738 research outputs found

    Aircraft Abnormal Conditions Detection, Identification, and Evaluation Using Innate and Adaptive Immune Systems Interaction

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    Abnormal flight conditions play a major role in aircraft accidents frequently causing loss of control. To ensure aircraft operation safety in all situations, intelligent system monitoring and adaptation must rely on accurately detecting the presence of abnormal conditions as soon as they take place, identifying their root cause(s), estimating their nature and severity, and predicting their impact on the flight envelope.;Due to the complexity and multidimensionality of the aircraft system under abnormal conditions, these requirements are extremely difficult to satisfy using existing analytical and/or statistical approaches. Moreover, current methodologies have addressed only isolated classes of abnormal conditions and a reduced number of aircraft dynamic parameters within a limited region of the flight envelope.;This research effort aims at developing an integrated and comprehensive framework for the aircraft abnormal conditions detection, identification, and evaluation based on the artificial immune systems paradigm, which has the capability to address the complexity and multidimensionality issues related to aircraft systems.;Within the proposed framework, a novel algorithm was developed for the abnormal conditions detection problem and extended to the abnormal conditions identification and evaluation. The algorithm and its extensions were inspired from the functionality of the biological dendritic cells (an important part of the innate immune system) and their interaction with the different components of the adaptive immune system. Immunity-based methodologies for re-assessing the flight envelope at post-failure and predicting the impact of the abnormal conditions on the performance and handling qualities are also proposed and investigated in this study.;The generality of the approach makes it applicable to any system. Data for artificial immune system development were collected from flight tests of a supersonic research aircraft within a motion-based flight simulator. The abnormal conditions considered in this work include locked actuators (stabilator, aileron, rudder, and throttle), structural damage of the wing, horizontal tail, and vertical tail, malfunctioning sensors, and reduced engine effectiveness. The results of applying the proposed approach to this wide range of abnormal conditions show its high capability in detecting the abnormal conditions with zero false alarms and very high detection rates, correctly identifying the failed subsystem and evaluating the type and severity of the failure. The results also reveal that the post-failure flight envelope can be reasonably predicted within this framework

    Understanding and Avoiding AI Failures: A Practical Guide.

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    As AI technologies increase in capability and ubiquity, AI accidents are becoming more common. Based on normal accident theory, high reliability theory, and open systems theory, we create a framework for understanding the risks associated with AI applications. In addition, we also use AI safety principles to quantify the unique risks of increased intelligence and human-like qualities in AI. Together, these two fields give a more complete picture of the risks of contemporary AI. By focusing on system properties near accidents instead of seeking a root cause of accidents, we identify where attention should be paid to safety for current generation AI systems

    Real-time Condition Monitoring and Asset Management of Oil- Immersed Power Transformers

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    This research pioneers a comprehensive asset management methodology utilizing solely online dissolved gas analysis. Integrating advanced AI algorithms, the model was trained and rigorously tested on real-world data, demonstrating its efficacy in optimizing asset performance and reliability

    Towards Multimodal Open-World Learning in Deep Neural Networks

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    Over the past decade, deep neural networks have enormously advanced machine perception, especially object classification, object detection, and multimodal scene understanding. But, a major limitation of these systems is that they assume a closed-world setting, i.e., the train and the test distribution match exactly. As a result, any input belonging to a category that the system has never seen during training will not be recognized as unknown. However, many real-world applications often need this capability. For example, self-driving cars operate in a dynamic world where the data can change over time due to changes in season, geographic location, sensor types, etc. Handling such changes requires building models with open-world learning capabilities. In open-world learning, the system needs to detect novel examples which are not seen during training and update the system with new knowledge, without retraining from scratch. In this dissertation, we address gaps in the open-world learning literature and develop methods that enable efficient multimodal open-world learning in deep neural networks

    Software Fault Tolerance in Real-Time Systems: Identifying the Future Research Questions

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    Tolerating hardware faults in modern architectures is becoming a prominent problem due to the miniaturization of the hardware components, their increasing complexity, and the necessity to reduce the costs. Software-Implemented Hardware Fault Tolerance approaches have been developed to improve the system dependability to hardware faults without resorting to custom hardware solutions. However, these come at the expense of making the satisfaction of the timing constraints of the applications/activities harder from a scheduling standpoint. This paper surveys the current state of the art of fault tolerance approaches when used in the context real-time systems, identifying the main challenges and the cross-links between these two topics. We propose a joint scheduling-failure analysis model that highlights the formal interactions among software fault tolerance mechanisms and timing properties. This model allows us to present and discuss many open research questions with the final aim to spur the future research activities

    Just in Time: The Beyond-the-Hype Potential of E-Learning

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    Based on a year of conversations with more than 100 leading thinkers, practitioners, and entrepreneurs, this report explores the state of e-learning and the potential it offers across all sectors of our economy -- far beyond the confines of formal education. Whether you're a leader, worker in the trenches, or just a curious learner, imagine being able to access exactly what you need, when you need it, in a format that's quick and easy to digest and apply. Much of this is now possible and within the next decade, just-in-time learning will likely become pervasive.This report aims to inspire you to consider how e-learning could change the way you, your staff, and the people you serve transfer knowledge and adapt over time

    HardTaint: Production-Run Dynamic Taint Analysis via Selective Hardware Tracing

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    Dynamic taint analysis (DTA), as a fundamental analysis technique, is widely used in security, privacy, and diagnosis, etc. As DTA demands to collect and analyze massive taint data online, it suffers extremely high runtime overhead. Over the past decades, numerous attempts have been made to lower the overhead of DTA. Unfortunately, the reductions they achieved are marginal, causing DTA only applicable to the debugging/testing scenarios. In this paper, we propose and implement HardTaint, a system that can realize production-run dynamic taint tracking. HardTaint adopts a hybrid and systematic design which combines static analysis, selective hardware tracing and parallel graph processing techniques. The comprehensive evaluations demonstrate that HardTaint introduces only around 9% runtime overhead which is an order of magnitude lower than the state-of-the-arts, while without sacrificing any taint detection capability

    Climate Insecurity

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    Global climate change causes climatic events such as hurricanes, droughts, floods, and heat waves to occur more frequently and with greater severity. In addition to inflicting direct harms, climatic events disrupt the flow of commerce and natural resources, creating shortages of goods and services, sometimes temporarily, sometimes not. Climate change is getting worse, so climatic events will escalate over time, and as events cumulate, there is the potential for multiple events to heap harm on top of harm, exponentially increasing misery and disruption. What looms is the prospect of shortages of basic life necessities. A vast literature on food and water insecurity now documents droughts and crop failures creating dire shortages in lesser developed places in the world. But this atomistic literature largely treats destructive climatic events as singular, episodic tragedies, not a gathering storm that cripples the ability of whole countries to feed or care for themselves. This literature also fails to extrapolate: a worsening trajectory of climatic changes will cause insecurity to spill over into previously secure populations. In a climate-changed future, large parts of even wealthy countries will experience climate insecurity. Vulnerable populations in the United States have always had to face insecurity on many levels, and their hardship will be less bearable in the future, and more often fatal. But previously secure populations now face jeopardy as well. In addition to reducing greenhouse gas emissions that cause climate change, efforts to adapt to an already-changing climate must redouble. This article argues that in particular, adaptation efforts must ensure broad access to life necessities. Not only must some measures be undertaken to augment supply, but directly aiding vulnerable populations – including those newly vulnerable in a climate-changed world – will be most effective by framing adaptation within existing markets. This article proposes market-oriented measures to alleviate climate insecurity. These measures must be undertaken now, because once prolonged shortages become endemic, it will be difficult to set right the markets and distribution networks that are so vital to ensuring supply
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