12 research outputs found

    Locating-dominating sets in twin-free graphs

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    A locating-dominating set of a graph GG is a dominating set DD of GG with the additional property that every two distinct vertices outside DD have distinct neighbors in DD; that is, for distinct vertices uu and vv outside DD, N(u)∩D≠N(v)∩DN(u) \cap D \ne N(v) \cap D where N(u)N(u) denotes the open neighborhood of uu. A graph is twin-free if every two distinct vertices have distinct open and closed neighborhoods. The location-domination number of GG, denoted γL(G)\gamma_L(G), is the minimum cardinality of a locating-dominating set in GG. It is conjectured [D. Garijo, A. Gonz\'alez and A. M\'arquez. The difference between the metric dimension and the determining number of a graph. Applied Mathematics and Computation 249 (2014), 487--501] that if GG is a twin-free graph of order nn without isolated vertices, then γL(G)≤n2\gamma_L(G)\le \frac{n}{2}. We prove the general bound γL(G)≤2n3\gamma_L(G)\le \frac{2n}{3}, slightly improving over the ⌊2n3⌋+1\lfloor\frac{2n}{3}\rfloor+1 bound of Garijo et al. We then provide constructions of graphs reaching the n2\frac{n}{2} bound, showing that if the conjecture is true, the family of extremal graphs is a very rich one. Moreover, we characterize the trees GG that are extremal for this bound. We finally prove the conjecture for split graphs and co-bipartite graphs.Comment: 11 pages; 4 figure

    Resolving sets for breaking symmetries of graphs

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    This paper deals with the maximum value of the difference between the determining number and the metric dimension of a graph as a function of its order. Our technique requires to use locating-dominating sets, and perform an independent study on other functions related to these sets. Thus, we obtain lower and upper bounds on all these functions by means of very diverse tools. Among them are some adequate constructions of graphs, a variant of a classical result in graph domination and a polynomial time algorithm that produces both distinguishing sets and determining sets. Further, we consider specific families of graphs where the restrictions of these functions can be computed. To this end, we utilize two well-known objects in graph theory: kk-dominating sets and matchings.Comment: 24 pages, 12 figure

    Location-domination in line graphs

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    A set DD of vertices of a graph GG is locating if every two distinct vertices outside DD have distinct neighbors in DD; that is, for distinct vertices uu and vv outside DD, N(u)∩D≠N(v)∩DN(u) \cap D \neq N(v) \cap D, where N(u)N(u) denotes the open neighborhood of uu. If DD is also a dominating set (total dominating set), it is called a locating-dominating set (respectively, locating-total dominating set) of GG. A graph GG is twin-free if every two distinct vertices of GG have distinct open and closed neighborhoods. It is conjectured [D. Garijo, A. Gonzalez and A. Marquez, The difference between the metric dimension and the determining number of a graph. Applied Mathematics and Computation 249 (2014), 487--501] and [F. Foucaud and M. A. Henning. Locating-total dominating sets in twin-free graphs: a conjecture. The Electronic Journal of Combinatorics 23 (2016), P3.9] respectively, that any twin-free graph GG without isolated vertices has a locating-dominating set of size at most one-half its order and a locating-total dominating set of size at most two-thirds its order. In this paper, we prove these two conjectures for the class of line graphs. Both bounds are tight for this class, in the sense that there are infinitely many connected line graphs for which equality holds in the bounds.Comment: 23 pages, 2 figure

    On three domination numbers in block graphs

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    The problems of determining minimum identifying, locating-dominating or open locating-dominating codes are special search problems that are challenging both from a theoretical and a computational point of view. Hence, a typical line of attack for these problems is to determine lower and upper bounds for minimum codes in special graphs. In this work we study the problem of determining the cardinality of minimum codes in block graphs (that are diamond-free chordal graphs). We present for all three codes lower and upper bounds as well as block graphs where these bounds are attained

    Location-domination and matching in cubic graphs

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    A dominating set of a graph GG is a set DD of vertices of GG such that every vertex outside DD is adjacent to a vertex in DD. A locating-dominating set of GG is a dominating set DD of GG with the additional property that every two distinct vertices outside DD have distinct neighbors in DD; that is, for distinct vertices uu and vv outside DD, N(u)∩D≠N(v)∩DN(u) \cap D \neq N(v) \cap D where N(u)N(u) denotes the open neighborhood of uu. A graph is twin-free if every two distinct vertices have distinct open and closed neighborhoods. The location-domination number of GG, denoted γL(G)\gamma_L(G), is the minimum cardinality of a locating-dominating set in GG. Garijo, Gonzalez and Marquez [Applied Math. Computation 249 (2014), 487--501] posed the conjecture that for nn sufficiently large, the maximum value of the location-domination number of a twin-free, connected graph on nn vertices is equal to ⌊n2⌋\lfloor \frac{n}{2} \rfloor. We propose the related (stronger) conjecture that if GG is a twin-free graph of order nn without isolated vertices, then γL(G)≤n2\gamma_L(G)\leq \frac{n}{2}. We prove the conjecture for cubic graphs. We rely heavily on proof techniques from matching theory to prove our result.Comment: 16 pages; 4 figure