43 research outputs found

    28P. Exploring the Impact of Instant Messaging on Job Satisfaction and Creativity

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    Instant messaging (IM) is prevalent among employees who prefer efficient, semi-synchronous communications. This study focuses on instant messaging and electronic communication autonomy in the workplace by examining its impact on job satisfaction and creativity. The study finds, based on a linear regression, that electronic communication autonomy influences job satisfaction and creativity, specifically revealing that instant messaging leads to creativity but negatively influences job satisfaction. These findings provide insights to assist in comprehending and managing personal electronic communication in the workplace

    Understanding the Impact of Instant Messaging (IM) on Subjective Task Complexity and User Satisfaction

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    Instant messenger is being rapidly deployed in the workplace. Current studies largely focus on the adoption of IM and how IM is used. Little research has been conducted to understand the potential impact of using IM in the workplace. This paper theorized and empirically tested how the frequency and social network characteristic of IM interruptions could interact with an individual’s polychronic orientation, i.e. multitasking preference, and jointly influence employee satisfaction and subjective task complexity. The study illustrates that polychrons are more satisfied with the multitasking work process deploying IM technology than monochrons. In addition, the effect of interruptions is dependent upon an individual’s polychronic orientation. The increase in interruption frequency only reduces the process satisfaction of monochrons but not polychrons. Further, the polychronic orientation of message receivers also influences how they process information. When IM messages are sent from their supervisors, monochrons tend to prioritize tasks and perceive a lower level of overall task complexity. The information processing of polychrons seem to be less influenced by the social characteristic of interruptions

    How Personality Affects Continuance Intention: An Empirical Investigation of Instant Messaging

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    The five-factor model (FFM) of personality has been widely used to predict cognitions, attitudes and behaviors in management and psychological research. However, FFM personality seldom appeared in the information system (IS) research field. This study incorporated FFM into the IS continuance model to explain how the personality traits influence individuals’ IS continuance intention. The data were collected from a public university in China via an online survey. The findings support that user satisfaction and perceived usefulness are key to continuance intention. The results also support that perceived enjoyment and perceived usefulness are positively associated with user satisfaction, and perceived enjoyment is the dominant variable in affecting user satisfaction with the technology use. Interestingly, only two personality traits of Big-five factors – conscientiousness and extraversion – were found to have direct effects on perceived enjoyment. The study provides an important basis for better understanding the effects of individuals’ personality characteristics on their technology continuance

    The Impact of Instant Messaging in the Workplace

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    The use of instant messaging (IM) technology at work is controversial, due to the interruptions it may cause and the difficulties associated with quantifying its benefits. In this study, we investigate the use and impact of IM tools in the workplace. Based on the communication performance theories and social network theory, we propose that the use of IM will result in work disturbance, improved communication quality and the establishment of trust between colleagues. These mediating variables will in turn enhance group outcomes. Our research model is validated by a survey of 253 working professionals. The data suggests IM can significantly contribute to communication performance in the workplace, where the benefits overwhelm the work interruption caused. Theoretical and practical implications are discussed

    How Many Teams Should We Manage at Once? The Effect of Multiple Team Membership, Collaborative Technologies, and Polychronicity on Team Performance

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    We explore the relationship between multiple team membership (the extent to which team members are engaged in more than one team and switch between different teams in a work day) and team performance. We argue that the number of MTMs has an inverted U-shaped relationship with team performance while the team average daily MTM is negatively related to performance. We propose that the use of collaborative technologies moderates the above relationships: when MTM is low technology use helps teams attain higher performance, when MTM is high collaborative technology use reduces performance. Conversely, variance in perceptions of technologies’ usefulness negatively moderates the above relationships. Finally, we expect teams whose members are more polychronic to perform better when MTM is high, but teams whose members are very diverse in terms of polychronicity to experience reduced performance. We are exploring these issues through a mixed-methods field study conducted in an IT consulting firm

    Amalan pembacaan berkesan dalam kalangan pelajar Sarjana Pendidikan Teknik dan Vokasional di Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia (UTHM)

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    Membaca adalah sangat penting dalam mempertingkatkan ilmu pengetahuan seseorang. Bagi para pelajar Sarjana Pendidikan Teknik dan Vokasional memerlukan lebih banyak membaca kerana mereka merupakan bakal guru yang akan menyampaikan maklumat serta pelbagai ilmu pengetahuan untuk generasi akan datang. Kajian berkonsepkan tinjauan ini dijalankan sepenuhnya di Fakulti Pendidikan Teknikal dan Vokasional di Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia. Tujuan kajian ini adalah untuk mengenal pasti amalan pembacaan pelajar PTV, pengaruh utama jenis bahan bacaan terhadap amalan pembacaan berkesan, faktor utama yang mempengaruhi amalan pembacaan berkesan, strategi utama membaca yang dapat membantu meningkatkan amalan pembacaan berkesan serta hubungan di antara strategi membaca dengan amalan membaca. Seramai 165 orang pelajar Sarjana PTV dijadikan sebagai responden kajian. Dengan menggunakan borang soal selidik sebagai instrumen kajian, data-data yang diperolehi dianalisis dengan menggunakan perisian SPSS versi 16.0 melalui kaedah deskriptif dan analisis korelasi Spearman’s Rho. Dapatan kajian menunjukkan bahawa amalan membaca di kalangan pelajar Sarjana PTV adalah berada di tahap sederhana. Hal ini disebabkan kurangnya minat serta amalan terhadap aktiviti membaca. Di samping itu, dapatan bagi hipotesis menunjukkan terdapat hubungan yang signifikan secara statistik di antara strategi membaca dengan amalan membaca dalam kalangan pelajar Sarjana PTV. Sebagai kesimpulannya, membaca membolehkan seseorang guru atau pelajar itu menimba ilmu pengetahuan daripada pelbagai sumber untuk mempertingkatkan ilmu pengetahuan yang sedia ada dan menjadi contoh kepada generasi akan datan

    Personal Life Interrupted: Understanding the Effects of Technology-Mediated Interruptions from Work to Personal Life

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    This study examines how technology-mediated work-related interruptions affect people’s personal life in terms of the level of work-life conflict they experience and their ability to fulfill the responsibilities of their personal life. Based on interruption source, we differentiate between two types of interruptions that occur in one’s personal life: other-initiated and self-initiated. Drawing on interruption research and micro-role transition theories, we conceptualize distinct effects of the two interruption types on outcome variables. Data were collected through surveys from 137 knowledge workers. The results reveal distinct effects of other-initiated and self-initiated interruptions on personal life. The frequency of other-initiated interruptions is found to be positively associated with work-life conflict and negatively associated with fulfillment of personal life responsibilities, whereas the frequency of self-initiated interruptions does not significantly affect personal life. The results also suggest that the effects of other-initiated interruptions on fulfillment of personal life responsibilities are partially mediated by work-life conflict. The study concludes with implications for research and practice


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    The high penetration rate of mobile internet access makes the social networking tools ubiquitous. Through social networking tools, people now can easily contact others for social purpose as well as for work purpose. As a result, mobile social networking tools are now blurring the boundary between work and family domains and creating a new work-life relationship. Using social networking tools for work provides a lot of benefits as well as some negative effects. In the paper, we develop two empirical studies to examine both the positive effects and negative effects of using social networking tools for work. Our finding indicates that using social networking tools increases group effectiveness, which results in improvement of group identity. Nevertheless, using social networking tools for work also blurs the boundary of work-life, which may raise the work load and work-home conflict. We concluded that both academics and practice should pay attention to and minimize the negative impact of increased work overload and work-home conflict induced by using social networking tools for work. Our research results also provide suggestion for future research

    Forensic Analysis of Immersive Virtual Reality Social Applications: A Primary Account

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    Our work presents the primary account for exploring the forensics of immersive Virtual Reality (VR) systems and their social applications. The Social VR applications studied in this work include Bigscreen, Altspace VR, Rec Room and Facebook Spaces. We explored the two most widely adopted consumer VR systems: the HTC Vive and the Oculus Rift. Our tests examined the efficacy of reconstructing evidence from network traffic as well as the systems themselves. The results showed that a significant amount of forensically relevant data such as user names, user profile pictures, events, and system details may be recovered. We anticipate that this work will stimulate future research directions in VR and Augmented Reality (AR) forensics as it is an area that is understudied and needs more attention from the community


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    Anlık mesajlaşma (Instant Messaging) yeni iletişim teknolojilerinin yansımalarından biri olarak iş ortamında çalışanlar arasındaki iletişimde kullanımı yaygınlaşan bir uygulamadır. Anlık mesajlaşma kapsamında WhatsApp günümüz işletmelerinin sıklıkla tercih ettiği bir iletişim ortamıdır. Bu araştırmada WhatsApp’ın iş ortamında çalışanlar arasında kullanım nedenlerinden medya zenginlği ve sosyal etkinin, çalışanların kesintiye uğrama (interruption) algıları ile ilişkisi incelenmiştir. Çevrimiçi olarak oluşturulan ölçek çeşitli sosyal medya ortamlarında ve eposta aracılığıyla paylaşılmıştır. Kartopu örneklemin kullanıldığı çalışmada toplam 312 kişiden yanıt alınmıştır. Araştırmanın sonuçlarına göre iş ortamında WhatsApp kullanım sebeplerinden medya zenginliği ve sosyal etki ile kesinti/bölünme (interruption) değerlendirmeleri arasında olumlu yönde anlamlı bir ilişki vardır. Bununla birlikte medya zenginliği ve sosyal etki, kesinti/bölünme değerlendirmeleri üzerinde belirleyici etkiye sahiptir