3 research outputs found

    Multibody dynamics in robotics with focus on contact events

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    Multibody dynamics methodologies have been fundamental tools utilized to model and simulate robotic systems that experience contact conditions with the surrounding environment, such as in the case of feet and ground interactions. In addressing such problems, it is of paramount importance to accurately and efficiently handle the large body displacement associated with locomotion of robots, as well as the dynamic response related to contact-impact events. Thus, a generic computational approach, based on the Newton-Euler formulation, to represent the gross motion of robotic systems, is revisited in this work. The main kinematic and dynamic features, necessary to obtain the equations of motion, are discussed. A numerical procedure suitable to solve the equations of motion is also presented. The problem of modeling contacts in dynamical systems involves two main tasks, namely the contact detection and the contact resolution, which take into account for the kinematics and dynamics of the contacting bodies, constituting the general framework for the process of modeling and simulating complex contact scenarios. In order to properly model the contact interactions, the contact kinematic properties are established based on the geometry of contacting bodies, which allow to perform the contact detection task. The contact dynamics is represented by continuous contact force models, both in terms of normal and tangential contact directions. Finally, the presented formulations are demonstrated by the application to several robotics systems that involve contact and impact events with surrounding environment. Special emphasis is put on the systems’ dynamic behavior, in terms of performance and stability

    Identification of contact parameters from stiff multi-point contact robotic operations

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    Computer simulations play an important role in the design and validation of constrained robotic operations. The fidelity of these simulations, however, depends on the specification of contact dynamics parameters, which often need to be determined experimentally. In this paper we investigate the identification of contact parameters from complex stiff multi-point contact scenarios encountered in typical robotic operations using a recently developed least-squares-based method. This method is extended to deal with geometric uncertainties by employing a non-linear separable least-squares formulation. The latter is solved using a variable projection method, and allows simultaneous identification of contact parameters and geometric uncertainties. The conditions for observability of geometric uncertainties are derived and a regularized formulation is proposed in case the identification of geometric uncertainties is ill-conditioned. The applicability of the original method and the benefits of the extended method with identification of geometric uncertainties for the identification of the contact parameters are illustrated by means of experimental data measured with the Special Purpose Dexterous Manipulator (SPDM) Task Verification Facility (STVF) manipulator at the Canadian Space Agency (CSA). © The Author(s), 2010.status: publishe