12 research outputs found


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    Contemporary organizations recognize the importance of green innovation for their competitive advantages in the long run, and most existing studies focus on its impacts on organizational performances. Based on the resource-based view, this study examines the roles that green information systems (IS) infrastructure and green culture play in green innovation as tangible and intangible resources. In addition to their direct impacts, green IS infrastructure and green culture may have indirect relationships with green innovation through the alignment between two as well as their alignments with green innovation. The hypothesized triadic relationships among green IS infrastructure, green culture and green innovation effectiveness were tested with survey observations collected from organizations in China. The statistical analyses supported all the direct relationships as hypothesized, but yielded mixed results on the mediating relationships. The alignment between GIS and green innovation had positive effect, the alignment between green IS and green culture had insignificant effect, and the alignment between green culture and green innovation had negative effect. In addition, each aspect of alignment played somewhat different roles across organizations of different sizes

    E-Government implementation Challenges: A Case study

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    The purpose of this paper is to explore empirically the implementation of e-government in a developing country in the Gulf Cooperation Countries (GCC) and the key challenges that influence implementation. A case study (using interview-based research) was undertaken within the State of Qatar. After reviewing the available literature, the paper first proposes a conceptual model, which was then used to explore e-government related change by considering the key forces influencing implementation from an organisational, technological, social and political context. The empirical results confirmed previously findings in literature and identified a number of new issues that were influencing e-government implementation in Qatar which were not explicitly discussed in prior e-government research

    Nachhaltiges Geschäftsprozessmanagement – Status Quo und Forschungsagenda

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    Nachhaltigkeit gewinnt in der Unternehmenspraxis an Bedeutung. Dabei stehen derzeit die Steigerung der Energieeffizienz sowie die Verringerung von CO2-Emissionen entlang der Geschäftsprozesse im Mittelpunkt der Betrachtung. Der vorliegende Beitrag gibt einen Überblick über den aktuellen Stand der Forschung im Bereich des nachhaltigen Geschäftsprozessmanagements, diskutiert offene Forschungsfragen und Problemfelder und leitet daraus eine Forschungsagenda ab. Des Weiteren werden ein Prozesslebenszyklus sowie ein konzeptionelles Modell für ein nachhaltiges Geschäftsprozessmanagement vorgestellt

    Integración de herramientas de socialización en BPM para mejorar la adquisición y gestión de información durante el diseño y ejecución de procesos de negocio

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    Esta tesina analiza el impacto de herramientas de socialización en el mundo de BPM (Business Process Management) y cómo estas pueden resolver falencias existentes en él. Se analiza el concepto de BPM Social y desarrolla su relación con la resolución de problemáticas existentes en BPM, enfocándose en las etapas de modelado y ejecución, así como también su influencia en la mejora continua de procesos de negocio. Se fundamenta como las herramientas de socialización pueden resolver problemáticas presentes en BPM mediante un análisis teórico sumado al desarrollo práctico de una herramienta de socialización integrada a un BPMS (Business Process Management System).Facultad de Informátic

    Determinants of continuance intention of user on smartphone-based traveller information systems in the greater Klang Valley

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    In these modern-days, the use of mobile traveller information service is pivotal in the efficient and effective running of the transportation system for an urban area. The role of urban facilities managers in urban transportation planning is to develop a plan to provide drivers with real-time traveller information services to enable regional economic growth and transition. Existing research in the mobile information traveller information services area has not deeply investigated the determinants of continuance intention to use smartphone-based traveller information systems (STIS). The purpose of this study is to attempt to do so by investigating STIS users’ continuance intention at the post-adoption phase. This study developed and validated an extended framework based on the expectation-confirmation model (ECM). The 280 STIS users from the Klang Valley highways and major streets participated in the study. The extended ECM results revealed that STIS users’ continuance intention is determined by perceived enjoyment and perceived usefulness of continued STIS use, followed by satisfaction with STIS use. In this study, satisfaction and perceived usefulness are determined primarily by confirmation of expectation from participants’ previous use, except for the perceived enjoyment. The findings of this study have implications for the transportation sectors in planning their strategies to increase users’ continuance intention to use STIS services. Most of the current literature in mobile information services studies focused only on pre-adoption and have paid little attention to user’s continuance intention, especially in the context of smartphone apps or electronic information in the transportation system services. This study fills the theoretical and practical gaps by focusing on the post-adoption phase and developed an extended framework based on the ECM to explain the STIS continuance intention context. In addition, the topic is timely, as mobile information services have been flourishing in the current worldwide transportation sector services

    Réingénierie des processus des services publics d'assainissement des eaux en situation d'urgence

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    RÉSUMÉ Les services publics des eaux d’une ville jouent un rôle primordial vis-à-vis de ses citoyens. Ils offrent l’accès à la distribution de l’eau pour tous ainsi que son assainissement. L’augmentation régulière du nombre d’utilisateurs mène indéniablement à une plus grande utilisation de ces services, et ainsi de la charge dans le réseau d’eau. La gestion des situations d’urgence va dans ce même sens, car cette augmentation du nombre d’utilisateurs et de charge dans le réseau ne peut pas se gérer de la même façon qu’il y a dix ans, et les perturbations rencontrées par les services publics peuvent mener à des situations d’urgence qui doivent être gérées rapidement et efficacement. De plus, dans un contexte où la satisfaction client est omniprésente, l’augmentation du niveau d’attente des citoyens face aux services publics est grandissante, et pousse ces derniers à être irréprochables, en les incitant à fournir un niveau de service toujours plus élevé, concernant plus particulièrement la continuité et la qualité. La gestion des opérations d’intervention pendant les situations d’urgence dans les services publics pose des problèmes de prise de décision. Ces problèmes concernent l’efficacité opérationnelle, le suivi de la performance et de son évaluation, ainsi que la planification des situations d’urgence. Ce mémoire présente une étude de cas réalisée aux services publics d’assainissement des eaux de la ville de Boucherville. Elle consiste en l’élaboration d’un outil de gestion, formé à partir d’une cartographie des processus et d’indicateurs de performance afin de piloter la gestion des situations d’urgence. La cartographie permet d’automatiser les processus opérationnels décrivant les interventions d’urgence, tandis que les indicateurs de performance permettent le pilotage des processus. Les indicateurs peuvent également, s’ils sont adoptés dans d’autres services publics au contexte semblable (nombre d’habitants, type d’installations…), permettre la comparaison de l’efficacité opérationnelle de la gestion des situations d’urgence, et ainsi l’optimisation des interventions d’urgence par l’échange d’information entre les services. Le premier chapitre de ce mémoire présente une revue de littérature axée sur les situations d’urgence, en définissant différents concepts de réactivité et les modes de gestion de ces situations d’urgence. Les indicateurs de performance correspondant au fonctionnement des égouts de manière générale sont également présentés.----------ABSTRACT A town's water utilities play a key role for its inhabitants. They provide water and sewer services. Because of the increasing number of users, the demand for these services gets bigger, and so is the load in the water supply and wastewater network. Therefore, emergency management becomes more important and cannot be managed the same way than ten years ago. Disruptions in the service can lead to emergency situations that have to be quickly and efficiently managed. Moreover, in an environment where customer satisfaction is major concern, higher level of performance from public services is expected. It pushes them to be faultless and provide a high level of service continuity and quality. Response management to emergencies involves problems of decision-making. These problems concern the operational effectiveness of performance monitoring and emergency planning. This paper presents a case study based on wastewater utilities in the city of Boucherville. A management tool that guides emergency management is developed from a mapping process and performance indicators. Mapping can automate the appropriate response to an emergency, while performance indicators allow the process to be controlled. Indicators can also, if adopted in other utilities but with a similar context (population, type of facilities ...), allow comparison of operational efficiency in emergency management, and so optimize emergency response through the exchange of information between these different utilities. The first chapter of this thesis is a literature review that deals with emergency situation, by defining concepts of responsiveness and ways of managing these emergency situations. Performance indicators corresponding to the operation of sewage in general are also presented. The second chapter begins with an introduction to Boucherville’s wastewater utilities and focuses on a process modeling tool, the graphical method "event-process chain" EPC, which can give users an easy understanding and useful tool. The collection of data from Boucherville’s wastewater utilities is presented, made from semi-structured interviews. The third chapter is the analysis of the mapped process. This chapter explains the main process and sub-processes that compose it. Thus, the main process drives six sub-processes, that are six cases identified as emergencies during interviews with staff from the City. These cases are

    Factors affecting e-Government implementation and adoption in the State of Qatar

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    Electronic government (e-government) has established as an effective mechanism for increasing government productivity and efficiency and a key enabler of citizen-centric services. However, e-government implementation is surrounded by organisational, technological, political and social issues, which have to be considered and treated carefully in order to facilitate this change. Conversely, from an adoption perspective, e-government services are yet to be universally accepted as a medium for accessing online public services since its inception more than a decade ago. In terms of prior research into understanding the implementation challenges and adoption factors, most existing literature focus into either the implementation context or adoption context separately and no research studies were found that take a holistic viewpoint of both implementation and adoption. Furthermore, only a few researchers have explored and reflected on the important factors that can impact e-government implementation using well founded theoretical models or frameworks. Besides, there is no universal model for e-government implementation and adoption that is applicable for all countries to ensure success, especially for developing and Gulf Cooperation Countries (GCC). Therefore, this thesis attempts to explore and investigate the key challenges that influence e-government implementation and the factors influencing citizen adoption in the state of Qatar. By simultaneously analysing and aligning the implementation issues of e-government with the adoption aspects, this study aimed to develop a better understanding of the gaps that exists between implementation and adoption. Through combining the implementation and adoption aspects of e-government, this thesis proposes a unified conceptual model which could be used as a frame of reference by government institutions that seek to implement and diffuse e-government systems in Qatar. To do so, the research draws from two well established theoretical models, Institutional Theory (for understanding implementation) and the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT) model (for understanding adoption). The research adopted a multi-method approach [combining qualitative (interviews) and quantitative (survey) methods] to explore practices and experiences of implementing and adopting e-government systems in the State of Qatar.EThOS - Electronic Theses Online ServiceGBUnited Kingdo

    A strategic approach to the implementation and adoption of an e-government system for the ministry of education in Kuwait

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    E-government has recently fallen under the spotlight, having become a focus of government efforts in several countries around the world. The successful implementation of e-government is beset by many challenges such as social, political and technological considerations. All of these need to be given due care and attention for e-government to be successfully developed. Furthermore, in terms of adoption and uptake, e-government services still have some way to go, before it can be generally accepted in the public domain as a tool for accessing online services; this is clear given this technology is still in its embryonic stages. In addition, most of the previous studies have sought to understand the issues pertaining to implementation and adoption, however these studies have examined each factor in isolation respectively. And a small amount of research studies has focused on the factors which can impact e-government implementation and adoption using well-founded theoretical models or structures. In order to discuss and consider this technology, this thesis will present a conceptual framework based on two models, namely the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT) (adoption) and Institutional Theory (implementation) models respectively. A great deal of modern processing and analysis techniques have been used to determine the key factors that affect the implementation and acceptance of e-government services (G2E) in the MoE. The research aims will be achieved using a multi-method approach which consists of qualitative (interviews) and quantitative (survey) methods to investigate practices and experiences of adopting and implementing e-government systems in Kuwait’s MoE. This thesis concludes with a summary of the contribution made by this work, its limitations and guidelines for future research. For the above discussion, the research presents a conceptual model from two models, Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT) model (adoption) and Institutional Theory (implementation). A great deal of modern processing and analysis techniques used to determine the key factors that affect the implementation and acceptance of e-government services (G2E) in the ministry of education. To achieve the research aims a multi-method was adopted, qualitative (interviews) and quantitative (survey) methods to investigate practices and experiences of adopting and implementing e-government systems in the ministry of education in Kuwait