3,039 research outputs found

    Improving Texture Categorization with Biologically Inspired Filtering

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    Within the domain of texture classification, a lot of effort has been spent on local descriptors, leading to many powerful algorithms. However, preprocessing techniques have received much less attention despite their important potential for improving the overall classification performance. We address this question by proposing a novel, simple, yet very powerful biologically-inspired filtering (BF) which simulates the performance of human retina. In the proposed approach, given a texture image, after applying a DoG filter to detect the "edges", we first split the filtered image into two "maps" alongside the sides of its edges. The feature extraction step is then carried out on the two "maps" instead of the input image. Our algorithm has several advantages such as simplicity, robustness to illumination and noise, and discriminative power. Experimental results on three large texture databases show that with an extremely low computational cost, the proposed method improves significantly the performance of many texture classification systems, notably in noisy environments. The source codes of the proposed algorithm can be downloaded from https://sites.google.com/site/nsonvu/code.Comment: 11 page

    2D Face Recognition System Based on Selected Gabor Filters and Linear Discriminant Analysis LDA

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    We present a new approach for face recognition system. The method is based on 2D face image features using subset of non-correlated and Orthogonal Gabor Filters instead of using the whole Gabor Filter Bank, then compressing the output feature vector using Linear Discriminant Analysis (LDA). The face image has been enhanced using multi stage image processing technique to normalize it and compensate for illumination variation. Experimental results show that the proposed system is effective for both dimension reduction and good recognition performance when compared to the complete Gabor filter bank. The system has been tested using CASIA, ORL and Cropped YaleB 2D face images Databases and achieved average recognition rate of 98.9 %

    Biologically Inspired Processing for Lighting Robust Face Recognition

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    ISBN 978-953-307-489-4, Hard cover, 314 pagesNo abstrac

    Convolutional Color Constancy

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    Color constancy is the problem of inferring the color of the light that illuminated a scene, usually so that the illumination color can be removed. Because this problem is underconstrained, it is often solved by modeling the statistical regularities of the colors of natural objects and illumination. In contrast, in this paper we reformulate the problem of color constancy as a 2D spatial localization task in a log-chrominance space, thereby allowing us to apply techniques from object detection and structured prediction to the color constancy problem. By directly learning how to discriminate between correctly white-balanced images and poorly white-balanced images, our model is able to improve performance on standard benchmarks by nearly 40%

    A Spiking Neural Network Based Cortex-Like Mechanism and Application to Facial Expression Recognition

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    In this paper, we present a quantitative, highly structured cortex-simulated model, which can be simply described as feedforward, hierarchical simulation of ventral stream of visual cortex using biologically plausible, computationally convenient spiking neural network system. The motivation comes directly from recent pioneering works on detailed functional decomposition analysis of the feedforward pathway of the ventral stream of visual cortex and developments on artificial spiking neural networks (SNNs). By combining the logical structure of the cortical hierarchy and computing power of the spiking neuron model, a practical framework has been presented. As a proof of principle, we demonstrate our system on several facial expression recognition tasks. The proposed cortical-like feedforward hierarchy framework has the merit of capability of dealing with complicated pattern recognition problems, suggesting that, by combining the cognitive models with modern neurocomputational approaches, the neurosystematic approach to the study of cortex-like mechanism has the potential to extend our knowledge of brain mechanisms underlying the cognitive analysis and to advance theoretical models of how we recognize face or, more specifically, perceive other people’s facial expression in a rich, dynamic, and complex environment, providing a new starting point for improved models of visual cortex-like mechanism

    Polar Fusion Technique Analysis for Evaluating the Performances of Image Fusion of Thermal and Visual Images for Human Face Recognition

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    This paper presents a comparative study of two different methods, which are based on fusion and polar transformation of visual and thermal images. Here, investigation is done to handle the challenges of face recognition, which include pose variations, changes in facial expression, partial occlusions, variations in illumination, rotation through different angles, change in scale etc. To overcome these obstacles we have implemented and thoroughly examined two different fusion techniques through rigorous experimentation. In the first method log-polar transformation is applied to the fused images obtained after fusion of visual and thermal images whereas in second method fusion is applied on log-polar transformed individual visual and thermal images. After this step, which is thus obtained in one form or another, Principal Component Analysis (PCA) is applied to reduce dimension of the fused images. Log-polar transformed images are capable of handling complicacies introduced by scaling and rotation. The main objective of employing fusion is to produce a fused image that provides more detailed and reliable information, which is capable to overcome the drawbacks present in the individual visual and thermal face images. Finally, those reduced fused images are classified using a multilayer perceptron neural network. The database used for the experiments conducted here is Object Tracking and Classification Beyond Visible Spectrum (OTCBVS) database benchmark thermal and visual face images. The second method has shown better performance, which is 95.71% (maximum) and on an average 93.81% as correct recognition rate.Comment: Proceedings of IEEE Workshop on Computational Intelligence in Biometrics and Identity Management (IEEE CIBIM 2011), Paris, France, April 11 - 15, 201

    Multi Resonant Boundary Contour System

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