10 research outputs found

    Identity-Concealed Authenticated Encryption and Key Exchange

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    Identity concealment and zero-round trip time (0-RTT) connection are two of current research focuses in the design and analysis of secure transport protocols, like TLS1.3 and Google\u27s QUIC, in the client-server setting. In this work, we introduce a new primitive for identity-concealed authenticated encryption in the public-key setting, referred to as {higncryption, which can be viewed as a novel monolithic integration of public-key encryption, digital signature, and identity concealment. We present the security definitional framework for higncryption, and a conceptually simple (yet carefully designed) protocol construction. As a new primitive, higncryption can have many applications. In this work, we focus on its applications to 0-RTT authentication, showing higncryption is well suitable to and compatible with QUIC and OPTLS, and on its applications to identity-concealed authenticated key exchange (CAKE) and unilateral CAKE (UCAKE). In particular, we make a systematic study on applying and incorporating higncryption to TLS. Of independent interest is a new concise security definitional framework for CAKE and UCAKE proposed in this work, which unifies the traditional BR and (post-ID) frameworks, enjoys composability, and ensures very strong security guarantee. Along the way, we make a systematically comparative study with related protocols and mechanisms including Zheng\u27s signcryption, one-pass HMQV, QUIC, TLS1.3 and OPTLS, most of which are widely standardized or in use

    Identity-Concealed Authenticated Encryption from Ring Learning With Errors (Full version)

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    Authenticated encryption (AE) is very suitable for a resources constrained environment for it needs less computational costs and AE has become one of the important technologies of modern communication security. Identity concealment is one of research focuses in design and analysis of current secure transport protocols (such as TLS1.3 and Google\u27s QUIC). In this paper, we present a provably secure identity-concealed authenticated encryption in the public-key setting over ideal lattices, referred to as RLWE-ICAE. Our scheme can be regarded as a parallel extension of higncryption scheme proposed by Zhao (CCS 2016), but in the lattice-based setting. RLWE-ICAE can be viewed as a monolithic integration of public-key encryption, key agreement over ideal lattices, identity concealment and digital signature. The security of RLWE-ICAE is directly relied on the Ring Learning with Errors (RLWE) assumption. Two concrete choices of parameters are provided in the end

    Deep Learning IoT Malware Detection Model for IoMT Edge Devices

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    Internet of Things (IoT) is defined as the massive collection of physical devices being connected to the Internet. IoT has a positive impact in multiple fields, such as health, agriculture, and power management sectors by advancing them to new technical horizons. However, such advanced technologies introduce security challenges that can negatively affect IoT applications and possibly threaten their existence. In the health sector, for instance, Internet of medical things (IoMT) devices are used to perform tasks such as remote patient monitoring and to gather biometric information. Also, these devices are used as a base for several healthcare procedures such as prescribing medication. Several security breaches can occur to IoMT devices that may expose human privacy and security since the data collected and processed is very sensitive. In this thesis, we provide a light-weight malware detection deep learning model. The model is deployed on IoMT edge devices that can detect IoT specific malware. The proposed models utilize gray-scale images produced by the binary of malware files to classify malware from goodwares. The achieved results were promising in terms of malware classification accuracy, which might help prevent malware and secure the dedicated systems for IoMT devices and applications

    Simple Security Definitions for and Constructions of 0-RTT Key Exchange

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    Zero Round-Trip Time (0-RTT) key exchange protocols allow for the transmission of cryptographically protected payload data without requiring the prior exchange of messages of a cryptographic key exchange protocol, while providing perfect forward secrecy. The 0-RTT KE concept was first realized by Google in the QUIC Crypto protocol, and a 0-RTT mode has been intensively discussed for inclusion in TLS 1.3. In 0-RTT KE two keys are generated, typically using a Diffie-Hellman key exchange. The first key is a combination of an ephemeral client share and a long-lived server share. The second key is computed using an ephemeral server share and the same ephemeral client share. In this paper, we propose simple security models, which catch the intuition behind known 0-RTT KE protocols; namely that the first (respectively, second) key should remain indistinguishable from a random value, even if the second (respectively, first) key is revealed. We call this property strong key independence. We also give the first constructions of 0-RTT KE which are provably secure in these models, based on the generic assumption that secure non-interactive key exchange (NIKE) exists

    Muckle+: End-to-End Hybrid Authenticated Key Exchanges

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    End-to-end authenticity in public networks plays a significant role. Namely, without authenticity, the adversary might be able to retrieve even confidential information straight away by impersonating others. Proposed solutions to establish an authenticated channel cover pre-shared key-based, password-based, and certificate-based techniques. To add confidentiality to an authenticated channel, authenticated key exchange (AKE) protocols usually have one of the three solutions built in. As an amplification, hybrid AKE (HAKE) approaches are getting more popular nowadays and were presented in several flavors to incorporate classical, post-quantum, or quantum-key-distribution components. The main benefit is redundancy, i.e., if some of the components fail, the primitive still yields a confidential and authenticated channel. However, current HAKE instantiations either rely on pre-shared keys (which yields inefficient end-to-end authenticity) or only support one or two of the three above components (resulting in reduced redundancy and flexibility). In this work, we present an extension of a modular HAKE framework due to Dowling, Brandt Hansen, and Paterson (PQCrypto\u2720) that does not suffer from the above constraints. While their instantiation, dubbed Muckle, requires pre-shared keys (and hence yields inefficient end-to-end authenticity), our extended instantiation called Muckle+ utilizes post-quantum digital signatures. While replacing pre-shared keys with digital signatures is rather straightforward in general, this turned out to be surprisingly non-trivial when applied to HAKE frameworks (resulting in a significant model change with adapted proof techniques)

    Identity-Based Higncryption

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    Identity-based cryptography (IBC) is fundamental to security and privacy protection. Identity-based authenticated encryption (i.e., signcryption) is an important IBC primitive, which has numerous and promising applications. After two decades of research on signcryption,recently a new cryptographic primitive, named higncryption, was proposed. Higncryption can be viewed as privacy-enhanced signcryption, which integrates public key encryption, entity authentication, and identity concealment (which is not achieved in signcryption) into a monolithic primitive. Here, briefly speaking, identity concealment means that the transcript of protocol runs should not leak participants\u27 identity information. In this work, we propose the first identity-based higncryption (IBHigncryption). The most impressive feature of IBHigncryption, among others, is its simplicity and efficiency. The proposed IBHigncryption scheme is essentially as efficient as the fundamental CCA-secure Boneh-Franklin IBE scheme [18], while offering entity authentication and identity concealment simultaneously. Compared to the identity-based signcryption scheme [11], which is adopted in the IEEE P1363.3 standard, our IBHigncryption scheme is much simpler, and has significant efficiency advantage in total. Besides, our IBHigncryption enjoys forward ID-privacy, receiver deniability and x-security simultaneously. In addition, the proposed IBHigncryption has a much simpler setup stage with smaller public parameters, which in particular does not have the traditional master public key. Higncryption is itself one-pass identity-concealed authenticated key exchange without forward security for the receiver. Finally, by applying the transformation from higncryption to identity-concealed authenticated key exchange (CAKE), we get three-pass identity-based CAKE (IB-CAKE) with explicit mutual authentication and strong security (in particular, perfect forward security for both players). Specifically, the IB-CAKE protocol involves the composition of two runs of IBHigncryption, and has the following advantageous features inherited from IBHigncryption: (1) single pairing operation: each player performs only a single pairingoperation; (2) forward ID-privacy; (3) simple setup without master public key; (4) strong resilience to ephemeral state exposure, i.e., x-security; (5) reasonable deniability

    Privacy-Preserving Authenticated Key Exchange and the Case of IKEv2

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    In this paper, we present a strong, formal, and general-purpose cryptographic model for privacy-preserving authenticated key exchange (PPAKE) protocols. PPAKE protocols are secure in the traditional AKE sense but additionally guarantee the confidentiality of the identities used in communication sessions. Our model has several useful and novel features, among others: it is a proper extension of classical AKE models, guarantees in a strong sense that the confidentiality of session keys is independent from the secrecy of the used identities, and it is the first to support what we call dynamic modes, where the responsibility of selecting the identities of the communication partners may vary over several protocol runs. To the best of our knowlegde, this implements the first technical approach to deal with protocol options in AKE security models. We show the validity of our model by applying it to the cryptographic core of IPsec IKEv2 with signature-based authentication where the need for dynamic modes is practically well-motivated. In our analysis, we not only show that this protocol provides strong classical AKE security guarantees but also that the identities that are used by the parties remain hidden in successful protocol runs. Historically, the Internet Key Exchange (IKE) protocol was the first real-world AKE to incorporate privacy-preserving techniques. However, lately privacy-preserving techniques have gained renewed interest in the design process of important protocols like TLS 1.3 (with encrypted SNI) and NOISE. We believe that our new model can be a solid foundation to analyze these and other practical protocols with respect to their privacy guarantees, in particular, in the now so wide-spread scenario where multiple virtual servers are hosted on a single machine

    Privacy-Preserving Authenticated Key Exchange: Stronger Privacy and Generic Constructions

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    Authenticated key-exchange (AKE) protocols are an important class of protocols that allow two parties to establish a common session key over an insecure channel such as the Internet to then protect their communication. They are widely deployed in security protocols such as TLS, IPsec and SSH. Besides the confidentiality of the communicated data, an orthogonal but increasingly important goal is the protection of the confidentiality of the identities of the involved parties (aka privacy). For instance, the Encrypted Client Hello (ECH) mechanism for TLS 1.3 has been designed for exactly this reason. Recently, a series of works (Zhao CCS\u2716, Arfaoui et al. PoPETS\u2719, Schäge et al. PKC\u2720) studied privacy guarantees of (existing) AKE protocols by integrating privacy into AKE models. We observe that these so called privacy-preserving AKE (PPAKE) models are typically strongly tailored to the specific setting, i.e., concrete protocols they investigate. Moreover, the privacy guarantees in these models might be too weak (or even are non-existent) when facing active adversaries. In this work we set the goal to provide a single PPAKE model that captures privacy guarantees against different types of attacks, thereby covering previously proposed notions as well as so far not achieved privacy guarantees. In doing so, we obtain different degrees of privacy within a single model, which, in its strongest forms also capture privacy guarantees against powerful active adversaries. We then proceed to investigate (generic) constructions of AKE protocols that provide strong privacy guarantees in our PPAKE model. This includes classical Diffie-Hellman type protocols as well as protocols based on generic building blocks, thus covering post-quantum instantiations

    Handshake Privacy for TLS 1.3 - Technical report

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    TLS 1.3, the newest version of the Transport Layer Security (TLS) protocol, provides stronger authentication and confidentiality guarantees than prior TLS version. Despite additional encryption of handshake messages, some parts of the TLS 1.3 handshake, including the ClientHello, are still in the clear. For example, the protocol reveals the identity of the target server to network attackers, allowing the passive surveillance and active censorship of TLS connections. A recent privacy extension called Encrypted Client Hello (ECH, previously called ESNI) addresses this problem and offers more comprehensive handshake encryption and privacy for TLS 1.3. Surprisingly however, although the security of the TLS 1.3 handshake has been comprehensively analyzed in a variety of formal models, the privacy guarantees of handshake encryption have never been formally studied. This gap has resulted in several mis-steps: several of the initial designs for ECH were found to be vulnerable to passive and active network attacks. In this paper, we present the first mechanized formal analysis of privacy properties for the TLS 1.3 handshake. We study all standard modes of TLS 1.3, with and without ECH, using the symbolic protocol analyzer ProVerif. We discuss attacks on ECH, some found during the course of this study, and show how they are accounted for in the latest version. Our analysis has helped guide the standardization process for ECH and we provide concrete privacy recommendations for TLS implementors. We also contribute the most comprehensive model of TLS 1.3 to date, which can be used by designers experimenting with new extensions to the protocol. Ours is one of the largest privacy proofs attempted in ProVerif and our modeling strategies may be of general interest to protocol analysts

    Optimal Key Consensus in Presence of Noise

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    In this work, we abstract some key ingredients in previous key exchange protocols based on LWE and its variants, by introducing and formalizing the building tool, referred to as key consensus (KC) and its asymmetric variant AKC. KC and AKC allow two communicating parties to reach consensus from close values obtained by some secure information exchange. We then discover upper bounds on parameters for any KC and AKC. KC and AKC are fundamental to lattice based cryptography, in the sense that a list of cryptographic primitives based on LWE and its variants (including key exchange, public-key encryption, and more) can be modularly constructed from them. As a conceptual contribution, this much simplifies the design and analysis of these cryptosystems in the future. We then design and analyze both general and highly practical KC and AKC schemes, which are referred to as OKCN and AKCN respectively for presentation simplicity. Based on KC and AKC, we present generic constructions of key exchange (KE) from LWR, LWE, RLWE and MLWE. The generic construction allows versatile instantiations with our OKCN and AKCN schemes, for which we elaborate on evaluating and choosing the concrete parameters in order to achieve a well-balanced performance among security, computational cost, bandwidth efficiency, error rate, and operation simplicity