9 research outputs found

    DNN-Based Speech Synthesis for Arabic: Modelling and Evaluation

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    International audienceThis paper investigates the use of deep neural networks (DNN) for Arabic speech synthesis. In parametric speech synthesis, whether HMM-based or DNN-based, each speech segment is described with a set of contextual features. These contextual features correspond to linguistic, phonetic and prosodic information that may affect the pronunciation of the segments. Gemination and vowel quantity (short vowel vs. long vowel) are two particular and important phenomena in Arabic language. Hence, it is worth investigating if those phenomena must be handled by using specific speech units, or if their specification in the contextual features is enough. Consequently four modelling approaches are evaluated by considering geminated consonants (respectively long vowels) either as fully-fledged phoneme units or as the same phoneme as their simple (respectively short) counterparts. Although no significant difference has been observed in previous studies relying on HMM-based modelling, this paper examines these modelling variants in the framework of DNN-based speech synthesis. Listening tests are conducted to evaluate the four modelling approaches, and to assess the performance of DNN-based Arabic speech synthesis with respect to previous HMM-based approach

    Thousands of Voices for HMM-Based Speech Synthesis-Analysis and Application of TTS Systems Built on Various ASR Corpora

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    In conventional speech synthesis, large amounts of phonetically balanced speech data recorded in highly controlled recording studio environments are typically required to build a voice. Although using such data is a straightforward solution for high quality synthesis, the number of voices available will always be limited, because recording costs are high. On the other hand, our recent experiments with HMM-based speech synthesis systems have demonstrated that speaker-adaptive HMM-based speech synthesis (which uses an "average voice model" plus model adaptation) is robust to non-ideal speech data that are recorded under various conditions and with varying microphones, that are not perfectly clean, and/or that lack phonetic balance. This enables us to consider building high-quality voices on "non-TTS" corpora such as ASR corpora. Since ASR corpora generally include a large number of speakers, this leads to the possibility of producing an enormous number of voices automatically. In this paper, we demonstrate the thousands of voices for HMM-based speech synthesis that we have made from several popular ASR corpora such as the Wall Street Journal (WSJ0, WSJ1, and WSJCAM0), Resource Management, Globalphone, and SPEECON databases. We also present the results of associated analysis based on perceptual evaluation, and discuss remaining issues

    Estudi de la coautoria de publicacions cientĂ­fiques entre UPC i institucions de Xina

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    S'analitza la coautoria de la UPC amb autors vinculats a institucions de Xina, per totes les areas temĂ tiques i sense considerar lĂ­mits cronolĂČgics o documentals.Postprint (author’s final draft

    A Relevance Feedback-Based System For Quickly Narrowing Biomedical Literature Search Result

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    The online literature is an important source that helps people find the information. The quick increase of online literature makes the manual search process for the most relevant information a very time-consuming task and leads to sifting through many results to find the relevant ones. The existing search engines and online databases return a list of results that satisfy the user\u27s search criteria. The list is often too long for the user to go through every hit if he/she does not exactly know what he/she wants or/and does not have time to review them one by one. My focus is on how to find biomedical literature in a fastest way. In this dissertation, I developed a biomedical literature search system that uses relevance feedback mechanism, fuzzy logic, text mining techniques and Unified Medical Language System. The system extracts and decodes information from the online biomedical documents and uses the extracted information to first filter unwanted documents and then ranks the related ones based on the user preferences. I used text mining techniques to extract PDF document features and used these features to filter unwanted documents with the help of fuzzy logic. The system extracts meaning and semantic relations between texts and calculates the similarity between documents using these relations. Moreover, I developed a fuzzy literature ranking method that uses fuzzy logic, text mining techniques and Unified Medical Language System. The ranking process is utilized based on fuzzy logic and Unified Medical Language System knowledge resources. The fuzzy ranking method uses semantic type and meaning concepts to map the relations between texts in documents. The relevance feedback-based biomedical literature search system is evaluated using a real biomedical data that created using dobutamine (drug name). The data set contains 1,099 original documents. To obtain coherent and reliable evaluation results, two physicians are involved in the system evaluation. Using (30-day mortality) as specific query, the retrieved result precision improves by 87.7% in three rounds, which shows the effectiveness of using relevance feedback, fuzzy logic and UMLS in the search process. Moreover, the fuzzy-based ranking method is evaluated in term of ranking the biomedical search result. Experiments show that the fuzzy-based ranking method improves the average ranking order accuracy by 3.35% and 29.55% as compared with UMLS meaning and semantic type methods respectively

    Automatic correction of grammatical errors in non-native English text

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    Thesis (Ph. D.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, 2009.Cataloged from PDF version of thesis.Includes bibliographical references (p. 99-107).Learning a foreign language requires much practice outside of the classroom. Computer-assisted language learning systems can help fill this need, and one desirable capability of such systems is the automatic correction of grammatical errors in texts written by non-native speakers. This dissertation concerns the correction of non-native grammatical errors in English text, and the closely related task of generating test items for language learning, using a combination of statistical and linguistic methods. We show that syntactic analysis enables extraction of more salient features. We address issues concerning robustness in feature extraction from non-native texts; and also design a framework for simultaneous correction of multiple error types. Our proposed methods are applied on some of the most common usage errors, including prepositions, verb forms, and articles. The methods are evaluated on sentences with synthetic and real errors, and in both restricted and open domains. A secondary theme of this dissertation is that of user customization. We perform a detailed analysis on a non-native corpus, illustrating the utility of an error model based on the mother tongue. We study the benefits of adjusting the correction models based on the quality of the input text; and also present novel methods to generate high-quality multiple-choice items that are tailored to the interests of the user.by John Sie Yuen Lee.Ph.D

    Web-based speech-enabled game for Chinese vocabulary building

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    Thesis (M. Eng.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, 2010.Cataloged from PDF version of thesis.Includes bibliographical references (p. 63).The subject of this thesis is a web-based language game Chinese Scrabble, whose main objective is to help students of Chinese to practice speaking, to learn and review vocabulary both in pinyin and in Chinese characters. The game was intended to be very flexible and customizable in order to accommodate a wide range of users on a long-term basis. As a part of the project, we conveyed a pilot user study with both students of Chinese and native Chinese speakers to evaluate how enjoyable the game was and what aspects of language it may teach.by Zuzana Trnovcova.M.Eng

    Early adductive reasoning for blind signal separation

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    We demonstrate that explicit and systematic incorporation of abductive reasoning capabilities into algorithms for blind signal separation can yield significant performance improvements. Our formulated mechanisms apply to the output data of signal processing modules in order to conjecture the structure of time-frequency interactions between the signal components that are to be separated. The conjectured interactions are used to drive subsequent signal separation processes that are as a result less blind to the interacting signal components and, therefore, more effective. We refer to this type of process as early abductive reasoning (EAR); the “early” refers to the fact that in contrast to classical Artificial Intelligence paradigms, the reasoning process here is utilized before the signal processing transformations are completed. We have used our EAR approach to formulate a practical algorithm that is more effective in realistically noisy conditions than reference algorithms that are representative of the current state of the art in two-speaker pitch tracking. Our algorithm uses the Blackboard architecture from Artificial Intelligence to control EAR and advanced signal processing modules. The algorithm has been implemented in MATLAB and successfully tested on a database of 570 mixture signals representing simultaneous speakers in a variety of real-world, noisy environments. With 0 dB Target-to-Masking Ratio (TMR) and no noise, the Gross Error Rate (GER) for our algorithm is 5% in comparison to the best GER performance of 11% among the reference algorithms. In diffuse noisy environments (such as street or restaurant environments), we find that our algorithm on the average outperforms the best reference algorithm by 9.4%. With directional noise, our algorithm also outperforms the best reference algorithm by 29%. The extracted pitch tracks from our algorithm were also used to carry out comb filtering for separating the harmonics of the two speakers from each other and from the other sound sources in the environment. The separated signals were evaluated subjectively by a set of 20 listeners to be of reasonable quality

    Language technologies in speech-enabled second language learning games : from reading to dialogue

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    Thesis (Ph. D.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, 2012.Cataloged from PDF version of thesis.Includes bibliographical references (p. 237-244).Second language learning has become an important societal need over the past decades. Given that the number of language teachers is far below demand, computer-aided language learning software is becoming a promising supplement to traditional classroom learning, as well as potentially enabling new opportunities for self-learning. The use of speech technologies is especially attractive to offer students unlimited chances for speaking exercises. To create helpful and intelligent speaking exercises on a computer, it is necessary for the computer to not only recognize the acoustics, but also to understand the meaning and give appropriate responses. Nevertheless, most existing speech-enabled language learning software focuses only on speech recognition and pronunciation training. Very few have emphasized exercising the student's composition and comprehension abilities and adopting language technologies to enable free-form conversation emulating a real human tutor. This thesis investigates the critical functionalities of a computer-aided language learning system, and presents a generic framework as well as various language- and domain-independent modules to enable building complex speech-based language learning systems. Four games have been designed and implemented using the framework and the modules to demonstrate their usability and flexibility, where dynamic content creation, automatic assessment, and automatic assistance are emphasized. The four games, reading, translation, question-answering and dialogue, offer different activities with gradually increasing difficulty, and involve a wide range of language processing techniques, such as language understanding, language generation, question generation, context resolution, dialogue management and user simulation. User studies with real subjects show that the systems were well received and judged to be helpful.by Yushi Xu.Ph.D