244 research outputs found

    The Global Rise of International Commercial Courts: Typology and Power Dynamics

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    Over the past decade, there has been a proliferation of International Commercial Courts (ICCs) across the globe. ICCs are specialized tribunals within the domestic court hierarchy tailored for the adjudication of complicated cross-border commercial disputes. Most ICCs share similar features, such as a set of flexible procedural rules comparable to those in international arbitration, multilingual court proceedings, and the recruitment of overseas judges or foreign legal experts. The global phenomenon calls for a systematic comparative study of the different generations of ICCs and their power dynamics. This Article will offer a unique typological framework to study the evolution of ICCs. In particular, emphasis will be placed on the power dynamics among the ICCs such as horizontal power dynamics among the ICCs inter se, and diagonal power dynamics between the ICCs and international arbitration. This Article argues that the most apt characterization of the two dimensions of power dynamics is “co-opetition,” a combination of “cooperation / collaboration / complementarity” and “competition.” While a race for cases and foreign litigants is inevitable, we argue that there is significant room for inter-regional cooperation and coordination to allow for and capitalize on different ICC niches and specialties

    Automated Ecological Assessment of Physical Activity: Advancing Direct Observation.

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    Technological advances provide opportunities for automating direct observations of physical activity, which allow for continuous monitoring and feedback. This pilot study evaluated the initial validity of computer vision algorithms for ecological assessment of physical activity. The sample comprised 6630 seconds per camera (three cameras in total) of video capturing up to nine participants engaged in sitting, standing, walking, and jogging in an open outdoor space while wearing accelerometers. Computer vision algorithms were developed to assess the number and proportion of people in sedentary, light, moderate, and vigorous activity, and group-based metabolic equivalents of tasks (MET)-minutes. Means and standard deviations (SD) of bias/difference values, and intraclass correlation coefficients (ICC) assessed the criterion validity compared to accelerometry separately for each camera. The number and proportion of participants sedentary and in moderate-to-vigorous physical activity (MVPA) had small biases (within 20% of the criterion mean) and the ICCs were excellent (0.82-0.98). Total MET-minutes were slightly underestimated by 9.3-17.1% and the ICCs were good (0.68-0.79). The standard deviations of the bias estimates were moderate-to-large relative to the means. The computer vision algorithms appeared to have acceptable sample-level validity (i.e., across a sample of time intervals) and are promising for automated ecological assessment of activity in open outdoor settings, but further development and testing is needed before such tools can be used in a diverse range of settings

    Depletion and activation of microglia impact metabolic connectivity of the mouse brain

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    AimWe aimed to investigate the impact of microglial activity and microglial FDG uptake on metabolic connectivity, since microglial activation states determine FDG-PET alterations. Metabolic connectivity refers to a concept of interacting metabolic brain regions and receives growing interest in approaching complex cerebral metabolic networks in neurodegenerative diseases. However, underlying sources of metabolic connectivity remain to be elucidated.Materials and methodsWe analyzed metabolic networks measured by interregional correlation coefficients (ICCs) of FDG-PET scans in WT mice and in mice with mutations in progranulin (Grn) or triggering receptor expressed on myeloid cells 2 (Trem2) knockouts ((-/-)) as well as in double mutant Grn(-/-)/Trem2(-/-) mice. We selected those rodent models as they represent opposite microglial signatures with disease associated microglia in Grn(-/-) mice and microglia locked in a homeostatic state in Trem2(-/-) mice;however, both resulting in lower glucose uptake of the brain. The direct influence of microglia on metabolic networks was further determined by microglia depletion using a CSF1R inhibitor in WT mice at two different ages. Within maps of global mean scaled regional FDG uptake, 24 pre-established volumes of interest were applied and assigned to either cortical or subcortical networks. ICCs of all region pairs were calculated and z-transformed prior to group comparisons. FDG uptake of neurons, microglia, and astrocytes was determined in Grn(-/-) and WT mice via assessment of single cell tracer uptake (scRadiotracing).ResultsMicroglia depletion by CSF1R inhibition resulted in a strong decrease of metabolic connectivity defined by decrease of mean cortical ICCs in WT mice at both ages studied (6-7 m;p = 0.0148, 9-10 m;p = 0.0191), when compared to vehicle-treated age-matched WT mice. Grn(-/-), Trem2(-/-) and Grn(-/-)/Trem2(-/-) mice all displayed reduced FDG-PET signals when compared to WT mice. However, when analyzing metabolic networks, a distinct increase of ICCs was observed in Grn(-/-) mice when compared to WT mice in cortical (p < 0.0001) and hippocampal (p < 0.0001) networks. In contrast, Trem2(-/-) mice did not show significant alterations in metabolic connectivity when compared to WT. Furthermore, the increased metabolic connectivity in Grn(-/-) mice was completely suppressed in Grn(-/-)/Trem2(-/-) mice. Grn(-/-) mice exhibited a severe loss of neuronal FDG uptake (- 61%, p < 0.0001) which shifted allocation of cellular brain FDG uptake to microglia (42% in Grn(-/-) vs. 22% in WT).ConclusionsPresence, absence, and activation of microglia have a strong impact on metabolic connectivity of the mouse brain. Enhanced metabolic connectivity is associated with increased microglial FDG allocation

    Mental imagery and acute exercise on episodic memory function

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    © 2019 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland. Mental imagery is used extensively in the sporting domain. It is used for performance-enhancement purposes, arousal regulation, affective and cognitive modification, and rehabilitation purposes. The purpose of this experiment was to evaluate whether acute exercise and mental imagery of acute exercise have similar effects on cognitive performance, specifically memory function. A within-subject randomized controlled experiment was employed. Participants (N = 24; Mage = 21.5 years) completed two exercise-related visits (i.e., actual exercise and mental imagery of exercise), in a counterbalanced order. The acute-exercise session involved 10 min of intermittent sprints. The mental-imagery session involved a time-matched period of mental imagery. After each manipulation (i.e., acute exercise or mental imagery of acute exercise), memory was evaluated from a paired-associative learning task and a comprehensive evaluation of memory, involving spatial–temporal integration (i.e., what, where, and when aspects of memory). Bayesian analyses were computed to evaluate the effects of actual exercise and mental imagery of exercise on memory function. For the paired-associative learning task, there was moderate evidence in favor of the null hypothesis for a main effect for condition (BF01 = 2.85) and time by condition interaction (BF01 = 3.30). Similarly, there was moderate evidence in favor of the null hypothesis for overall (what-where-when) memory integration (BF01 = 3.37), what-loop (BF01 = 2.34), where-loop (BF01 = 3.45), and when-loop (BF01 = 3.46). This experiment provides moderate evidence in support of the null hypothesis. That is, there was moderate evidence to support a non-differential effect of acute exercise and mental imagery of acute exercise on memory function

    An evaluation of EQ-5D-3L health utility scores using five country-specific tariffs in a rural population aged 45-69 years in Hua county, Henan province, China.

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    BACKGROUND: This study aims to compare the performance of the recently developed Chinese (city) tariff of the EQ-5D-3L against the UK, US, Japanese and Korean tariffs in a general rural population in China. METHODS: From November 2015 to September 2016, 12,085 permanent residents aged 45-69 from 257 villages randomly selected from Hua County, Henan Province, China, were interviewed using EQ-5D-3L, and a one-on-one questionnaire investigation was used to collect data on factors associated with HRQOL. The health utility scores were calculated using the UK, US, Japanese, Korean and Chinese (city) tariffs. The agreement, known-groups validity and sensitivity of these five tariffs were evaluated. Transition scores for pairs of observed EQ-5D-3L health states were calculated and compared. RESULTS: The Korean tariff yielded the highest mean health utility score (0.963), followed by the Chinese (city) (0.948), US (0.943), UK (0.930) and Japanese (0.921) tariffs, but the differences in the scores of any two tariffs did not exceed the MCID. The Chinese (city) tariff showed higher ICC values (ICCs> 0.89, 95% CI:0.755-0.964) and narrower limits of agreement (0.099-0.167) than the Korean tariff [(ICCs> 0.71, 95% CI:0.451-0.955); (0.146-0.253)]. The Chinese (city) tariff had a higher relative efficiency and effect size statistics in 10 out of 11 variables as compared to the UK, US and Japanese tariffs. The Chinese (city) tariff (0.215) was associated with moderate mean absolute transition scores compared with the UK (0.342), US (0.230), Japanese (0.149) and Korean (0.189) tariffs for 1485 observed pairs of the EQ-5D-3L health states. CONCLUSIONS: Health utility scores derived from the five tariffs differed. The Chinese (city) tariff was the most suitable of these tariffs and was without obvious weakness. We recommend adopting the Chinese (city) tariff when applying EQ-5D-3L to assess quality of life among the elderly in China's agricultural region with socio-economic status similar to Hua County. Results of this study had provided a crucial basis for health surveys, health promotion projects, health intervention trials, and health economic evaluation taking HRQOL as a target in rural areas of China

    Spasticity Assessment Based on the Maximum Isometrics Voluntary Contraction of Upper Limb Muscles in Post-stroke Hemiplegia

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    Background: The assessment of muscle properties is an essential prerequisite in the treatment of post-stroke patients with limb spasticity. Most existing spasticity assessment approaches do not consider the muscle activation with voluntary contraction. Including voluntary movements of spastic muscles may provide a new way for the reliable assessment of muscle spasticity.Objective: In this study, we investigated the effectiveness and reliability of maximum isometrics voluntary contraction (MIVC) based method for spasticity assessment in post-stroke hemiplegia.Methods: Fourteen post-stroke hemiplegic patients with arm spasticity were asked to perform two tasks: MIVC and passive isokinetic movements. Three biomechanical signals, torque, position, and time, were recorded from the impaired and non-impaired arms of the patients. Three features, peak torque, keep time of the peak torque, and rise time, were computed from the recorded MIVC signals and used to evaluate the muscle voluntary activation characteristics, respectively. For passive movements, two features, the maximum resistance torque and muscle stiffness, were also obtained to characterize the properties of spastic stretch reflexes. Subsequently, the effectiveness and reliability of the MIVC-based spasticity assessment method were evaluated with spearman correlation analysis and intra class correlation coefficients (ICCs) metrics.Results: The results indicated that the keep time of peak torque and rise time in the impaired arm were higher in comparison to those in the contralateral arm, whereas the peak torque in the impaired side was significantly lower than their contralateral arm. Our results also showed a significant positive correlation (r = 0.503, p = 0.047) between the keep time (tk) and the passive resistant torque. Furthermore, a significantly positive correlation was observed between the keep time (tk) and the muscle stiffness (r = 0.653, p = 0.011). Meanwhile, the ICCs for intra-time measurements of MIVC ranged between 0.815 and 0.988 with one outlier.Conclusion: The findings from this study suggested that the proposed MIVC-based approach would be promising for the reliable and accurate assessment of spasticity in post-stroke patients