35,435 research outputs found

    Empowerment or Engagement? Digital Health Technologies for Mental Healthcare

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    We argue that while digital health technologies (e.g. artificial intelligence, smartphones, and virtual reality) present significant opportunities for improving the delivery of healthcare, key concepts that are used to evaluate and understand their impact can obscure significant ethical issues related to patient engagement and experience. Specifically, we focus on the concept of empowerment and ask whether it is adequate for addressing some significant ethical concerns that relate to digital health technologies for mental healthcare. We frame these concerns using five key ethical principles for AI ethics (i.e. autonomy, beneficence, non-maleficence, justice, and explicability), which have their roots in the bioethical literature, in order to critically evaluate the role that digital health technologies will have in the future of digital healthcare

    AI Governance in Healthcare: Explainability Standards, Safety Protocols, and Human-AI Interactions Dynamics in Contemporary Medical AI Systems

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    The fast-growing incorporation of artificial intelligence (AI) into the modern healthcare industry necessitates immediate consideration of its legal and ethical dimensions. In this research, we focused on three principal areas requiring specific, contextual direction from both governmental entities and industry participants to guide the responsible and ethical progression of AI in healthcare. First, the research discusses standards for explainability. Within healthcare, understanding AI-driven decisions is vital because of their profound implications for human health. Various participants, from patients to oversight bodies, require differing levels of transparency and explanation from AI systems. Next, we examine safety protocols. Given that employing AI in healthcare could result in decisions that carry severe ramifications, we argue for evaluating its objective criteria, search parameters, training applicability, risk for of poor data, and possible risks. Finally, the dynamics of human-AI interaction were discussed. Optimal interaction necessitates the creation of AI systems that augment human capabilities and acknowledge human cognitive processes. The involvement of AI system users in healthcare, defined through tiers of understanding, contribution, and oversight, spans from elementary to advanced engagements. Each tier relates to the depth of comprehension, the scope of data contribution, and the level of oversight exercised by the healthcare specialist regarding the AI instrument. This research emphasizes the necessity for specific guidelines for each of the three dimensions to guarantee the secure, ethical, and efficient utilization of AI in healthcare

    Centering Disability in Technology Policy: Issue Landscape and Potential Opportunities for Action

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    Technology has the power to create a more just and inclusive society by providing greater autonomy, safety, economic opportunity, and convenience for historically marginalized groups. However, all too often, technology instead exacerbates existing discrimination and the structural barriers faced by historically marginalized groups, including people of color, women, and people with disabilities, and especially those who experience intersecting forms of oppression.Undertaken as a collaboration between the American Association of People with Disabilities (AAPD) and the Center for Democracy and Technology (CDT) with the support of Freedman Consulting, this report is intended to help public interest organizations do more inclusive, effective work at the intersection of technology and disability issues in the United States. Based on conversations with 20 disability and technology leaders, this report will explore issue areas and ways where technology justice organizations can better integrate a disability lens into their work. In addition, issues surfaced in this report may help disability groups identify meaningful opportunities to engage on technology policy issues and advance their often-long-standing priorities. Along with identifying policy issues at the intersection of disability and technology, this report will also highlight the challenges and needs that must be addressed in order to break down barriers between siloed fields and do more effective work.Historically, technology has played a significant role in improving the quality of life, and in certain instances, longevity, for many disabled people. This report is not meant to contest or stand in denial of that reality. In taking an intersectional approach, this report aims to ensure that the pursuit of technologies to create opportunity and lower barriers for some does not create inequities or limitations for others. Technology has great potential to improve life and autonomy for people with disabilities, but it also requires equitable and inclusive development, thoughtful, responsive implementation and oversight, and a commitment to identifying and mitigating harms to already-marginalized communities

    Key opportunities and challenges for the use of big data in migration research and policy

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    Migration is one of the defining issues of the 21st century. Better data is required to improve understanding about how and why people are moving, target interventions and support evidence-based migration policy. Big data, defined as large, complex data from diverse sources, has been proposed as a solution to help address current gaps in knowledge. The authors participated in a workshop held in London, UK, in July 2019, that brought together experts from the UN, humanitarian NGOs, policy and academia to develop a better understanding of how big data could be used for migration research and policy. We identified six key areas regarding the application of big data in migration research and policy: accessing and utilising data; integrating data sources and knowledge; understanding environmental drivers of migration; improving healthcare access for migrant populations; ethical and security concerns; and addressing political narratives. We advocate the need for increased cross-disciplinary collaborations to advance the use of big data in migration research whilst safeguarding vulnerable migrant communities

    Big data analytics in the healthcare industry: A systematic review and roadmap for practical implementation in Nigeria

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    Introduction: The introduction of digitization of healthcare data has posed both challenges and opportunities within the industry. Big Data Analytics (BDA) has emerged as a powerful tool, facilitating data-driven decision-making and revolutionizing patient care. Purpose: The research aimed to analyze diverse perspectives on big data in healthcare, assess BDA's application in the sector, examine contexts, synthesize findings, and propose an implementation roadmap and future research directions. Methodology: Using an SLR protocol by Nazir et al. (2019), sources like Google Scholar, IEEE, ScienceDirect, Springer, and Elsevier were searched with 18 queries. Inclusion criteria yielded 37 articles, with five more added through citation searches, totaling 42. Results: The study uncovers diverse healthcare viewpoints on big data's transformative potential, precision medicine, resource optimization, and challenges like security and interoperability. BDA empowers clinical choices, early disease detection, and personalized medicine. Future areas include ethics, interpretable AI, real-time BDA, multi-omics integration, AI-driven drug discovery, mental health, resource constraints, health disparities, secure data sharing, and human-AI collaboration. Conclusion: This study illuminates Big Data Analytics' transformative potential in healthcare, revealing diverse applications and emphasizing ethical complexities. Integrated data analysis is advocated for patient-centric services. Recommendation: Balancing BDA's power with privacy, guidelines, and regulations is vital. Implementing the Nigerian healthcare roadmap can optimize outcomes, address challenges, and enhance efficiency. Future research should focus on ethics, interpretable AI, real-time BDA, and mental health integration

    Key opportunities and challenges for the use of big data in migration research and policy

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    Migration is one of the defining issues of the 21st century. Better data is required to improve understanding about how and why people are moving, target interventions and support evidencebased migration policy. Big data, defined as large, complex data from diverse sources, is regularly proposed as a solution to help address current gaps in knowledge. The authors participated in a workshop held in London, UK, in July 2019, that brought together experts from the United Nations (UN), humanitarian non-governmental organisations (NGOs), policy and academia to develop a better understanding of how big data could be used for migration research and policy. We identified six key areas regarding the application of big data in migration research and policy: accessing and utilising data; integrating data sources and knowledge; understanding environmental drivers of migration; improving healthcare access for migrant populations; ethical and security concerns around the use of big data; and addressing political narratives. We advocate the need for careful consideration of the challenges faced by the use of big data, as well as increased cross-disciplinary collaborations to advance the use of big data in migration research whilst safeguarding vulnerable migrant communities

    Integrating Information Technology in Healthcare: Recent Developments, Challenges, and Future Prospects for Urban and Regional Health

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    The use of technology in healthcare has become increasingly popular in recent years, with the potential to improve how healthcare is delivered, patient outcomes, and cost-effectiveness. This review paper provides an overview of how technology has been used in healthcare, particularly in cities and for personalized medicine. The paper discusses different ways technology is being used in healthcare, such as electronic health records, telemedicine, remote monitoring, medical imaging, wearable devices, and artificial intelligence. It also looks at the challenges and problems that come with using technology in healthcare, such as keeping patient data private and secure, making sure different technology systems can work together, and ensuring patients are comfortable using technology. In addition, the paper explores the potential of technology in healthcare, including improving how easily patients can get care, the quality of care they receive, and the cost of care. It also talks about how technology can help personalize care to individual patients. Finally, the paper summarizes the main points, makes recommendations for healthcare providers and policymakers, and suggests directions for future research. Overall, this review shows how technology can be used to improve healthcare, while also acknowledging the challenges that come with using technology in this way