1,573 research outputs found

    Using string-matching to analyze hypertext navigation

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    A method of using string-matching to analyze hypertext navigation was developed, and evaluated using two weeks of website logfile data. The method is divided into phases that use: (i) exact string-matching to calculate subsequences of links that were repeated in different navigation sessions (common trails through the website), and then (ii) inexact matching to find other similar sessions (a community of users with a similar interest). The evaluation showed how subsequences could be used to understand the information pathways users chose to follow within a website, and that exact and inexact matching provided complementary ways of identifying information that may have been of interest to a whole community of users, but which was only found by a minority. This illustrates how string-matching could be used to improve the structure of hypertext collections

    Multi-Sensor Event Detection using Shape Histograms

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    Vehicular sensor data consists of multiple time-series arising from a number of sensors. Using such multi-sensor data we would like to detect occurrences of specific events that vehicles encounter, e.g., corresponding to particular maneuvers that a vehicle makes or conditions that it encounters. Events are characterized by similar waveform patterns re-appearing within one or more sensors. Further such patterns can be of variable duration. In this work, we propose a method for detecting such events in time-series data using a novel feature descriptor motivated by similar ideas in image processing. We define the shape histogram: a constant dimension descriptor that nevertheless captures patterns of variable duration. We demonstrate the efficacy of using shape histograms as features to detect events in an SVM-based, multi-sensor, supervised learning scenario, i.e., multiple time-series are used to detect an event. We present results on real-life vehicular sensor data and show that our technique performs better than available pattern detection implementations on our data, and that it can also be used to combine features from multiple sensors resulting in better accuracy than using any single sensor. Since previous work on pattern detection in time-series has been in the single series context, we also present results using our technique on multiple standard time-series datasets and show that it is the most versatile in terms of how it ranks compared to other published results

    DRSP : Dimension Reduction For Similarity Matching And Pruning Of Time Series Data Streams

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    Similarity matching and join of time series data streams has gained a lot of relevance in today's world that has large streaming data. This process finds wide scale application in the areas of location tracking, sensor networks, object positioning and monitoring to name a few. However, as the size of the data stream increases, the cost involved to retain all the data in order to aid the process of similarity matching also increases. We develop a novel framework to addresses the following objectives. Firstly, Dimension reduction is performed in the preprocessing stage, where large stream data is segmented and reduced into a compact representation such that it retains all the crucial information by a technique called Multi-level Segment Means (MSM). This reduces the space complexity associated with the storage of large time-series data streams. Secondly, it incorporates effective Similarity Matching technique to analyze if the new data objects are symmetric to the existing data stream. And finally, the Pruning Technique that filters out the pseudo data object pairs and join only the relevant pairs. The computational cost for MSM is O(l*ni) and the cost for pruning is O(DRF*wsize*d), where DRF is the Dimension Reduction Factor. We have performed exhaustive experimental trials to show that the proposed framework is both efficient and competent in comparison with earlier works.Comment: 20 pages,8 figures, 6 Table

    Efficient Kernel-Based Subsequence Search for Enabling Health Monitoring Services in IoT-Based Home Setting

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    This paper presents an efficient approach for subsequence search in data streams. The problem consists of identifying coherent repetitions of a given reference time-series, also in the multivariate case, within a longer data stream. The most widely adopted metric to address this problem is Dynamic Time Warping (DTW), but its computational complexity is a well-known issue. In this paper, we present an approach aimed at learning a kernel approximating DTW for efficiently analyzing streaming data collected from wearable sensors, while reducing the burden of DTW computation. Contrary to kernel, DTW allows for comparing two time-series with different length. To enable the use of kernel for comparing two time-series with different length, a feature embedding is required in order to obtain a fixed length vector representation. Each vector component is the DTW between the given time-series and a set of "basis" series, randomly chosen. The approach has been validated on two benchmark datasets and on a real-life application for supporting self-rehabilitation in elderly subjects has been addressed. A comparison with traditional DTW implementations and other state-of-the-art algorithms is provided: results show a slight decrease in accuracy, which is counterbalanced by a significant reduction in computational costs
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