6 research outputs found

    Anonymous and Adaptively Secure Revocable IBE with Constant Size Public Parameters

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    In Identity-Based Encryption (IBE) systems, key revocation is non-trivial. This is because a user's identity is itself a public key. Moreover, the private key corresponding to the identity needs to be obtained from a trusted key authority through an authenticated and secrecy protected channel. So far, there exist only a very small number of revocable IBE (RIBE) schemes that support non-interactive key revocation, in the sense that the user is not required to interact with the key authority or some kind of trusted hardware to renew her private key without changing her public key (or identity). These schemes are either proven to be only selectively secure or have public parameters which grow linearly in a given security parameter. In this paper, we present two constructions of non-interactive RIBE that satisfy all the following three attractive properties: (i) proven to be adaptively secure under the Symmetric External Diffie-Hellman (SXDH) and the Decisional Linear (DLIN) assumptions; (ii) have constant-size public parameters; and (iii) preserve the anonymity of ciphertexts---a property that has not yet been achieved in all the current schemes

    Identity-based Encryption with Efficient Revocation

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    Identity-based encryption (IBE) is an exciting alternative to public-key encryption, as IBE eliminates the need for a Public Key Infrastructure (PKI). Any setting, PKI- or identity-based, must provide a means to revoke users from the system. Efficient revocation is a well-studied problem in the traditional PKI setting. However in the setting of IBE, there has been little work on studying the revocation mechanisms. The most practical solution requires the senders to also use time periods when encrypting, and all the receivers (regardless of whether their keys have been compromised or not) to update their private keys regularly by contacting the trusted authority. We note that this solution does not scale well -- as the number of users increases, the work on key updates becomes a bottleneck. We propose an IBE scheme that significantly improves key-update efficiency on the side of the trusted party (from linear to logarithmic in the number of users), while staying efficient for the users. Our scheme builds on the ideas of the Fuzzy IBE primitive and binary tree data structure, and is provably secure

    Identity-based hierarchical strongly key-insulated encryption and its application

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    In this paper, we discuss non-interactive updating of decryption keys in identity-based encryption (IBE). In practice, key revocation is a necessary and inevitable process and IBE is no exception when it comes to having to manage revocation of decryption keys without losing its merits in efficiency. Our main contribution of this paper is to propose novel constructions of IBE where a decryption key can be renewed without having to make changes to its public key, i.e. user’s identity. We achieve this by extending the hierarchical IBE (HIBE). Regarding security, we address semantic security against adaptive chosen ciphertext attacks for a very strong attack environment that models all possible types of key exposures in the random oracle model. In addition to this, we show method of constructing a partially collusion resistant HIBE from arbitrary IBE in the random oracle model. By combining both results, we can construct an IBE with non-interactive key update from only an arbitrary IBE

    Name service and routing for traffic anonymizing networks

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    Orientador: Julio Cesar Lopez HernandezDissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de ComputaçãoResumo: Em diversos cenários, é desejável que não apenas o conteúdo de uma comunicação seja preservado, mas também a identidade dos seus participantes. Satisfazer esta propriedade requer mecanismos diferentes dos comumente utilizados para fornecer sigilo e autenticidade. Neste trabalho, a problemática da comunicação anônima na Internet é abordada a partir do projeto e implementação de componentes específicos para este fim. Em particular, são apresentados um componente para roteamento anônimo eficiente em sistemas peer-to-peer estruturados e um serviço de nomes para facilitar a publicação de serviços anonimizados. As principais contribuições deste trabalho são: (i) estudo de definições, métricas e técnicas relacionadas a anonimato computacional; (ii) estudo do paradigma de Criptografia de Chave Pública Sem Certificados; (iii) projeto de uma rede de anonimização completa, adequada tanto para comunicação genérica como para funcionalidade específica; (iv) estudo e projeto de esquemas de roteamento em ambientes anônimos; (v) projeto de um serviço de nomes que aplica técnicas criptográficas avançadas para fornecer suporte a serviços anonimizados; (vi) implementação em software dos conceitos apresentadosAbstract: In several scenarios, it¿s desirable to protect not only the content of a communication, but the identities of its participants. To satisfy this property, different techniques from those used to support confidentiality and authentication are commonly required. In this work, the problem of anonymous communication on the Internet is explored through the design and implementation of specific components with this function. In particular, a name service and a routing component for anonymous environments are presented. The main contributions of this work are: (i) the study of definitions, metrics and techniques related to computational anonymity; (ii) the study of Certificateless Public Key Cryptography, a new model of public key cryptography; (iii) the design of a complete anonymization network, suitable for both generic communication and dedicated functionality; (iv) the study and design of routing schemes for anonymous communication; (v) the design of a name service to support location-hidden services in the anonymous network; (vi) the implementation of the concepts presented.MestradoCriptografia e Segurança ComputacionalMestre em Ciência da Computaçã