13 research outputs found

    Extracting real estate values of rental apartment floor plans using graph convolutional networks

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    Access graphs that indicate adjacency relationships from the perspective of flow lines of rooms are extracted automatically from a large number of floor plan images of a family-oriented rental apartment complex in Osaka Prefecture, Japan, based on a recently proposed access graph extraction method with slight modifications. We define and implement a graph convolutional network (GCN) for access graphs and propose a model to estimate the real estate value of access graphs as the floor plan value. The model, which includes the floor plan value and hedonic method using other general explanatory variables, is used to estimate rents and their estimation accuracies are compared. In addition, the features of the floor plan that explain the rent are analyzed from the learned convolution network. Therefore, a new model for comprehensively estimating the value of real estate floor plans is proposed and validated. The results show that the proposed method significantly improves the accuracy of rent estimation compared to that of conventional models, and it is possible to understand the specific spatial configuration rules that influence the value of a floor plan by analyzing the learned GCN

    Value Creation Through Home Staging in Real Estate Market

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    Objectives The main objective of this study was to explore home staging as a marketing tool in real estate market in Finland. This study aims to explore and evaluate the effects of home staging. Summary This study explores home staging as marketing tool. The marketing tool was studied using qualitative unstructured expert interviews. Two realtors and a stylist were interviewed. The effects of home staging were evaluated using in- depth consumer interviews. The consumer interviews were formed based on themes that were coded from the expert interviews. Ten consumers were interviewed. Conclusions Using home staging as a marketing tool is considered competitive advantage in real estate market. Home staging can be seen in high-quality photography and in social media marketing. This study suggests that home staging impact positively on consumer perception. In addition, consumers are willing to visit staged propertie

    Property Appraisal Platform

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    This document focuses on the internship in the company DeepNeuronic as part of the project ”Property Appraisal Platform”. This project’s main objective was to develop machine learning models capable of inferring real estate prices using machine learning models and a limited set of features capable of describing a property. In order to achieve the objective, the project was divided into two major phases. In the first phase the state of the art was studied and a dataset collection was put together with the aim of creating a comprehensive representation of the real estate market all across the globe. With this dataset collection available, a set of features was chosen according to their relevancy for the main problem. The second phase consisted of the major practical developments, such as the model creation and dataset improvements. With this in mind, the most relevant metrics were chosen and the models were evaluated in the chosen datasets, creating a set of baseline results to improve upon. Afterwards, multiple other experiments were done, tackling different areas of interest that could potentially improve upon the performance of the models. In total, four different models were evaluated and all the experiments improved upon the baseline results. As an highlight, in the last experiment we propose the transformation of the target label from the property price to the ”Coefficient of the price per square meter compared to the suburb average”. Using this new target label, the results obtained were considerably better. All of these experiments were redone in a new more complex dataset, with all of the experiments improving upon the baseline results obtained in this dataset, reinforcing the idea that these experiments can be used even in more complex datasets.Este documento foi criado no âmbito do estágio realizado na empresa DeepNeuronic como parte do projeto ”Plataforma de Avaliação de Propriedades”. O objetivo do mesmo foi desenvolver modelos de aprendizagem automática capazes de avaliar preços do mercado imobiliário usando modelos inteligentes e um conjunto limitado de características capazes de descrever uma propriedade. Para atingir este objetivo o projeto foi dividido em duas partes principais. Na primeira parte foi feito um estudo intensivo do estado da arte, e criada uma coleção de bancos de dados extensiva, representante do mercado imobiliário no mundo inteiro. Com esta coleção disponível, um conjunto de características foram escolhidas de acordo com a sua relevância para o problema em questão. A segunda fase consistiu nos desenvolvimentos práticos principais, envolvendo a criação de modelos e melhorias nos bancos de dados. Para isso foram escolhidas as métricas mais relevantes, e foram avaliados os modelos nos bancos de dados iniciais, criando assim um conjunto de resultados base. Seguidamente, múltiplas experiências foram feitas, abordando diferentes áreas de interesse que podiam potencialmente melhorar os resultados base. No total quatro modelos diferentes foram avaliados e as experiências realizadas todas melhoraram os resultados base obtidos. De especial relevância, na última experiência propomos a transformação do preço da propriedade para uma variável objetivo que pode ser descrita como o ”Coeficiente do preço por metro de área quadrado comparado à média do subúrbio”. Usando esta variável os resultados obtidos foram consideravelmente melhores, estas experiências foram refeitas em um novo banco de dados consideravelmente mais complexo, verificando-se também que todas estas experiências melhoram os resultados obtidos inicialmente, reforçando a ideia que estas experiências podem ser usadas mesmo em bancos de dados mais complexos

    Automated valuation model untuk estimasi nilai pasar rumah berbasis jaringan saraf tiruan backpropagation

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    Kebutuhan akan rumah tinggal yang meningkat tentunya berpengaruh kepada peningkatan jumlah transaksi rumah di berbagai wilayah. Setiap wilayah tentunya memiliki nilai tersendiri berdasarkan karakteristik tertentu yang menjadi acuan sebagai tempat tinggal. Penilaian nilai pasar rumah (Appraisal) menjadi hal yang penting ketika pemilik rumah hendak melakukan penjualan properti dengan nilai sesuai dengan standar yang berlaku. Computer-assisted Mass Appraisal (CAMA) mengalami perkembangan hingga menghasilkan metode Automated Valuation Model (AVM) yaitu penilaian otomatis dengan alat yang mampu memberikan penilaian properti menggunakan pemodelan matematika yang digabungkan dengan database. Penerapan AVM menggunakan Jaringan Saraf Tiruan (JST) dapat memudahkan appraisal dengan adanya pembobotan pada masing-masing kriteria baik dari kriteria tanah dan bangunan yang akan dinilai. AVM yang didasarkan pada metodologi JST mencakup berbagai karakteristik properti sebagai input dan estimasi nilai pasar sebagai output. Salah satu metode JST yaitu backpropagation yang berperan dalam pelatihan jaringan dengan tujuan penyeimbangan antara kemampuan pengenalan pola dengan pemberian respon yang benar terhadap pola input serupa namun tidak sama persis dengan pola yang digunakan dalam pelatihan tersebut. Klasifikasi dari AVM dengan algoritma JST backpropagation yang diukur menggunakan Confusion Matrix menghasilkan accuracy sebesar 80%


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    Rapid Digital transformation drives organizations to continually revitalize their business models so organizations can excel in such aggressive global competition. Intelligent Information Systems (IIS) have enabled organizations to achieve many strategic and market leverages. Despite the increasing intelligence competencies offered by IIS, they are still limited in many cognitive functions. Elevating the cognitive competencies offered by IIS would impact the organizational strategic positions. With the advent of Deep Learning (DL), IoT, and Edge Computing, IISs has witnessed a leap in their intelligence competencies. DL has been applied to many business areas and many industries such as real estate and manufacturing. Moreover, despite the complexity of DL models, many research dedicated efforts to apply DL to limited computational devices, such as IoTs. Applying deep learning for IoTs will turn everyday devices into intelligent interactive assistants. IISs suffer from many challenges that affect their service quality, process quality, and information quality. These challenges affected, in turn, user acceptance in terms of satisfaction, use, and trust. Moreover, Information Systems (IS) has conducted very little research on IIS development and the foreseeable contribution for the new paradigms to address IIS challenges. Therefore, this research aims to investigate how the employment of new AI paradigms would enhance the overall quality and consequently user acceptance of IIS. This research employs different AI paradigms to develop two different IIS. The first system uses deep learning, edge computing, and IoT to develop scene-aware ridesharing mentoring. The first developed system enhances the efficiency, privacy, and responsiveness of current ridesharing monitoring solutions. The second system aims to enhance the real estate searching process by formulating the search problem as a Multi-criteria decision. The system also allows users to filter properties based on their degree of damage, where a deep learning network allocates damages in 12 each real estate image. The system enhances real-estate website service quality by enhancing flexibility, relevancy, and efficiency. The research contributes to the Information Systems research by developing two Design Science artifacts. Both artifacts are adding to the IS knowledge base in terms of integrating different components, measurements, and techniques coherently and logically to effectively address important issues in IIS. The research also adds to the IS environment by addressing important business requirements that current methodologies and paradigms are not fulfilled. The research also highlights that most IIS overlook important design guidelines due to the lack of relevant evaluation metrics for different business problems