3 research outputs found

    IRSOM, a reliable identifier of ncRNAs based on supervised self-organizing maps with rejection

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    Motivation: Non-coding RNAs (ncRNAs) play important roles in many biological processes and are involved in many diseases. Their identification is an important task, and many tools exist in the literature for this purpose. However, almost all of them are focused on the discrimination of coding and ncRNAs without giving more biological insight. In this paper, we propose a new reliable method called IRSOM, based on a supervised Self-Organizing Map (SOM) with a rejection option, that overcomes these limitations. The rejection option in IRSOM improves the accuracy of the method and also allows identifing the ambiguous transcripts. Furthermore, with the visualization of the SOM, we analyze the rejected predictions and highlight the ambiguity of the transcripts. Results: IRSOM was tested on datasets of several species from different reigns, and shown better results compared to state-of-art. The accuracy of IRSOM is always greater than 0.95 for all the species with an average specificity of 0.98 and an average sensitivity of 0.99. Besides, IRSOM is fast (it takes around 254s to analyze a dataset of 147 000 transcripts) and is able to handle very large datasets

    IRSOM, a reliable identifier of ncRNAs based on supervised Self-Organizing Maps with rejection

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    International audienceMotivation: Non-coding RNAs play important roles in many biological processes and are involved in many diseases. Their identification is an important task, and many tools exist in the literature for this purpose. However, almost all of them are focused on the discrimination of coding and non-coding RNAs without giving more biological insight. In this paper, we propose a new reliable method called IRSOM, based on a supervised Self-Organizing Map(SOM) with a rejection option, that overcomes these limitations. The rejection option in IRSOM improves the accuracy of the method and also allows identifing the ambiguous transcripts. Furthermore, with the visualization of the SOM we analyse the rejected prediction and highlight the ambiguity of the transcripts.Results: IRSOM was tested on datasets of several species from different reigns, and shown better results compared to state-of-art. The accuracy of IRSOM is always greater than 0,95 for all the species with an average specificity of 0,98 and an average sensitivity of 0,99. Besides, IRSOM is fast (it takes around 254 seconds to analyse a dataset of 147 000 transcripts) and is able to handle very large datasets. Availability and Implementation: IRSOM is implemented in Python and C++. It is available on our software platform EvryRNA (http://EvryRNA.ibisc.univ-evry.fr)

    Computational analysis of human genomic variants and lncRNAs from sequence data

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    The high-throughput sequencing technologies have been developed and applied to the human genome studies for nearly 20 years. These technologies have provided numerous research applications and have significantly expanded our knowledge about the human genome. In this thesis, computational methods that utilize sequence data to study human genomic variants and transcripts were evaluated and developed. Indel represents insertion and deletion, which are two types of common genomic variants that are widespread in the human genome. Detecting indels from human genomes is the crucial step for diagnosing indel related genomic disorders and may potentially identify novel indel makers for studying certain diseases. Compared with previous techniques, the high-throughput sequencing technologies, especially the next- generation sequencing (NGS) technology, enable to detect indels accurately and efficiently in wide ranges of genome. In the first part of the thesis, tools with indel calling abilities are evaluated with an assortment of indels and different NGS settings. The results show that the selection of tools and NGS settings impact on indel detection significantly, which provide suggestions for tool selection and future developments. In bioinformatics analysis, an indel’s position can be marked inconsistently on the reference genome, which may result in an indel having different but equivalent representations and cause troubles for downstream. This problem is related to the complex sequence context of the indels, for example, short tandem repeats (STRs), where the same short stretch of nucleotides is amplified. In the second part of the thesis, a novel computational tool VarSCAT was described, which has various functions for annotating the sequence context of variants, including ambiguous positions, STRs, and other sequence context features. Analysis of several high- confidence human variant sets with VarSCAT reveals that a large number of genomic variants, especially indels, have sequence features associated with STRs. In the human genome, not all genes and their transcripts are translated into proteins. Long non-coding ribonucleic acid (lncRNA) is a typical example. Sequence recognition built with machine learning models have improved significantly in recent years. In the last part of the thesis, several machine learning-based lncRNA prediction tools were evaluated on their predictions for coding potentiality of transcripts. The results suggest that tools based on deep learning identify lncRNAs best. Ihmisen genomivarianttien ja lncRNA:iden laskennallinen analyysi sekvenssiaineistosta Korkean suorituskyvyn sekvensointiteknologioita on kehitetty ja sovellettu ihmisen genomitutkimuksiin lähes 20 vuoden ajan. Nämä teknologiat ovat mahdollistaneet ihmisen genomin laaja-alaisen tutkimisen ja lisänneet merkittävästi tietoamme siitä. Tässä väitöstyössä arvioitiin ja kehitettiin sekvenssiaineistoa hyödyntäviä laskennallisia menetelmiä ihmisen genomivarianttien sekä transkriptien tutkimiseen. Indeli on yhteisnimitys lisäys- eli insertio-varianteille ja häviämä- eli deleetio-varianteille, joita esiintyy koko genomin alueella. Indelien tunnistaminen on ratkaisevaa geneettisten poikkeavuuksien diagnosoinnissa ja eri sairauksiin liittyvien uusien indeli-markkereiden löytämisessä. Aiempiin teknologioihin verrattuna korkean suorituskyvyn sekvensointiteknologiat, erityisesti seuraavan sukupolven sekvensointi (NGS) mahdollistavat indelien havaitsemisen tarkemmin ja tehokkaammin laajemmilta genomialueilta. Väitöstyön ensimmäisessä osassa indelien kutsumiseen tarkoitettuja laskentatyökaluja arvioitiin käyttäen laajaa valikoimaa indeleitä ja erilaisia NGS-asetuksia. Tulokset osoittivat, että työkalujen valinta ja NGS-asetukset vaikuttivat indelien tunnistukseen merkittävästi ja siten ne voivat ohjata työkalujen valinnassa ja kehitystyössä. Bioinformatiivisessa analyysissä saman indelin sijainti voidaan merkitä eri kohtiin referenssigenomia, joka voi aiheuttaa ongelmia loppupään analyysiin, kuten indeli-kutsujen arviointiin. Tämä ongelma liittyy sekvenssikontekstiin, koska variantit voivat sijoittua lyhyille perättäisille tandem-toistojaksoille (STR), jossa sama lyhyt nukleotidijakso on monistunut. Väitöstyön toisessa osassa kehitettiin laskentatyökalu VarSCAT, jossa on eri toimintoja, mm. monitulkintaisten sijaintitietojen, vierekkäisten alueiden ja STR-alueiden tarkasteluun. Luotettaviksi arvioitujen ihmisen varianttiaineistojen analyysi VarSCAT-työkalulla paljasti, että monien geneettisten varianttien ja erityisesti indelien ominaisuudet liittyvät STR-alueisiin. Kaikkia ihmisen geenejä ja niiden geenituotteita, kuten esimerkiksi ei-koodaavia RNA:ta (lncRNA) ei käännetä proteiiniksi. Koneoppimismenetelmissä ja sekvenssitunnistuksessa on tapahtunut huomattavaa parannusta viime vuosina. Väitöstyön viimeisessä osassa arvioitiin useiden koneoppimiseen perustuvien lncRNA-ennustustyökalujen ennusteita. Tulokset viittaavat siihen, että syväoppimiseen perustuvat työkalut tunnistavat lncRNA:t parhaiten