3 research outputs found

    Modelação de serviços afetos à loja do Munícipe da CMF e implementação de protótipo de portal online

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    À medida que a sociedade e a tecnologia se tornam mais complexos, o mesmo acontece com as organizações. Uma vez que as organizações estão em constante expansão e evolução, é cada vez mais problemático entendê-las e garantir que os seus objetivos pretendidos sejam alcançados. Muitas disciplinas têm ajudado a contribuir para a construção e manutenção das organizações, contudo não são suficientes para dominar todos os problemas complexos que estas enfrentam, o que leva à necessidade de ter uma visão mais ampla das organizações. Deste modo surge a disciplina de Engenharia Organizacional e a metodologia DEMO (Design Engineering Methodology for Organizations), cujo objetivo é criar modelos que ajudem a compreender a essência completa de uma organização. No âmbito deste projeto os conceitos de Engenharia Organizacional e da metodologia DEMO são utilizados para modelar serviços afetos à Loja do Munícipe da Câmara Municipal do Funchal, com o propósito de auxiliar a construir modelos coerentes onde a competência, responsabilidade e autoridade estão bem definidas, evitando assim que ocorram anomalias nos processos. Posteriormente à modelação foi desenvolvido um protótipo de portal online dinâmico e adaptável com vista ao suporte de modelação de diagramas e geração/execução automática de software. Os componentes do protótipo foram desenvolvidos juntamente com dois colegas de mestrado e um bolseiro de investigação, e atualmente fazem parte de um projeto mais vasto do M-ITI (Madeira Interactive Technologies Institute).As society and technology become more complex, so do organizations. Since organizations are constantly expanding and evolving, it is increasingly problematic to understand them and ensure that their intended goals are met. Many disciplines have helped contribute to building and maintaining organizations, but they are not enough to address all the complex problems they face, which leads to the need for a broader view of organizations. In this way the Organizational Engineering discipline and the DEMO (Design Engineering Methodology for Organizations) methodology arises, whose objective is to create models that help to understand the complete essence of an organization. Within the scope of this project, the concepts of Organizational Engineering and the DEMO methodology are used to model services related to the Municipality of Funchal, to help build coherent models where competence, responsibility and authority are well defined, thus avoiding anomalies occur. After the modeling, a dynamic and adaptable online prototype portal was developed to support diagrams modeling and automatic software generation/execution. Prototype's components were developed together with two masters collegues and a researcher, and are currently part of a larger project of the M-ITI (Madeira Interactive Technologies Institute)

    Open Source Tools for Enterprise 2.0: A Feature-Based Adaptable Analysis

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    Third International Joint Conference, IC3K 2011, Paris, France, October 26-29, 2011When introducing Enterprise 2.0 tools to support knowledge workers working together on cognitive tasks and sharing information, companies and organizations face the problem of choosing the right tools from a huge market of systems. In particular for SMEs, open source tools for Enterprise 2.0 offer a good alternative to commercial systems, but the diversity of systems makes this marketplace quite confusing. Therefore we present a study of the growing market for Enterprise 2.0 systems that focuses entirely on systems available under an open source license. We use a set of 97 individual features and criteria that are grouped around the central functionalities of communication, coordination, collaboration and connection, to analyze the suitability of a representative sample of open source Enterprise 2.0 tools for the average knowledge worker. The evaluation matrix can be easily adapted to get more specific evaluation results for more particular company requirements. Our results show that there are many technically mature solutions with a broad range of functionality available from the market of open source tools for Enterprise 2.0.Informationstechnologie und Informationsmanagemen