39 research outputs found

    INT-RUP Security of SAEB and TinyJAMBU

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    The INT-RUP security of an authenticated encryption (AE) scheme is a well studied problem which deals with the integrity security of an AE scheme in the setting of releasing unverified plaintext model. Popular INT-RUP secure constructions either require a large state (e.g. GCM-RUP, LOCUS, Oribatida) or employ a two-pass mode (e.g. MON- DAE) that does not allow on-the-fly data processing. This motivates us to turn our attention to feedback type AE constructions that allow small state implementation as well as on-the-fly computation capability. In CT- RSA 2016, Chakraborti et al. have demonstrated a generic INT-RUP attack on rate-1 block cipher based feedback type AE schemes. Their results inspire us to study about feedback type AE constructions at a reduced rate. In this paper, we consider two such recent designs, SAEB and TinyJAMBU and we analyze their integrity security in the setting of releasing unverified plaintext model. We found an INT-RUP attack on SAEB with roughly 232 decryption queries. However, the concrete analysis shows that if we reduce its rate to 32 bits, SAEB achieves the desired INT-RUP security bound without any additional overhead. Moreover, we have also analyzed TinyJAMBU, one of the finalists of the NIST LwC, and found it to be INT-RUP secure. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first work reporting the INT-RUP security analysis of the block cipher based single state, single pass, on-the-fly, inverse-free authenticated ciphers

    The INT-RUP Security of OCB with Intermediate (Parity) Checksum

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    OCB is neither integrity under releasing unvieried plaintext (INT-RUP) nor nonce-misuse resistant. The tag of OCB is generated by encrypting plaintext checksum, which is vulnerable in the INT-RUP security model. This paper focuses on the weakness of the checksum processing in OCB. We describe a new notion, called plaintext or ciphertext checksum (PCC), which is a generalization of plaintext checksum, and prove that all authenticated encryption schemes with PCC are insecure in the INT-RUP security model. Then we x the weakness of PCC, and describe a new approach called intermediate (parity) checksum (I(P)C for short). Based on the I(P)C approach, we provide two modied schemes OCB-IC and OCB-IPC to settle the INT-RUP of OCB in the nonce-misuse setting. OCB-IC and OCB-IPC are proven INT-RUP up to the birthday bound in the nonce-misuse setting if the underlying tweakable blockcipher is a secure mixed tweakable pseudorandom permutation (MTPRP). The security bound of OCB-IPC is tighter than OCB-IC. To improve their speed, we utilize a \prove-then-prune approach: prove security and instantiate with a scaled-down primitive (e.g., reducing rounds for the underlying primitive invocations)

    Release of Unverified Plaintext: Tight Unified Model and Application to ANYDAE

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    International audienceAuthenticated encryption schemes are usually expected to offer confidentiality and authenticity. In case of release of unverified plaintext (RUP), an adversary gets separated access to the decryption and verification functionality, and has more power in breaking the scheme. Andreeva et al. (ASIACRYPT 2014) formalized RUP security using plaintext awareness, informally meaning that the decryption functional-ity gives no extra power in breaking confidentiality, and INT-RUP security, covering authenticity in case of RUP. We describe a single, unified model, called AERUP security, that ties together these notions: we prove that an authenticated encryption scheme is AERUP secure if and only if it is conventionally secure, plaintext aware, and INT-RUP secure. We next present ANYDAE, a generalization of SUNDAE of Banik et al. (ToSC 2018/3). ANYDAE is a lightweight deterministic scheme that is based on a block cipher with block size n and arbitrary mixing functions that all operate on an n-bit state. It is particularly efficient for short messages, it does not rely on a nonce, and it provides maximal robustness to a lack of secure state. Whereas SUNDAE is not secure under release of unverified plaintext (a fairly simple attack can be mounted in constant time), ANYDAE is. We make handy use of the AERUP security model to prove that ANYDAE achieves both conventional security as RUP security, provided that certain modest conditions on the mixing functions are met. We describe two simple instances, called MONDAE and TUESDAE, that conform to these conditions and that are competitive with SUNDAE, in terms of efficiency and optimality

    Security analysis of NIST-LWC contest finalists

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    Dissertação de mestrado integrado em Informatics EngineeringTraditional cryptographic standards are designed with a desktop and server environment in mind, so, with the relatively recent proliferation of small, resource constrained devices in the Internet of Things, sensor networks, embedded systems, and more, there has been a call for lightweight cryptographic standards with security, performance and resource requirements tailored for the highly-constrained environments these devices find themselves in. In 2015 the National Institute of Standards and Technology began a Standardization Process in order to select one or more Lightweight Cryptographic algorithms. Out of the original 57 submissions ten finalists remain, with ASCON and Romulus being among the most scrutinized out of them. In this dissertation I will introduce some concepts required for easy understanding of the body of work, do an up-to-date revision on the current situation on the standardization process from a security and performance standpoint, a description of ASCON and Romulus, and new best known analysis, and a comparison of the two, with their advantages, drawbacks, and unique traits.Os padrões criptográficos tradicionais foram elaborados com um ambiente de computador e servidor em mente. Com a proliferação de dispositivos de pequenas dimensões tanto na Internet of Things, redes de sensores e sistemas embutidos, apareceu uma necessidade para se definir padrões para algoritmos de criptografia leve, com prioridades de segurança, performance e gasto de recursos equilibrados para os ambientes altamente limitados em que estes dispositivos operam. Em 2015 o National Institute of Standards and Technology lançou um processo de estandardização com o objectivo de escolher um ou mais algoritmos de criptografia leve. Das cinquenta e sete candidaturas originais sobram apenas dez finalistas, sendo ASCON e Romulus dois desses finalistas mais examinados. Nesta dissertação irei introduzir alguns conceitos necessários para uma fácil compreensão do corpo deste trabalho, assim como uma revisão atualizada da situação atual do processo de estandardização de um ponto de vista tanto de segurança como de performance, uma descrição do ASCON e do Romulus assim como as suas melhores análises recentes e uma comparação entre os dois, frisando as suas vantagens, desvantagens e aspectos únicos

    How to Securely Release Unverified Plaintext in Authenticated Encryption

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    Scenarios in which authenticated encryption schemes output decrypted plaintext before successful verification raise many security issues. These situations are sometimes unavoidable in practice, such as when devices have insufficient memory to store an entire plaintext, or when a decrypted plaintext needs early processing due to real-time requirements. We introduce the first formalization of the releasing unverified plaintext (RUP) setting. To achieve privacy, we propose using plaintext awareness (PA) along with IND-CPA. An authenticated encryption scheme is PA if it has a plaintext extractor, which tries to fool adversaries by mimicking the decryption oracle without the secret key. Releasing unverified plaintext then becomes harmless as it is infeasible to distinguish the decryption oracle from the plaintext extractor. We introduce two notions of plaintext awareness in the symmetric-key setting, PA1 and PA2, and show that they expose a new layer of security between IND-CPA and IND-CCA. To achieve integrity of ciphertexts, INT-CTXT in the RUP setting is required, which we refer to as INT-RUP. These new security notions are used to make a classification of symmetric-key schemes in the RUP setting. Furthermore, we re-analyze existing authenticated encryption schemes, and provide solutions to fix insecure schemes

    Universal Forgery Attack against GCM-RUP

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    International audienceAuthenticated encryption (AE) schemes are widely used to secure communications because they can guarantee both confidentiality and authenticity of a message. In addition to the standard AE security notion, some recent schemes offer extra robustness, i.e. they maintain security in some misuse scenarios. In particular, Ashur, Dunkelman and Luykx proposed a generic AE construction at CRYPTO'17 that is secure even when releasing unverified plaintext (the RUP setting), and a concrete instantiation, GCM-RUP. The designers proved that GCM-RUP is secure up to the birthday bound in the nonce-respecting model. In this paper, we perform a birthday-bound universal forgery attack against GCM-RUP, matching the bound of the proof. While there are simple distinguishing attacks with birthday complexity on GCM-RUP, our attack is much stronger: we have a partial key recovery leading to universal forgeries. For reference, the best known universal forgery attack against GCM requires 2 2n/3 operations, and many schemes do not have any known universal forgery attacks faster than 2 n. This suggests that GCM-RUP offers a different security trade-off than GCM: stronger protection in the RUP setting, but more fragile when the data complexity reaches the birthday bound. In order to avoid this attack, we suggest a minor modification of GCM-RUP that seems to offer better robustness at the birthday bound

    General Classification of the Authenticated Encryption Schemes for the CAESAR Competition

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    An Authenticated encryption scheme is a scheme which provides privacy and integrity by using a secret key. In 2013, CAESAR (the ``Competition for Authenticated Encryption: Security, Applicability, and Robustness\u27\u27) was co-founded by NIST and Dan Bernstein with the aim of finding authenticated encryption schemes that offer advantages over AES-GCM and are suitable for widespread adoption. The first round started with 57 candidates in March 2014; and nine of these first-round candidates where broken and withdrawn from the competition. The remaining 48 candidates went through an intense process of review, analysis and comparison. While the cryptographic community benefits greatly from the manifold different submission designs, their sheer number implies a challenging amount of study. This paper provides an easy-to-grasp overview over functional aspects, security parameters, and robustness offerings by the CAESAR candidates, clustered by their underlying designs (block-cipher-, stream-cipher-, permutation-/sponge-, compression-function-based, dedicated). After intensive review and analysis of all 48 candidates by the community, the CAESAR committee selected only 30 candidates for the second round. The announcement for the third round candidates was made on 15th August 2016 and 15 candidates were chosen for the third round

    Lynx: Family of Lightweight Authenticated Encryption Schemes based on Tweakable Blockcipher

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    The widespread deployment of low-power and handheld devices opens an opportunity to design lightweight authenticated encryption schemes. The schemes so proposed must also prove their resilience under various security notions. Romulus-N1 is an authenticated encryption scheme with associated data based on a tweakable blockcipher, a primary variant of Romulus-N family which is NIST (National Institute of Standards and Technology) lightweight cryptography competition finalist; provides beyond birthday bound security for integrity security in nonce respecting scenario but fails to provide the integrity security in nonce misuse and RUP (release of unverified plaintext) scenarios. In this paper, we propose lynx, a family with 1414 members of 1-pass and rate-1 lightweight authenticated encryption schemes with associated data based on a tweakable blockcipher, that provides birthday bound security for integrity security in both nonce respecting as well as nonce misuse and RUP scenarios and birthday bound security for privacy in nonce respecting scenario. For creating such a family of schemes we propose a family of function F\mathcal{F} that provides a total of 7272 cases out of which we show that only 1414 of them can be used for creating authenticated encryption schemes. We provide the implementation of one of the members of lynx family on six different hardware platforms and compare it with Romulus-N1. The comparison clearly shows that the lynx member outperforms Romulus-N1 on all the six platforms

    Light-OCB: Parallel Lightweight Authenticated Cipher with Full Security

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    This paper proposes a lightweight authenticated encryption (AE) scheme, called Light-OCB, which can be viewed as a lighter variant of the CAESAR winner OCB as well as a faster variant of the high profile NIST LWC competition submission LOCUS-AEAD. Light-OCB is structurally similar to LOCUS-AEAD and uses a nonce-based derived key that provides optimal security, and short-tweak tweakable blockcipher (tBC) for efficient domain separation. Light-OCB improves over LOCUS-AEAD by reducing the number of primitive calls, and thereby significantly optimizing the throughput. To establish our claim, we provide FPGA hardware implementation details and benchmark for Light-OCB against LOCUS-AEAD and several other well-known AEs. The implementation results depict that, when instantiated with the tBC TweGIFT64, Light-OCB achieves an extremely low hardware footprint - consuming only around 1128 LUTs and 307 slices (significantly lower than that for LOCUS-AEAD) while maintaining a throughput of 880 Mbps, which is almost twice that of LOCUS-AEAD. To the best of our knowledge, this figure is significantly better than all the known implementation results of other lightweight ciphers with parallel structures

    Offset-Based BBB-Secure Tweakable Block-ciphers with Updatable Caches

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    A nonce-respecting tweakable blockcipher is the building-block for the OCB authenticated encryption mode. An XEX-based TBC is used to process each block in OCB. However, XEX can provide at most birthday bound privacy security, whereas in Asiacrypt 2017, beyond-birthday-bound (BBB) forging security of OCB3 was shown by Bhaumik and Nandi. In this paper we study how at a small cost we can construct a nonce-respecting BBB-secure tweakable blockcipher. We propose the OTBC-3 construction, which maintains a cache that can be easily updated when used in an OCB-like mode. We show how this can be used in a BBB-secure variant of OCB with some additional keys and a few extra blockcipher calls but roughly the same amortised rate