3 research outputs found

    A convolutional network for the classification of sleep stages

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    Trátase dun resumo estendido da ponencia[Abstract] The classification of sleep stages is a crucial task in the context of sleep medicine. It involves the analysis of multiple signals thus being tedious and complex. Even for a trained physician scoring a whole night sleep study can take several hours. Most of the automatic methods trying to solve this problem use human engineered features biased for a specific dataset. In this work we use deep learning to avoid human bias. We propose an ensemble of 5 convolutional networks achieving a kappa index of 0.83 when classifying 500 sleep studies.Xunta de Galicia; ED431G/0

    Enhancing Visual Exploration through Augmented Gaze:High Acceptance of Immersive Virtual Biking by Oldest Olds

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    The diffusion of virtual reality applications dedicated to aging urges us to appraise its acceptance by target populations, especially the oldest olds. We investigated whether immersive virtual biking, and specifically a visuomotor manipulation aimed at improving visual exploration (augmented gaze), was well accepted by elders living in assisted residences. Twenty participants (mean age 89.8 years, five males) performed three 9 min virtual biking sessions pedalling on a cycle ergometer while wearing a Head-Mounted Display which immersed them inside a 360-degree pre-recorded biking video. In the second and third sessions, the relationship between horizontal head rotation and contingent visual shift was experimentally manipulated (augmented gaze), the visual shift being twice (gain = 2.0) or thrice (gain = 3.0) the amount of head rotation. User experience, motion sickness and visual exploration were measured. We found (i) very high user experience ratings, regardless of the gain; (ii) no effect of gain on motion sickness; and (iii) increased visual exploration (slope = +46%) and decreased head rotation (slope = −18%) with augmented gaze. The improvement in visual exploration capacity, coupled with the lack of intolerance signs, suggests that augmented gaze can be a valuable tool to improve the “visual usability” of certain virtual reality applications for elders, including the oldest olds

    What we know and what we do not know about DMN

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    The recent Decision Model and Notation (DMN) establishes business decisions as first-class citizens of executable business processes. This research note has two objectives: first, to describe DMN's technical and theoretical foundations; second, to identify research directions for investigating DMN's potential benefits on a technological, individual and organizational level. To this end, we integrate perspectives from management science, cognitive theory and information systems research