98,891 research outputs found

    Model-Robust Designs for Quantile Regression

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    We give methods for the construction of designs for linear models, when the purpose of the investigation is the estimation of the conditional quantile function and the estimation method is quantile regression. The designs are robust against misspecified response functions, and against unanticipated heteroscedasticity. The methods are illustrated by example, and in a case study in which they are applied to growth charts

    LMI approach to mixed performance objective controllers: application to Robust ℋ2 Synthesis

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    The problem of synthesizing a controller for plants subject to arbitrary, finite energy disturbances and white noise disturbances via Linear Matrix Inequalities (LMIs) is presented. This is achieved by considering white noise disturbances as belonging to a constrained set in ℓ2. In the case of where only white noise disturbances are present, the procedure reduces to standard ℋ2 synthesis. When arbitrary, finite energy disturbances are also present, the procedure may be used to synthesize general mixed performance objective controllers, and for certain cases, Robust ℋ2 controllers

    Stable low-rank matrix recovery via null space properties

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    The problem of recovering a matrix of low rank from an incomplete and possibly noisy set of linear measurements arises in a number of areas. In order to derive rigorous recovery results, the measurement map is usually modeled probabilistically. We derive sufficient conditions on the minimal amount of measurements ensuring recovery via convex optimization. We establish our results via certain properties of the null space of the measurement map. In the setting where the measurements are realized as Frobenius inner products with independent standard Gaussian random matrices we show that 10r(n1+n2)10 r (n_1 + n_2) measurements are enough to uniformly and stably recover an n1×n2n_1 \times n_2 matrix of rank at most rr. We then significantly generalize this result by only requiring independent mean-zero, variance one entries with four finite moments at the cost of replacing 1010 by some universal constant. We also study the case of recovering Hermitian rank-rr matrices from measurement matrices proportional to rank-one projectors. For mCrnm \geq C r n rank-one projective measurements onto independent standard Gaussian vectors, we show that nuclear norm minimization uniformly and stably reconstructs Hermitian rank-rr matrices with high probability. Next, we partially de-randomize this by establishing an analogous statement for projectors onto independent elements of a complex projective 4-designs at the cost of a slightly higher sampling rate mCrnlognm \geq C rn \log n. Moreover, if the Hermitian matrix to be recovered is known to be positive semidefinite, then we show that the nuclear norm minimization approach may be replaced by minimizing the 2\ell_2-norm of the residual subject to the positive semidefinite constraint. Then no estimate of the noise level is required a priori. We discuss applications in quantum physics and the phase retrieval problem.Comment: 26 page

    Robust explicit MPC design under finite precision arithmetic

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    We propose a design methodology for explicit Model Predictive Control (MPC) that guarantees hard constraint satisfaction in the presence of finite precision arithmetic errors. The implementation of complex digital control techniques, like MPC, is becoming increasingly adopted in embedded systems, where reduced precision computation techniques are embraced to achieve fast execution and low power consumption. However, in a low precision implementation, constraint satisfaction is not guaranteed if infinite precision is assumed during the algorithm design. To enforce constraint satisfaction under numerical errors, we use forward error analysis to compute an error bound on the output of the embedded controller. We treat this error as a state disturbance and use this to inform the design of a constraint-tightening robust controller. Benchmarks with a classical control problem, namely an inverted pendulum, show how it is possible to guarantee, by design, constraint satisfaction for embedded systems featuring low precision, fixed-point computations

    Unified control/structure design and modeling research

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    To demonstrate the applicability of the control theory for distributed systems to large flexible space structures, research was focused on a model of a space antenna which consists of a rigid hub, flexible ribs, and a mesh reflecting surface. The space antenna model used is discussed along with the finite element approximation of the distributed model. The basic control problem is to design an optimal or near-optimal compensator to suppress the linear vibrations and rigid-body displacements of the structure. The application of an infinite dimensional Linear Quadratic Gaussian (LQG) control theory to flexible structure is discussed. Two basic approaches for robustness enhancement were investigated: loop transfer recovery and sensitivity optimization. A third approach synthesized from elements of these two basic approaches is currently under development. The control driven finite element approximation of flexible structures is discussed. Three sets of finite element basic vectors for computing functional control gains are compared. The possibility of constructing a finite element scheme to approximate the infinite dimensional Hamiltonian system directly, instead of indirectly is discussed

    Regression Discontinuity Designs Using Covariates

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    We study regression discontinuity designs when covariates are included in the estimation. We examine local polynomial estimators that include discrete or continuous covariates in an additive separable way, but without imposing any parametric restrictions on the underlying population regression functions. We recommend a covariate-adjustment approach that retains consistency under intuitive conditions, and characterize the potential for estimation and inference improvements. We also present new covariate-adjusted mean squared error expansions and robust bias-corrected inference procedures, with heteroskedasticity-consistent and cluster-robust standard errors. An empirical illustration and an extensive simulation study is presented. All methods are implemented in \texttt{R} and \texttt{Stata} software packages