586 research outputs found


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    The objective of this study is to examine the prevalence of violence against teachers by students. The study included 175 teachers, five primary and five secondary schools. The age of respondents (teachers) ranges from 20 to 65, with average age being 44,33 years. The used instrument has assessed violence against teachers and has consisted of data about the characteristics of respondents, frequency and type of violence experienced from students.The results suggest that violence against teachers in primary and secondary schools in Zagreb taken in to sample is very much present. Since 74,3% teachers has experienced violence from their students during the year that kind of behavior is more of a rule than an exception. Students in primary and secondary schools show violent behavior against their teachers at an equal level. Male teachers, as opposed to female teachers, are more frequently victims of violent behavior (posting inappropriate content online) from their students. Also, there is a statistically significant correlation (negative) between age (years of service in school) and frequency of experienced violence from students


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    The study puts an emphasis on exploring cognitive manipulations contained in the Internet resources (social networks and blogs) that have the greatest impact on students. The study was conducted with 159 students of Don State Technical University. 50 samples of media texts (of various formats) containing cognitive manipulation were taken from social networks sites and blogs. Focus group method, questionnaire, method of Critical Discourse Analysis and methods of mathematical statistics (Principal Component Analysis) were used for data collection and processing. The findings allow us to identify and describe the features of such cognitive manipulation as “presence effect”, “focus on pros”, “halo effect”, “emotional resonance”, “ambiguous language”, “anonymous authority”, “primacy effect”, “exaggeration” and identify the manipulations that have the greatest impact on students. Recommendations aimed at reduction of the impact of manipulative techniques were suggested. The results of the present study may help teachers and psychologists in their work


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    The article touches upon basic aspects of the theory of speech acts that is defined as influence exercised upon  a human being or a group of people through speech and related non-verbal means by the speaker in order to achieve definite aims, i.e. to change the listener’s behavior, his mental set, intentions, perceptions, evaluations, etc. in the course of verbal interaction


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    This study shows the qualitative construction of a Referential Cognitive Graduate Profile (RCGP) for the Computer Engineering program of the University of Bernardo O’Higgins (UBO) in Chile, based on the theory of Mental Self-Governance and by using three data-gathering methods: document analysis, interviews, and questionnaires, reflecting the profes-sional competencies expected by the end of the training, set forth by both the institution and program management. The proposed model allows to contrast the different thinking styles (TSs) found with the ones preferred by students in different levels of formation independently. With this purpose in mind, by using a quantitative methodology, 88% of male students in the program completed the questionnaires to determine these preferences, enabling us to perform a correspondence analysis through Fisher’s exact test. The RCGP results show evident preference for the legislative, executive, hierarchical, and external styles of thinking and clear differences between the preferences of students and of the RCGP. Finally, we discuss about various ways to create new means to strengthen and upgrade both the program’s graduate profile and the RCGP with the purpose of benefitting the formation of Computer Engineers and the future of the RCGP model


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    The family and its important role in the development of the child is the inspiration for many types of research that have the intention to emphasize certain aspects of family life and the consequences of the family relations in the development of the children.The issue of this research is to find out if there is a connection between the conflict in the family, the divorce of the parents and self-concept in the children of early school age. The research is conducted on 30 children of single-parent families. The children of these single-parent families are children who have lived in families with conflicts and they have been direct or indirect participants in the conflict of the divorced parents.In the process of research, we applied projective techniques: Machover which consists of drawing a person’s figure, as well as a drawing a house and a tree-HTP (House-Tree-Person).The results are obtained through qualitative analysis and interpretation of each drawing particularly.During the investigation the relation between the variables, it is confirmed that there is a considerable connection between the conflict in the family, the divorce of the parents and the self-concept in children. It is confirmed, during the process that the children of divorced parents from negative self-concept. In children of single-parent families it is indicated that this group of children in relation to the psychological picture for themselves presented the following characteristics: lowered EGO, mechanisms for defense, feeling of insecurity, low self-confidence, aggressiveness, great virility, and caution


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    Authors introduce a theoretical model of knowledge sharing in an organization through individual perspective. The social exchange theory offers a clarification of fundamental assumptions regarding individual action and is therefore appropriate for explaining why and when an individual is ready to share her/his knowledge in an organization. The article aims to reveal what shapes employees’ decisions to share knowledge in a work situation and what is needed in an organization to facilitate individuals to share and not to hoard their knowledge. These assumptions have never been included in the literature of knowledge management up until now.&nbsp


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    The article described the study of the relevance of the role and place of religious contents among young people in the postconflict areas of the South of Russia, the rate of experiences of mythological fear had been explored with the help of the survey, as well as individual psychological characteristics of subjects had been studied by methods of Eysenck, Schmieschek, J. Rotter and Taylor. Those representatives of the surveyed youth sample experiencing a high level of mythological fear could fall into the danger zone of initiation in the group of non-traditional religious sects, as well as come under extremists’ influence, since manipulation of consciousness and human behavior, depending on individual psychological characteristics and by using of mythological content, such as fear of possession by jinni, is most effective. The study was attended by representatives of Islam at the age of 19-21, divided by gender: 100 young men and 100 girls. The study was aimed at identifying individual personality characteristics of temperament, character accentuations, locus of control, the level of personal anxiety and the results of a content analysis of the survey done by the author of the article were identified in accordance with five scales. Results of the study revealed that about 80% of subjects experiencing a high level of mythological fears had the same peculiar correlation indices. In connection with the results of research, we had worked out and suggested a complex of psycho-pedagogical support consisting of four modules for the purpose of education, preventive and corrective activities with young people experiencing a high level of mythological fear (fear of possession by jinni)


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    Based on the views of representatives of domestic and Western philosophical thought (M. Merleau-Ponty, P. Bourdieu, N.A. Bernstein, E. Knyazeva), the author offers a nontraditional approach to the study of essence and nature of sports activity. The productive analysis of sports activity requires such technics of intellectual procedures, which allow to consider sports activity not only as a physical sphere but also as a mental one, including cognitive, mental, psychomotor and emotional aspects.&nbsp


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    The contemporary socio-cultural and educational situation points the attention to the analysis and construction of opportunities for the formation and development of transversal competences in school education. It is expedient therefore that within the process of education in all school subjects and throughout all ages and cognitive activities the decisions for the design of a suitable educational environment should be systematized and specified in such a way as to guarantee that knowledge and skills can be continuously regrouped in accordance with context. In other words, these skills and the knowledge they are based on, should form the foundation of transversal competences that can be applied regardless of age and activities. The design of invariant technologies for the development of transversal competences is also related to the coordination of a variety of approaches, principles and conditions of education in such a manner as to provide effectiveness when these technologies are specifically applied as variants. This creates a necessity for a didactic interpretation of the means of development of transversal competences. Additionally, it poses a necessity to improve teachers’ special preparation and qualification to design educational environment that can guarantee the achievement of transversal competences as an educational outcome. The present research offers opportunities to realize this goal in an integrative and integrating process rather than as an isolated endevour on part of the teachers or as an unorganized effort on part of the students. This in turn poses some new requirements to the system of school education as a whole


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    In this paper, the main features of parametrical words within a sentiment lexicon are determined. The data for the research are client reviews in the Russian language taken from the bank client rating; the domain under study is bank service quality. The sentiment lexicon structure is presented; it includes two primary classes (positive and negative words) and three secondary classes (increments, polarity modifiers, and polarity anti-modifiers). This lexicon is used as the main tool for the sentiment analysis carried out by two methods: the NaĂŻve Bayes classifier and the REGEX algorithm. Parametrical words are referred to as the words denoting the value of some domain-specific parameter, e.g. the client’s time consuming. To distinguish the main features of parametrical words, the parameters relevant for the bank service quality domain are determined. The revised lexicon structure is proposed, with a new class (decrements) added. The results of the research demonstrate that parametrical words express implicit opinions, since parameters are not usually named directly in reviews. Only a small number of parametrical words can be ranged into the primary classes (positive or negative), but this ranging is domain-specific. It is the parameter that determines the domain specificity of such words. Most parametrical words are ranged into the secondary classes, and this ranging can be considered universal. The parametrical words denoting the increase of a parameter should be ranged into the increment class, as they intensify positive or negative emotions. The parametrical words denoting the decrease of a parameter should be ranged into the decrement class, as they reduce positive or negative emotions. The evident progress on the way to the sentiment lexicon universalization can be achieved by classifying parametrical words within the sentiment lexicon
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