer patients were obtained at two breathing phases (inspiration/expiration) and two time points (before treatment and 5 weeks after initiating RT). Heart, LV, and TA were manually contoured. Each organ underwent three intramodal DIRs ((A) CT modality over time, (B) MR modality over time, and (C) MR contrast effect at the same time) and two intermodal DIRs ((D) CT/MR multimodality at same time and (E) CT/MR multimodality over time). Hausdorff distance (HD), mean distance to agreement (MDA), and Dice were evaluated and assessed for compliance with American Association of Physicists in Medicine (AAPM) Task Group (TG)-132 recommendations. Results Mean values of HD, MDA, and Dice under all registration scenarios for each region of interest ranged between 8.7 and 16.8 mm, 1.0 and 2.6 mm, and 0.85 and 0.95, respectively, and were within the TG-132 recommended range (MDA \u3c 3 mm, Dice \u3e 0.8). Intramodal DIR showed slightly better results compared to intermodal DIR. Heart and TA demonstrated higher registration accuracy compared to LV for all scenarios except for HD and Dice values in Group A. Significant differences for each metric and tissue of interest were noted between Groups B and D and between Groups B and E. MDA and Dice significantly differed between LV and heart in all registrations except for MDA in Group E. Conclusions DIR of the heart, LV, and TA between non-cardiac-gated longitudinal 4D-CT and MRI across two modalities, breathing phases, and pre/post-contrast is acceptably accurate per AAPM TG-132 guidelines. This study paves the way for future evaluation of RT-induced cardiotoxicity and its related factors using multimodality DIR

    4D FLOW CMR in congenital heart disease

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    This thesis showed that the use of a cloud-based reconstruction applicationwith advanced eddy currents correction, integrated with interactiveimaging evaluation tools allowed for remote visualization and interpretationof 4D flow data and that was sufficient for gross visualizationof aortic valve regurgitation. Further, this thesis demonstrated that bulkflow and pulmonary regurgitation can be accurately quantified using 4Dflow imaging analyzed. Peak systolic velocity over the pulmonary valvemay be underestimated. However, the measurement of peak systolicvelocity can be optimized if measured at the level of highest velocity inthe pulmonary artery. Also correlated against invasive measurements (inan animal model), this thesis shows that aorta flow and pulmonary flowcan be accurately and simultaneously measured by 4D flow MRI.When applied in clinical practice, 4D flow has extra advantages, of beingable to visualize flow pattern, vorticity and to predict aortic growth. InASD patients it can measure shunt volume directly following the septumframe by frame. In Fontan patients in can visualize better than standardMRI the Fontan circuit and it can measure flow at multiple points alongthe Fontan circuit. We observed in our Fontan population that shunt lesionswere very common, most of the time via veno-venous collaterals.Further using advanced computations, we showed that WSS angle wasthe only independent predictor of aortic growth in BAV patients. We alsoshowed the feasibility of GLS analysis on 4D flow MRI and presented anintegrative approach in which flow and functional data are acquired inone sequence.From the technical point of view, 4D flow MRI has proved to complementthe traditional components of the standard cardiac MR exams, enablingin-depth insights into hemodynamics. At this moment it proved its addedvalue, but in most of the cases it is not able yet to replace the standardexam. This is still due to long scanning times and relatively longpost-processing times.<br/