71 research outputs found

    Design and Analysis of Optimized Fin-FETs

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    Semiconductor industry greatly depends on CMOS technology and now needs competent technology with handful benefits. This paper examines and analyzes the modern FINFET technology. This analysis is performed through 9 stages Ring Oscillator equipped with FINFET. Performance is analyzed by comparing the proposed structure with CMOS based 9 stage Ring Oscillator at the nano-scale level of abstraction

    Classification of Classical Indian Music Tabla Taals using Deep Learning

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    In the research that we are bringing to light, we profoundly explore the categorization of Classical Indian Music Tabla Taals. This emphasizes widely recognized taals such as Addhatrital, Ektal, Rupak, Dadra, Deepchandi, Jhaptal, Trital, and Bhajani. To push the boundaries of our understanding, we implement a mixed-methods approach tethering both Feedforward Neural Networks (FNN) and Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN). These state-of-the-art technologies enable us to dissect and categorize tabla taals efficiently. In essence, the hallmark of Classical Indian music is its complex and multifaceted rhythms brought to life by the primal percussive instrument - the tabla. The conception and reproduction of these nuanced taals require technical finesse. Thus, accompanying the digital revolution and the eclectic musical preferences, it becomes essential for advanced methodologies to pinpoint and classify tabla taals. The hardcover of our research opens up to the magnificent crafting of an unmatched model employing both FNN and CNN. This blend enables us to recognize diverse features unique to tabla taals like Addhatrital, Ektal, Rupak, Dadra, Deepchandi, Jhaptal, Trital, and Bhajani. The model obtained its bosom knowledge during training from an assortment of Classical Indian music recordings showcasing these invigorating taals. This fosters a broader understanding regarding the array of minute differences brimming within each rhythmic inheritance. To bring user interaction to life, we have embedded a Graphical User Interface (GUI). This empowers users to introduce an audio file filled with table music from the taals listed and receive on-the-spot recognition. refining their connection and knowledge of the taal in question. Our research findings procure paramount importance in the scape of music analysis, especially framed within the heart of Classical Indian Music. We propose a system that would serve as a tool for amateur table players to learn the skill well and master their art. Instructors could also utilize it for training purposes. It opens a new window of possibilities providing an advanced model for intuitive, swift, and accurate automated identification of tabla taals

    The Use of MPI and OpenMP Technologies for Subsequence Similarity Search in Very Large Time Series on Computer Cluster System with Nodes Based on the Intel Xeon Phi Knights Landing Many-core Processor

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    Nowadays, subsequence similarity search is required in a wide range of time series mining applications: climate modeling, financial forecasts, medical research, etc. In most of these applications, the Dynamic TimeWarping (DTW) similarity measure is used since DTW is empirically confirmed as one of the best similarity measure for most subject domains. Since the DTW measure has a quadratic computational complexity w.r.t. the length of query subsequence, a number of parallel algorithms for various many-core architectures have been developed, namely FPGA, GPU, and Intel MIC. In this article, we propose a new parallel algorithm for subsequence similarity search in very large time series on computer cluster systems with nodes based on Intel Xeon Phi Knights Landing (KNL) many-core processors. Computations are parallelized on two levels as follows: through MPI at the level of all cluster nodes, and through OpenMP within one cluster node. The algorithm involves additional data structures and redundant computations, which make it possible to effectively use the capabilities of vector computations on Phi KNL. Experimental evaluation of the algorithm on real-world and synthetic datasets shows that it is highly scalable.Comment: Accepted for publication in the "Numerical Methods and Programming" journal (http://num-meth.srcc.msu.ru/english/, in Russian "Vychislitelnye Metody i Programmirovanie"), in Russia

    The Effectiveness of Internet Advertising on Consumer Behaviour

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    Advertising is a communication medium where companies made to know the consumers about the product or it is a medium where companies tries to increase the sales and branding the product and many other definitions proposed by various researches, as days past on advertising medium was classified into 2 modes 1. Online advertising and 2. Offline advertising. In this paper, internet advertising mode was explained. The objective populace becomes the publicizing companies and their customers. The research applied a defined testing strategy to pick 60 exam respondents every day.  Content research turned into utilized to dissect subjective facts simultaneously as the quantitative facts changed into broke down utilizing clean measurements utilizing SPSS. Relapse and Correlation examination changed into applied to reveal the connections among the elements. The statistics were brought via rates, implies, fashionable deviations and frequencies. The research found that web promoting turned into a hit on attain and making of mindfulness because of diverse use, and set up that its dependability as a publicizing media was low contrasted with TV. Web publicizing has huge courting with the consumers' purchase desire and along those lines is a critical determinant in impacting purchaser behaviour

    Privacy Preservation using T-Closeness with Numerical Attributes

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    Data mining is a process that is used to retrieve the knowledgeable data from the large dataset. Information imparting around two associations will be basic done a large number requisition zones. As people are uploading their personal data over the internet, however the data collection and data distribution may lead to disclosure of their privacy. So, preserving the privacy of the sensitive data is the challenging task in data mining. Many organizations or hospitals are analyzing the medical data to predict the disease or symptoms of disease. So, before sharing data to other organization need to protect the patient personal data and for that need privacy preservation. In the recent year�s privacy preserving data mining has being received a large amount of attention in the research area. To achieve the expected goal various methods have been proposed. In this paper, to achieve this goal a pre-processing technique i.e. k-means clustering along with anonymization technique i.e. k-anonymization and t-closeness and done analysis which techniques achieves more information gain

    Methods and Applications of Social Media Monitoring of Mental Health During Disasters: Scoping Review

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    Background: With the increasing frequency and magnitude of disasters internationally, there is growing research and clinical interest in the application of social media sites for disaster mental health surveillance. However, important questions remain regarding the extent to which unstructured social media data can be harnessed for clinically meaningful decision-making. Objective: This comprehensive scoping review synthesizes interdisciplinary literature with a particular focus on research methods and applications. Methods: A total of 6 health and computer science databases were searched for studies published before April 20, 2021, resulting in the identification of 47 studies. Included studies were published in peer-reviewed outlets and examined mental health during disasters or crises by using social media data. Results: Applications across 31 mental health issues were identified, which were grouped into the following three broader themes: estimating mental health burden, planning or evaluating interventions and policies, and knowledge discovery. Mental health assessments were completed by primarily using lexical dictionaries and human annotations. The analyses included a range of supervised and unsupervised machine learning, statistical modeling, and qualitative techniques. The overall reporting quality was poor, with key details such as the total number of users and data features often not being reported. Further, biases in sample selection and related limitations in generalizability were often overlooked. Conclusions: The application of social media monitoring has considerable potential for measuring mental health impacts on populations during disasters. Studies have primarily conceptualized mental health in broad terms, such as distress or negative affect, but greater focus is required on validating mental health assessments. There was little evidence for the clinical integration of social media-based disaster mental health monitoring, such as combining surveillance with social media-based interventions or developing and testing real-world disaster management tools. To address issues with study quality, a structured set of reporting guidelines is recommended to improve the methodological quality, replicability, and clinical relevance of future research on the social media monitoring of mental health during disasters

    Methods and applications of social media monitoring of mental health during disasters : scoping review

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    Background: With the increasing frequency and magnitude of disasters internationally, there is growing research and clinical interest in the application of social media sites for disaster mental health surveillance. However, important questions remain regarding the extent to which unstructured social media data can be harnessed for clinically meaningful decision-making. Objective: This comprehensive scoping review synthesizes interdisciplinary literature with a particular focus on research methods and applications. Methods: A total of 6 health and computer science databases were searched for studies published before April 20, 2021, resulting in the identification of 47 studies. Included studies were published in peer-reviewed outlets and examined mental health during disasters or crises by using social media data. Results: Applications across 31 mental health issues were identified, which were grouped into the following three broader themes: estimating mental health burden, planning or evaluating interventions and policies, and knowledge discovery. Mental health assessments were completed by primarily using lexical dictionaries and human annotations. The analyses included a range of supervised and unsupervised machine learning, statistical modeling, and qualitative techniques. The overall reporting quality was poor, with key details such as the total number of users and data features often not being reported. Further, biases in sample selection and related limitations in generalizability were often overlooked. Conclusions: The application of social media monitoring has considerable potential for measuring mental health impacts on populations during disasters. Studies have primarily conceptualized mental health in broad terms, such as distress or negative affect, but greater focus is required on validating mental health assessments. There was little evidence for the clinical integration of social media-based disaster mental health monitoring, such as combining surveillance with social media-based interventions or developing and testing real-world disaster management tools. To address issues with study quality, a structured set of reporting guidelines is recommended to improve the methodological quality, replicability, and clinical relevance of future research on the social media monitoring of mental health during disasters. © 2022 Samantha J Teague, Adrian B R Shatte, Emmelyn Weller, Matthew Fuller-Tyszkiewicz, Delyse M Hutchinson
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