2 research outputs found

    A Game-Theoretic Model to Analyze Value Creation with Simultaneous Cooperation and Competition of Supply Chain Partners

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    There is a rising trend in supplying chain management to employ simultaneous cooperation and competition (coopetition) among supply chain partners as an efficient strategy to create value. There exist, however, few models which analyze coopetitive situations mathematically. Cooperative game theory is the common tool in analyzing cooperative situations. However, the term “cooperative” in “cooperative game theory” is absolutely misleading since it ultimately leads to competition analysis and ignores the internal structure of the cooperation. Coopetition, however, results in structural transformations in players. Therefore, we require a mathematical modeling approach which takes into account the internal structural changes due to cooperation among competitors. In so doing, in this paper we propose, we assume that those parameters of each firm’s profit function are subject to transformation by cooperation as a function of cooperation level so as to determine the right level of cooperation and production of firms while considering technical cooperation between them. Furthermore, we demonstrate the results of applying the idea to a supply chain situation where two similar suppliers participate. We conclude that under intuitive conditions coopetition strategy is superior to the pure competitive relationship between the suppliers in terms of profitability which validates the previous empirical results mathematically


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    The objective of this study is to analyze international publications that associate coopetition and innovation, while identifying opportunities for future research. Based on bibliometric techniques, the study was conducted in the Web of Science database in two stages: (i) search and (ii) systematic literature review. From the systematic search 49 articles published until April 2016 in 28 journals were identified, among which are: Industrial Marketing Management, Technovation, Journal of Business Research and Technology Analysis & Strategic Management. In the second stage, the full text of 27 articles that clearly associate the themes coopetition and innovation were read, analyzed and synthesized. The analysis of the publications mentioned in this paper points out that the coopetition and innovation themes are close and complementary. It also indicates that there are several possibilities for future studies, such as examining whether and how coopetition increases innovation’s potential to create value. This paper contributes for the understanding of how these two themes can be studied together.El objetivo de este estudio es analizar las publicaciones internacionales que asocian coopetición y innovación, identificando oportunidades para investigaciones futuras. A partir de técnicas bibliométricas el estudio se realizó en la base Web of Science en dos etapas: (i) búsqueda y (ii) análisis sistemática de la literatura. La primera etapa permitió identificar 49 artículos publicados hasta abril de 2016 en 28 revistas, entre las que destacan: Industrial Marketing Management, Technovation, Journal of Business Research y Technology Analysis & Strategic Management. En la segunda etapa fueran seleccionados, analizados y sintetizados 27 artículos que asocian claramente los temas coopetición e innovación. El análisis de estas publicaciones muestra que los dos temas están enlazados y son complementarios, y que existen varias posibilidades para futuros estudios, tal como verificar si y cómo la coopetición aumenta el potencial de crear valor de la innovación. Este artículo contribuye a la comprensión de cómo los dos temas pueden ser estudiados de forma conjunta.O objetivo deste estudo é analisar as publicações internacionais que associam coopetição e inovação, identificando oportunidades de futuras pesquisas. Baseando-se em técnicas bibliométricas, o estudo foi realizado na base Web of Science em duas etapas: (i) busca e (ii) análise sistemática da literatura. A partir da busca sistemática foram identificados 49 artigos publicados até abril de 2016 em 28 periódicos, dentre os quais se destacam: Industrial Marketing Management, Technovation, Journal of Business Research e Technology Analysis & Strategic Management. Na segunda etapa foram selecionados, analisados e sintetizados 27 artigos que associam claramente as temáticas coopetição e inovação. A análise dessas publicações aponta que as duas temáticas são próximas e complementares e que existem diversas possibilidades para futuros estudos, tal como examinar se e como a coopetição aumenta o potencial de criação de valor da inovação. Este artigo contribui para o entendimento de como as duas temáticas podem ser estudadas conjuntamente.DOI: 10.21714/2178-8030gep.v19.470