21 research outputs found

    Improving the Creative Thinking Skills of the Next Generation of Mathematics Teachers Using Dynamic Mathematics Software

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    The case study reported in the paper investigated the effect of Project-based learning on students training to be mathematics teachers, pursuing their final projects. The final projects had as an aim of designing attractive and interactive mathematics learning material. This study used a qualitative method to assess the impact on the trainee teachers in terms of their creative design thinking. The research made use of the Hawgent dynamic mathematics software package. The study participants were all students at Guangxi Normal University, China. The students were divided into three groups, each with four or five members. The results presented show that selecting material and combining it with art using dynamic mathematics software can improve the communication skills, problem-solving and creative thinking skills, and improve the prospective teachers' self-confidence. Moreover, it was found that prospective mathematics teachers need motivation and support during their projects' lifecycle and that motivation has a positive effect on improving self-confidence


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    In recent years, technology has become an increasingly important tool in education. The use of technology in primary education has become increasingly popular in recent years, and the iPad has emerged as one of the most versatile and powerful tools for enhancing learning. This paper will focus on the impact of one-to-one iPad use in primary schools on teaching the concept of energy in physics. A total of 25 students in the 3rd grade from a primary school in Greece participated in the study, using iPads during their physics lessons. This study’s results showed that iPads significantly improved the student’s understanding of energy in physics. The students who used iPads had a more profound understanding of the concept, showed greater engagement and motivation and demonstrated a deeper understanding of the material.  Article visualizations


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    The Ministry of Education in Saudi Arabia has used technology to support teaching and learning in Saudi's school system to meet the requirements of the National Transformation Program under Vision 2030. There are different kinds of technology which can enhance the effectiveness of the teaching and learning of mathematics, such as the iPad. This paper presents results of primary research investigating the effect of using iPads in enhancing student achievement in a Saudi secondary school. A quasi-experimental design was used to determine the effect of using an iPad on students' achievement in mathematics across two tenth grade classes (A and B) for two months. In the first month, students of group A used the iPad as a learning tool (treatment group), while students of group B used traditional methods as learning tools (control group). In the second month of the quasi-experimental period, group A became the control group using traditional methods, while group B became the treatment group using the iPad to learn mathematics. At the start of the experiment, a pre-test was completed, and the first post-test occurred one month later, then the treatment was switched. After two months at the end of the quasi-experimental period, both groups had taken the second post-test. Cronbach's alpha coefficient measured the reliability of these tests, with the first test at 0.784 and the second test at 0.792, regarded as very high (close to 1.00). Thus, the tests' reliability and credibility were confirmed. Nine comparisons of the means were used to see if a significant statistical difference between the mean of the two groups or within a group existed, by using the SPSS t-test. After comparing the mean of ‘within-group A’, ‘within group B’, and ‘group A and group B’, it was seen that using the iPad made a statistically significant difference (p<0.05) in students' achievements compared to traditional methods. The study summarises the main results and specific recommendations are provided.  Article visualizations

    The Effect of Using iPad Apps in Developing Components of Cooperative Learning Among Students During the COVID-19 Pandemic

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    The purpose of this research is to investigate the effects of iPad use in the enhancement of structure and factors of interactional education among students during the COVID-19 pandemic. In this respect, the educational community that emphasized using interactional traditional methods imposed social distancing due to rapid global changes in recent years and the COVID-19 pandemic. This directly affected the traditional educational methods, and many students were deprived of the positive effects of interactional education. For all the aspects of education to achieve their goals, electronic applications were used in education to fully accomplish the results of public education and specifically achieve interactional training. Modern studies and investigations recommend following scientific methods about the effects of technology, in general, and iPad applications, in particular. We investigated the consequences of learning from peer groups and interactional education. The results showed that students prefer interactional and cooperative learning to individual education. Finally, it is important to study the effect of using iPad applications in improving and updating educational interactional resources for students. In this research, we try to answer the question What is the effect of electronic applications on the improvement of interactional educational lessons among students during the COVID-19 pandemic? We studied the ways that students had access to the iPad during the course and the effectiveness of the resulting education as well as the reasons for what was or was not effective

    Technological Resources versus Non-Technological Resources

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    The purpose of this study is to help show that using technology as an instructional strategy will benefit students’ knowledge on certain concepts. Improving focus and engagement will lead to increased knowledge of students. This study’s participants included ten randomly selected second-graders. They focused on the concept of 2-dimensional and 3-dimensional shapes. At the beginning of this study, they were given a pre-assessment (see Appendix A) to show their current knowledge. When this study was completed, a post-assessment (see Appendix B) was given. Comparing the results of these two assessments helped to show that using technology, during teacher-led instruction, benefited the subjects’ focus and understanding


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    This study aims at the design and evaluation of an educational Android application that is expected to help Greek gymnasium students with learning difficulties acquire extra skills in mathematics. Firstly, the attitudes and perceptions of Greek special education teachers about the use of ICTs in class have been searched via a questionnaire. The results show that all teachers are familiar with the use of ICTs and recognise the importance of ICTs in the education of pupils with SEN. Additionally, they could very easily accept and use a new mobile educational app in the learning process. We then created an application that was first evaluated by 7 mathematicians and informatics’ teachers. Their evaluation showed a positive attitude toward the application. During the 2021-2022 school year, the application was implemented in two secondary Greek schools. 16 students with learning difficulties, tried the app under the supervision of 3 special education teachers. Students, answering a questionnaire with both closed-ended and open-ended questions, appear enthusiastic about the application with no differentiation according to their gender and type of difficulty. Positive points of view towards the application are also observed in the answers of the 3 special education mathematicians who were interviewed.  Article visualizations

    The Impact of Tablet Device Applications on Mathematics Teaching and Learning at Secondary School Level in Saudi Arabia

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    There has recently been a rapid rise in the use of educational applications (apps) in teaching and learning, and they are increasingly being viewed as a necessary part of instruction. However, they are still relatively new in secondary schools in Saudi Arabia. The purpose of this study was to investigate the impact of apps on mathematics teaching and learning in the 10th grade of secondary school. Also, this study will help higher education institutions to know about the supportive educational apps to continue using the beneficial apps and to support the needs of future teachers to be trained and improve the curriculum to keep pace with technology development in education. The interviews’ findings show the need to consider the integration of new technology carefully prior to launching projects involving a change in the educational system to avoid failure. The integration of educational apps helped the students develop their mathematics learning skills, and the teachers viewed it positively in terms of the impact on teaching mathematics concepts at the secondary school level. The study also investigated the obstacles encountered by teachers and students when using various apps and sought solutions. It highlights the implications of app use and makes recommendations

    Cómo los estudiantes chinos aprenden matemáticas durante la pandemia de coronavirus

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    The Covid-19 pandemic has become a world problem now. The pandemic has affeected a lot of core sectors including the education sector. Students are not able to go to school to study and have to do a social distancing by staying at home. What the government did so that students will still be able to study at home is by developing a long-distance learning media. In this research, we will get to know more about how students in China learn mathematics at home and their learning attitude towards the learning video. This research will use a qualitative and quantitative research method. The researchers gave out questionnaires to 408 students in Guangxi province, China. The researchers also did an interview on the parents and students to know the advantages and disadvantages of using the learning video during this covid-19 pandemic. The research result shows that there is a good student learning attidude towards the learning video. Students feel that the learning video is very interesting yet effective as they were able to understand the concept taught.La pandemia de Covid-19 se ha convertido en un problema mundial hoy día. La pandemia ha afectado a muchos sectores esenciales, incluido el sector educativo. Los estudiantes no pueden ir a la escuela para estudiar y se impone un distanciamiento social al quedarse en casa. Lo que hizo el gobierno para que los estudiantes continuaran estudiando en casa fue desarrollar medios de aprendizaje a distancia. En esta investigación, conoceremos más sobre cómo los estudiantes en China aprenden matemáticas en casa y quéactitud presentan ante el aprendizaje a distancia a través de Vídeo e-learning. Este estudio empleará un método de investigación cualitativa y cuantitativa. Losinvestigadores entregaron unos cuestionarios a 408 estudiantes en la provincia de Guangxi, China. También realizaron entrevistas a los estudiantes y a sus padres para conocer las ventajas y desventajas de usar vídeos para el aprendizaje durante esta pandemia de la Covid-19. El resultado de la investigación muestra que hay una buena actitud de aprendizaje de los estudiantes hacia esta metodología. Los estudiantes destacan que el aprendizaje a través de Vídeos e-learning es muy interesante y además efectivo,ya que pudieron entender perfectamente el concepto que se quería transmitir.Universidad Pablo de Olavid

    Using Technology to Provide Students with Authentic Learning Opportunities in the Elementary Classroom

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    The concept of authentic learning has been in the world of education since the ’80s. The inclusion of technology in the ‘90s made it possible to expand the notions of authenticity and relate the work in the classroom to the world outside of it. The use of technology as a tool to provide students with authentic learning opportunities in the elementary classroom is the purpose of this capstone project. The theories of relevant and authentic learning by Daggett have laid the groundwork for the project and guide the creation of the project. The literature suggests that students that are engaged learn better and that technology can provide multiple ways to increase student engagement. The project created is a set of online activities, called an activity library. By creating activities directly related to the daily life of students and presenting those activities to students using an online platform the author tries to increase the level of authenticity in the classroom and through it, provide students and teachers with a supplemental resource to achieve a better understanding of the lessons

    Aprovechamiento educativo de la conectividad en infancia y adolescencia: una revisión sistemática de literatura

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    La conexión a internet durante la infancia y la adolescencia conlleva riesgos y oportunidades en diversos ámbitos vitales. Concretamente, este trabajo se centra en identificar líneas de investigación e intervención para un aprovechamiento de la conectividad digital de los menores en el contexto educativo. Para ello se plantea una revisión sistemática de la literatura basada en el método PRISMA y en las bases de datos Web of Science y Scopus para la búsqueda y la selección de artículos. Este estudio se centra en cinco ámbitos clave: evolución temporal, metodología de la investigación, hallazgos obtenidos, implicaciones para la investigación y  práctica educativa, y líneas futuras de investigación. De los 68 trabajos analizados, se observa que: (1) han incrementado su publicación recientemente; (2) predominan los enfoques cualitativos, evaluando los efectos de las intervenciones educativas, principalmente en infantes y jóvenes de Europa y de los niveles de Educación Primaria y Secundaria; (3) se concluye que los entornos donde la conectividad digital de los infantes ha tenido un impacto positivo incluyen mejora del aprendizaje y rendimiento académico, inclusión y accesibilidad digital, creación y producción digital, aprendizaje colaborativo y educación mediática y digital; (4) se sugiere fomentar la educación en alfabetización mediática y competencia digital desde temprana edad para prevenir riesgos y aprovechar oportunidades; y, (5) se alienta a explorar nuevas áreas para optimizar el uso de la conectividad digital entre los infantes. Esta revisión revela las áreas donde la conectividad digital ha tenido un impacto positivo en la educación de los menores