1,198 research outputs found

    Poisson algebras via model theory and differential-algebraic geometry

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    Brown and Gordon asked whether the Poisson Dixmier–Moeglin equivalence holds for any complex affine Poisson algebra, that is, whether the sets of Poisson rational ideals, Poisson primitive ideals, and Poisson locally closed ideals coincide. In this article a complete answer is given to this question using techniques from differential-algebraic geometry and model theory. In particular, it is shown that while the sets of Poisson rational and Poisson primitive ideals do coincide, in every Krull dimension at least four there are complex affine Poisson algebras with Poisson rational ideals that are not Poisson locally closed. These counterexamples also give rise to counterexamples to the classical (noncommutative) Dixmier–Moeglin equivalence in finite GK dimension. A weaker version of the Poisson Dixmier–Moeglin equivalence is proven for all complex affine Poisson algebras, from which it follows that the full equivalence holds in Krull dimension three or less. Finally, it is shown that everything, except possibly that rationality implies primitivity, can be done over an arbitrary base field of characteristic zero

    On a theory of the bb-function in positive characteristic

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    We present a theory of the bb-function (or Bernstein-Sato polynomial) in positive characteristic. Let ff be a non-constant polynomial with coefficients in a perfect field kk of characteristic p>0.p>0. Its bb-function bfb_f is defined to be an ideal of the algebra of continuous kk-valued functions on Zp.\mathbb{Z}_p. The zero-locus of the bb-function is thus naturally interpreted as a subset of Zp,\mathbb{Z}_p, which we call the set of roots of bf.b_f. We prove that bfb_f has finitely many roots and that they are negative rational numbers. Our construction builds on an earlier work of Musta\c{t}\u{a} and is in terms of DD-modules, where DD is the ring of Grothendieck differential operators. We use the Frobenius to obtain finiteness properties of bfb_f and relate it to the test ideals of f.f.Comment: Final versio
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