34,450 research outputs found

    View from the Top: How Corporate Boards Can Engage on Sustainability Performance

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    Corporate boards are responsible for overseeing the interests of shareholders in the long term and have a critical role to play in championing sustainability across the enterprise. Over the years, Wall Street research, academic papers, corporate reports and trends from major investors have all underscored the same message: Companies that adopt sustainable practices deliver superior financial results and can face the future with more resilience.Based on interviews conducted with dozens of corporate directors, senior corporate leaders and governance experts, this Ceres report identifies key strategies for effective board engagement that can produce tangible environmental and social impacts. Specifically, the report recommends two inter-related approaches for weaving sustainability more deeply across board functions:Integrating sustainability into board governance systems, andIntegrating sustainability into board actions.By combining robust systems and meaningful actions, boards will have a far better chance of encouraging substantive performance improvements

    The HRM Cockpit: an instrument for developing and evaluating sustainable HRM in an organization

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    These days, a new approach is emerging in the field of Human Resource Management (HRM). Where strategic HRM has been the main approach for the last decades, nowadays more and more scholars are connecting sustainability to HRM (Ehnert, 2009, 2014, Kramar, 2014). There are many different conceptualizations for sustainable HRM, but most scholars agree on defining it as an extension of strategic HRM (Ehnert, 2009; Kramar, 2014). Thereby they agree that sustainable HRM has a broader focus on the organization’s performances than only accounting for the financial success of the organization. In fact sustainable HRM incorporates the triple bottom line, namely people, planet and profit (Elkington, 1997) and tries to balance these three different aspects. Even though literature (Ehnert, 2009, De Prins et al., 2014) provides different models about sustainable HRM, we face a lack of practical tools to explore and exploit sustainable HRM in an organization. To develop a practical tool for monitoring sustainable HRM in an organization, an extended literature review was conducted, complemented with qualitative data (i.e. explorative interviews with practitioners, trade unions and a test panel) to define the field of sustainable HRM. The development of the tool started with a literature review in several different domains such as strategic HRM, sustainable HRM, HR scorecards and strategy mapping. The tool is based upon the idea of scorecards and measuring progress in realizing an HRM strategy. Deriving from the literature review, two concepts were used as basic principles during the development of the tool. First, the idea of the HR value chain where an input, throughput and output model is presented as a strategic approach to sustainable HRM (den Hartog, Boselie & Paauwe 2004; Vanderstraeten, 2014). Secondly, to increase the applicability of the model, strategic mapping, starting with Kaplan & Norton (2004) and further developed in the field of HRM by Becker (2001) and Huselid (2005), is used as a guideline for implementing sustainable HRM. After the literature review, a first draft of the tool was developed. We used the Delphi methodology to gain consensus among practitioners about the components and definitions that were used in the first draft of the tool (Linstone & Turoff, 1975). HR managers of twelve organizations participated in this part of the development. This resulted in a tool with 12 different components. The resulting tool can be used to guide social profit and public organizations in the development of a sustainable HRM or to support the evaluation of their current sustainable HRM. For each of the different components (12) in the tool, validated questionnaires and measures are available so that organizations can collect data and measure their progress towards a sustainable HRM. Six experts in HRM were consulted to allocate the measures to the components. To further test the practical usefulness and correctness of the tool seven organizations were willing to test it more in detail and even started implementing it. Because of the importance of sustainability in organizations and the support that a sustainable HRM can provide in transitioning towards such an organization it is important to encourage more organizations towards sustainable HR. The developed tool provides organizations can guide them towards sustainable HRM. In addition more organizations can make the shift towards a sustainable organization based on a scientifically validated and evidence based HRM practice. Future research should reexamine the implementations that were made, their effectiveness and extend the implementation of the tool to different organizations

    The CR management black-hole

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    How can companies avoid corporate responsibility falling into a management black-hole? What can managers do to take corporate responsibility forward in their organisation, even if the company overall is indifferent or at an early stage of development in corporate responsibility

    Sustainability and the Talentship Paradigm: Strategic Human Resource Management Beyond the Bottom Line

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    [Excerpt] This paper proposes such a framework that simultaneously shifts the prize to reflect Sustainability and shifts the paradigm of HRM toward a decision science called “Talentship” (Boudreau & Ramstad, 2002). It defines Sustainability and its measures, defines the typical connection between HRM and sustainability using the traditional HRM paradigm. Then, the HC BRidge¼ talent decision framework that connects HRM, talent, and competitive/financial strategic success, is used to logically make similar connections between HRM, talent and sustainability. Examples from Shell and DuPont show how the combination of shifting the prize and the paradigm reveals pivotal roles for talent that are not apparent with traditional definitions of strategic success and the traditional HRM paradigm

    Action learning : co-creating value from collaborative sustainable projects

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    This article reports on the specific role that action learning plays in the promotion of sustainability and innovation in the Local Government sector. The study focuses on one organisation and the efforts of a senior manager to enact change. The senior manager utilized his participation in an MBA programme to bring the classroom learning into his business. As a consequence of the requirements of the programme and also the desire of the senior manager, he was able to instigate a change programme, which delivered measurable outcomes and had financial and cultural impact. This case study illustrates the favourable advantages of using action learning as an intervention approach by HEI’s in driving sustainable innovation in the Local Government sectorFinal Published versio

    A Proposal for Supply Chain Management Research That Matters: Sixteen High Priority Research Projects for the Future

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    On May 4th, 2016 in Milton, Ontario, the World Class Supply Chain 2016 Summit was held in partnership between CN Rail and Wilfrid Laurier University’s Lazaridis School of Business & Economics to realize an ambitious goal: raise knowledge of contemporary supply chain management (SCM) issues through genuine peer-­‐to-­‐peer dialogue among practitioners and scholars. A principal element of that knowledge is an answer to the question: to gain valid and reliable insights for attaining SCM excellence, what issues must be researched further? This White Paper—which is the second of the summit’s two White Papers—addresses the question by proposing a research agenda comprising 16 research projects. This research agenda covers the following: The current state of research knowledge on issues that are of the highest priority to today’s SCM professionals Important gaps in current research knowledge and, consequently, the major questions that should be answered in sixteen future research projects aimed at addressing those gaps Ways in which the research projects can be incorporated into student training and be supported by Canada’s major research funding agencies That content comes from using the summit’s deliberations to guide systematic reviews of both the SCM research literature and Canadian institutional mechanisms that are geared towards building knowledge through research. The major conclusions from those reviews can be summarized as follows: While the research literature to date has yielded useful insights to inform the pursuit of SCM excellence, several research questions of immense practical importance remain unanswered or, at best, inadequately answered The body of research required to answer those questions will have to focus on what the summit’s first White Paper presented as four highly impactful levers that SCM executives must expertly handle to attain excellence: collaboration; information; technology; and talent The proposed research agenda can be pursued in ways that achieve the two inter-­‐related goals of creating new actionable knowledge and building the capacity of today’s students to become tomorrow’s practitioners and contributors to ongoing knowledge growth in the SCM field This White Paper’s details underlying these conclusions build on the information presented in the summit’s first White Paper. That is, while the first White Paper (White Paper 1) identified general SCM themes for which the research needs are most urgent, this White Paper goes further along the path of industry-academia knowledge co-creation. It does so by examining and articulating those needs against the backdrop of available research findings, translating the needs into specific research projects that should be pursued, and providing guidelines for how those projects can be carried out

    Green human resource management: An organisational strategy for Greening employees

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    Global warming is a reality. Organisations realise their corporate responsibility to conduct their business with the 'future' in mind. Further, organisations realise that going green is a smart organisational strategy (Mandip, 2012). Sustainability is having a green conscience and ensuring the steps you take today do not have a negative impact on the future. Green Human Resources Management is to promote the sustainable use of resources within business organisations (Mandip, 2012). The aim of this research is to provide an organisation, with a green human resource management strategy (GHRM). A qualitative research approach was followed and five participants interviewed. The researcher followed this approach to gain an in-depth understanding of business eco-friendly practices, and to ascertain if the organisation utilises human resources to drive “green” in the organisation to engage employees. The study found that most organisations have implemented some eco-friendly practice and know the value of becoming a 'green' employer. However, the researcher identified a significant gap in that organisations are not aware of through a lack of knowledge how to utilise human resource practices to obtain staff engagement in green policies and procedure. The researcher has developed various ideas and recommendations to business on how human resource practices can be utilised to go green and engage staff. An example of a key recommendation would be to ensure the employer make themselves known to the public and future employees as a green employer. This is a strategic move and can be accomplished by taking part in green initiatives in the community, hosting green workshops, confirming green involvement on the company website and recruiting employees that are already environmental conscience

    Sustainable management: a strategic challenge for a global minerals and metals industry

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    This paper refers to the concept of sustainable management as the management approach which efficiently integrates economic, environmental and social issues into the operations of the minerals and metals industries, with the aim of creating long-term benefits for all stakeholders, and securing the support, cooperation, and trust of the local community. Among many other issues, sustainable management deals with strategy, responsible project feasibility decisions, managing for operational efficiency, improved risk management, enhanced stakeholder relationships, and corporate reputation. Overall, it deals with seeking long-term competitive advantages through responsible management of environmental and social issues. An essential requirement for sustainable management is the corporate commitment to the values of sustainability, but this is not sufficient. Also essential is the development of a business culture where sustainability is a high professional and business value. Furthermore, an organizational structure with specific roles and integration mechanisms and adequate management systems are also required. Regarding business culture, a well-established business code is a necessary but an insufficient condition. Sustainable management relies on individual ethical conduct and trust to foster full participation of stakeholders and to encourage commitment among them. It allows decision making at appropriate levels in the organization and encourages individual risk-taking for continuous improvement. Without trust, social licence is not achievable. In this paper, the concept of sustainable management is introduced as the management approach that integrates a business culture, strong leadership and an organizational structure that strives for long term economics benefits through sustainability. To achieve this goal, sustainability must be vertically integrated at three organizational levels (corporate, divisional and operational) and three functional levels (strategy, planning and implementation)

    The relationship between IT infrastructure leveraging, talent management and operational sustainability, and their effects on the business value of the operations strategy

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    The purpose of this research is to examine the role of information technology (IT) in the adoption of human resources (HR) and environmental management activities, a research topic that has not received much attention in prior literature. Drawing on the theory of operational and dynamic capabilities, we propose a model in which IT infrastructure leveraging enables the firm to create value from its operations management both directly and indirectly through talent management and operational sustainability. We test the model using the structural equation modeling (SEM) technique with an innovative secondary data set collected for a sample of 63 large firms. The empirical analysis suggests that IT infrastructure leveraging enables the firm’s proficiency to manage talent, which in turn facilitates execution of a more sustainable operations strategy to increase firm performance. The analysis also shows that IT infrastructure leveraging impacts firm performance directly in the long-term

    Shared Value in Chile: Increasing Private Sector Competitiveness by Solving Social Problems

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    Over the last few decades, Chile has experienced rapid and sustained economic, social, and institutional development. Crucial challenges remain, however, in the form of social inequity, lack of opportunity, mistrust, and social unrest. The Chilean private sector is at an inflection point in its relationship with society. The corporate sector has both contributed to and benefited from the growth and development of the last decades, but remaining social challenges pose significant constraints to the continued growth of the private sector. High levels of mistrust regarding the role of business in society reflect a widespread belief that profit making activities are merely a demonstration of corporate greed. The Chilean private sector faces a frequently antagonistic relationship with government and civil society that will likely worsen unless companies are able to find ways to authentically link their businesses to efforts to solve Chile's social problems. On the other hand, if government and civil society conclude that the private sector has no contribution to make to the country's social and economic development strategy, Chile will squander an important engine for creating shared prosperity. The good news is that there does not need to be a trade-off between private sector competitiveness and greater prosperity for all Chileans. Shared value, a concept explained in Harvard Professor Michael Porter and Mark Kramer's Harvard Business Review articles, suggests an approach for companies to increase their competitiveness and profitability by helping to solve social problems. The public sector and civil society can increase the social benefits from shared value by thoughtfully partnering with the private secto
