5 research outputs found

    Modificacion superficial de papeles para la elaboraci贸n de envases bioactivos

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    Proyecto Integrador (IQ)--FCEFN-UNC, 2016Propone la modificaci贸n de la estructura de la celulosa mediante el injerto de mol茅culas bioactivas para preparar materiales repelentes de gorgojos con potencial aplicaci贸n en el envasado de alimentos

    Etude de l'茅volution temporelle de ph茅nom猫nes terrestres au moyen de l'imagerie radar

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    No abstractLes donnees radar sont tres sensibles aux modifications du sol. La technique interferometrique permet d'en etudier le relief et de suivre son evolution. La motivation principale de ce travail de these est de proposer des methodologies du traitement d'image, adaptees a ces donnees, pour etudier l'evolution de phenomenes complexes. Ce manuscrit, a l'instar du travail qu'il represente, se decompose en quatre parties. L'interpretation des images radar passe par la comprehension des differentes etapes menant a leur construction. La premiere partie est composee d'une introduction aux principes d'acquisition radar, suivie de la presentation des principes interferometriques. Les interferogrammes presentent des franges caracteristiques d'un repliement du signal. La deuxieme partie de ce document presente une methode de segmentation, dite de deroulement, permettant de lever cette ambiguite. Cette technique est appliquee pour reconstruire des modeles numeriques de terrain. Une fois les interferogrammes corriges de cette ambiguite de mesure, il devient possible de les etudier au moyen de leurs proprietes intrinseques. La troisieme partie utilise la sensibilite de cette acquisition aux modifications du sol pour proposer une methode de detection de changement par segmentation des effets de phase. Deux volets thematiques sont presentes, une etude des effets lies aux variations hygrometriques, et une application aux risques naturels via la detection des glissements de terrains. Ces regions en evolution etant detectees, il est possible d'utiliser une nouvelle fois la mesure interferometrique pour etudier l'evolution du relief au cours du temps. La quatrieme partie propose une methode de suivi, par mise en correspondance de surfaces. Cette methode est utilisee pour suivre l'evolution de la surface du sol. Chaque partie presente et analyse des resultats experimentaux. Ce document conclue par une presentation des perspectives d'evolution de ce travail de recherche

    Fusion-based impairment modelling for an intelligent radar sensor architecture

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    An intelligent radar sensor concept has been developed using a modelling approach for prediction of sensor performance, based on application of sensor and environment models. Land clutter significantly impacts on the operation of radar sensors operating at low-grazing angles. The clutter modelling technique developed in this thesis for the prediction of land clutter forms the clutter model for the intelligent radar sensor. Fusion of remote sensing data is integral to the clutter modelling approach and is addressed by considering fusion of radar remote sensing data, and mitigation of speckle noise and data transmission impairments. The advantages of the intelligent sensor approach for predicting radar performance are demonstrated for several applications using measured data. The problem of predicting site-specific land radar performance is an important task which is complicated by the peculiarities and characteristics of the radar sensor, electromagnetic wave propagation, and the environment in which the radar is deployed. Airborne remote sensing data can provide information about the environment and terrain, which can be used to more accurately predict land radar performance. This thesis investigates how fusion of remote sensing data can be used in conjunction with a sensor modelling approach to enable site-specific prediction of land radar performance. The application of a radar sensor model and a priori information about the environment, gives rise to the notion of an intelligent radar sensor which can adapt to dynamically changing environments through intelligent processing of this a priori knowledge. This thesis advances the field of intelligent radar sensor design, through an approach based on fusion of a priori knowledge provided by remote sensing data, and application of a modelling approach to enable prediction of radar sensor performance. Original contributions are made in the areas of intelligent radar sensor development, improved estimation of land surface clutter intensity for site-specific low-grazing angle radar, and fusion and mitigation of sensor and data transmission impairments in radar remote sensing data.EThOS - Electronic Theses Online ServiceGBUnited Kingdo

    Fusion-based impairment modelling for an intelligent radar sensor architecture

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    An intelligent radar sensor concept has been developed using a modelling approach for prediction of sensor performance, based on application of sensor and environment models. Land clutter significantly impacts on the operation of radar sensors operating at low-grazing angles. The clutter modelling technique developed in this thesis for the prediction of land clutter forms the clutter model for the intelligent radar sensor. Fusion of remote sensing data is integral to the clutter modelling approach and is addressed by considering fusion of radar remote sensing data, and mitigation of speckle noise and data transmission impairments. The advantages of the intelligent sensor approach for predicting radar performance are demonstrated for several applications using measured data. The problem of predicting site-specific land radar performance is an important task which is complicated by the peculiarities and characteristics of the radar sensor, electromagnetic wave propagation, and the environment in which the radar is deployed. Airborne remote sensing data can provide information about the environment and terrain, which can be used to more accurately predict land radar performance. This thesis investigates how fusion of remote sensing data can be used in conjunction with a sensor modelling approach to enable site-specific prediction of land radar performance. The application of a radar sensor model and a priori information about the environment, gives rise to the notion of an intelligent radar sensor which can adapt to dynamically changing environments through intelligent processing of this a priori knowledge. This thesis advances the field of intelligent radar sensor design, through an approach based on fusion of a priori knowledge provided by remote sensing data, and application of a modelling approach to enable prediction of radar sensor performance. Original contributions are made in the areas of intelligent radar sensor development, improved estimation of land surface clutter intensity for site-specific low-grazing angle radar, and fusion and mitigation of sensor and data transmission impairments in radar remote sensing data