215,503 research outputs found

    Big Data Application and System Co-optimization in Cloud and HPC Environment

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    The emergence of big data requires powerful computational resources and memory subsystems that can be scaled efficiently to accommodate its demands. Cloud is a new well-established computing paradigm that can offer customized computing and memory resources to meet the scalable demands of big data applications. In addition, the flexible pay-as-you-go pricing model offers opportunities for using large scale of resources with low cost and no infrastructure maintenance burdens. High performance computing (HPC) on the other hand also has powerful infrastructure that has potential to support big data applications. In this dissertation, we explore the application and system co-optimization opportunities to support big data in both cloud and HPC environments. Specifically, we explore the unique features of both application and system to seek overlooked optimization opportunities or tackle challenges that are difficult to be addressed by only looking at the application or system individually. Based on the characteristics of the workloads and their underlying systems to derive the optimized deployment and runtime schemes, we divide the workflow into four categories: 1) memory intensive applications; 2) compute intensive applications; 3) both memory and compute intensive applications; 4) I/O intensive applications.When deploying memory intensive big data applications to the public clouds, one important yet challenging problem is selecting a specific instance type whose memory capacity is large enough to prevent out-of-memory errors while the cost is minimized without violating performance requirements. In this dissertation, we propose two techniques for efficient deployment of big data applications with dynamic and intensive memory footprint in the cloud. The first approach builds a performance-cost model that can accurately predict how, and by how much, virtual memory size would slow down the application and consequently, impact the overall monetary cost. The second approach employs a lightweight memory usage prediction methodology based on dynamic meta-models adjusted by the application's own traits. The key idea is to eliminate the periodical checkpointing and migrate the application only when the predicted memory usage exceeds the physical allocation. When applying compute intensive applications to the clouds, it is critical to make the applications scalable so that it can benefit from the massive cloud resources. In this dissertation, we first use the Kirchhoff law, which is one of the most widely used physical laws in many engineering principles, as an example workload for our study. The key challenge of applying the Kirchhoff law to real-world applications at scale lies in the high, if not prohibitive, computational cost to solve a large number of nonlinear equations. In this dissertation, we propose a high-performance deep-learning-based approach for Kirchhoff analysis, namely HDK. HDK employs two techniques to improve the performance: (i) early pruning of unqualified input candidates which simplify the equation and select a meaningful input data range; (ii) parallelization of forward labelling which execute steps of the problem in parallel. When it comes to both memory and compute intensive applications in clouds, we use blockchain system as a benchmark. Existing blockchain frameworks exhibit a technical barrier for many users to modify or test out new research ideas in blockchains. To make it worse, many advantages of blockchain systems can be demonstrated only at large scales, which are not always available to researchers. In this dissertation, we develop an accurate and efficient emulating system to replay the execution of large-scale blockchain systems on tens of thousands of nodes in the cloud. For I/O intensive applications, we observe one important yet often neglected side effect of lossy scientific data compression. Lossy compression techniques have demonstrated promising results in significantly reducing the scientific data size while guaranteeing the compression error bounds, but the compressed data size is often highly skewed and thus impact the performance of parallel I/O. Therefore, we believe it is critical to pay more attention to the unbalanced parallel I/O caused by lossy scientific data compression

    Failure-awareness and dynamic adaptation in data scheduling

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    Over the years, scientific applications have become more complex and more data intensive. Especially large scale simulations and scientific experiments in areas such as physics, biology, astronomy and earth sciences demand highly distributed resources to satisfy excessive computational requirements. Increasing data requirements and the distributed nature of the resources made I/O the major bottleneck for end-to-end application performance. Existing systems fail to address issues such as reliability, scalability, and efficiency in dealing with wide area data access, retrieval and processing. In this study, we explore data-intensive distributed computing and study challenges in data placement in distributed environments. After analyzing different application scenarios, we develop new data scheduling methodologies and the key attributes for reliability, adaptability and performance optimization of distributed data placement tasks. Inspired by techniques used in microprocessor and operating system architectures, we extend and adapt some of the known low-level data handling and optimization techniques to distributed computing. Two major contributions of this work include (i) a failure-aware data placement paradigm for increased fault-tolerance, and (ii) adaptive scheduling of data placement tasks for improved end-to-end performance. The failure-aware data placement includes early error detection, error classification, and use of this information in scheduling decisions for the prevention of and recovery from possible future errors. The adaptive scheduling approach includes dynamically tuning data transfer parameters over wide area networks for efficient utilization of available network capacity and optimized end-to-end data transfer performance

    Rethinking Storage Management for Data Processing Pipelines in Cloud Data Centers

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    Data processing frameworks such as Apache Beam and Apache Spark are used for a wide range of applications, from logs analysis to data preparation for DNN training. It is thus unsurprising that there has been a large amount of work on optimizing these frameworks, including their storage management. The shift to cloud computing requires optimization across all pipelines concurrently running across a cluster. In this paper, we look at one specific instance of this problem: placement of I/O-intensive temporary intermediate data on SSD and HDD. Efficient data placement is challenging since I/O density is usually unknown at the time data needs to be placed. Additionally, external factors such as load variability, job preemption, or job priorities can impact job completion times, which ultimately affect the I/O density of the temporary files in the workload. In this paper, we envision that machine learning can be used to solve this problem. We analyze production logs from Google's data centers for a range of data processing pipelines. Our analysis shows that I/O density may be predictable. This suggests that learning-based strategies, if crafted carefully, could extract predictive features for I/O density of temporary files involved in various transformations, which could be used to improve the efficiency of storage management in data processing pipelines

    Analysis and acceleration of data mining algorithms on high performance reconfigurable computing platforms

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    With the continued development of computation and communication technologies, we are overwhelmed with electronic data. Ubiquitous data in governments, commercial enterprises, universities and various organizations records our decisions, transactions and thoughts. The data collection rate is undergoing tremendous increase. And there is no end in sight. On one hand, as the volume of data explodes, the gap between the human being\u27s understanding of the data and the knowledge hidden in the data will be enlarged. The algorithms and techniques, collectively known as data mining, are emerged to bridge the gap. The data mining algorithms are usually data-compute intensive. On the other hand, the overall computing system performance is not increasing at an equal rate. Consequently, there is strong requirement to design special computing systems to accelerate data mining applications. FPGAs based High Performance Reconfigurable Computing(HPRC) system is to design optimized hardware architecture for a given problem. The increased gate count, arithmetic capability, and other features of modern FPGAs now allow researcher to implement highly complicated reconfigurable computational architecture. In contrast with ASICs, FPGAs have the advantages of low power, low nonrecurring engineering costs, high design flexibility and the ability to update functionality after shipping. In this thesis, we first design the architectures for data intensive and data-compute intensive applications respectively. Then we present a general HPRC framework for data mining applications: Frequent Pattern Mining(FPM) is a data-compute intensive application which is to find commonly occurring itemsets in databases. We use systolic tree architecture in FPGA hardware to mimic the internal memory layout of FP-growth algorithm while achieving higher throughput. The experimental results demonstrate that the proposed hardware architecture is faster than the software approach. Sparse Matrix-Vector Multiplication(SMVM) is a data-intensive application which is an important computing core in many applications. We present a scalable and efficient FPGA-based SMVM architecture which can handle arbitrary matrix sizes without preprocessing or zero padding and can be dynamically expanded based on the available I/O bandwidth. The experimental results using a commercial FPGA-based acceleration system demonstrate that our reconfigurable SMVM engine is more efficient than existing state-of-the-art, with speedups over a highly optimized software implementation of 2.5X to 6.5X, depending on the sparsity of the input benchmark. Accelerating Text Classification Using SMVM is performed in Convey HC-1 HPRC platform. The SMVM engines are deployed into multiple FPGA chips. Text documents are represented as large sparse matrices using Vector Space Model(VSM). The k-nearest neighbor algorithm uses SMVM to perform classification simultaneously on multiple FPGAs. Our experiment shows that the classification in Convey HC-1 is several times faster compared with the traditional computing architecture. MapReduce Reconfigurable Framework for Data Mining Applications is a pipelined and high performance framework for FPGA design based on the MapReduce model. Our goal is to lessen the FPGA programmer burden while minimizing performance degradation. The designer only need focus on the mapper and reducer modules design. We redesigned the SMVM architecture using the MapReduce Framework. The manual VHDL code is only 15 percent of that used in the customized architecture

    Modeling the Linux page cache for accurate simulation of data-intensive applications

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    The emergence of Big Data in recent years has led to a growing need in data processing and an increasing number of data intensive applications. Processing and storage of massive amounts of data require large-scale solutions and thus must data-intensive applications be executed on infrastructures such as cloud or High Performance Computing (HPC) clusters. Although there are advancements of hardware/software stack that enable larger computing platforms, some relevant challenges remain in resource management, performance, scheduling, scalability, etc. As a result, there is an increasing demand for optimizing and quantifying performance when executing data-intensive applications on those platforms. While infrastructures with sufficient computing power and storage capacity are available, the I/O performance on disks remains a bottleneck. To tackle this problem, apart from hardware improvements, the Linux page cache is an efficient architectural approach to reduce I/O overheads, but few experimental studies of its interactions with Big Data applications exist, partly due to limitations of real-world experiments. Simulation is a popular approach to address these issues, however, existing simulation frameworks do not simulate page caching fully, or even at all. As a result, simulation-based performance studies of data-intensive applications lead to inaccurate results. This thesis proposes an I/O simulation model that captures the key features of the Linux page cache. We have implemented this model as part of the WRENCH workflow simulation framework, which itself builds on the popular SimGrid distributed systems simulation framework. Our model and its implementation enable the simulation of both single-threaded and multithreaded applications, and of both writeback and writethrough caches for local or network-based filesystems. We evaluate the accuracy of our model in different conditions, including sequential and concurrent applications, as well as local and remote I/Os. The results show that our page cache model reduces the simulation error by up to an order of magnitude when compared to state-of-the-art, cacheless simulations

    Using GPI-2 for Distributed Memory Paralleliziation of the Caffe Toolbox to Speed up Deep Neural Network Training

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    Deep Neural Network (DNN) are currently of great inter- est in research and application. The training of these net- works is a compute intensive and time consuming task. To reduce training times to a bearable amount at reasonable cost we extend the popular Caffe toolbox for DNN with an efficient distributed memory communication pattern. To achieve good scalability we emphasize the overlap of computation and communication and prefer fine granu- lar synchronization patterns over global barriers. To im- plement these communication patterns we rely on the the Global address space Programming Interface version 2 (GPI-2) communication library. This interface provides a light-weight set of asynchronous one-sided communica- tion primitives supplemented by non-blocking fine gran- ular data synchronization mechanisms. Therefore, Caf- feGPI is the name of our parallel version of Caffe. First benchmarks demonstrate better scaling behavior com- pared with other extensions, e.g., the Intel TM Caffe. Even within a single symmetric multiprocessing machine with four graphics processing units, the CaffeGPI scales bet- ter than the standard Caffe toolbox. These first results demonstrate that the use of standard High Performance Computing (HPC) hardware is a valid cost saving ap- proach to train large DDNs. I/O is an other bottleneck to work with DDNs in a standard parallel HPC setting, which we will consider in more detail in a forthcoming paper

    Computing rank-revealing factorizations of matrices stored out-of-core

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    This paper describes efficient algorithms for computing rank-revealing factorizations of matrices that are too large to fit in main memory (RAM), and must instead be stored on slow external memory devices such as disks (out-of-core or out-of-memory). Traditional algorithms for computing rank-revealing factorizations (such as the column pivoted QR factorization and the singular value decomposition) are very communication intensive as they require many vector-vector and matrix-vector operations, which become prohibitively expensive when data is not in RAM. Randomization allows to reformulate new methods so that large contiguous blocks of the matrix are processed in bulk. The paper describes two distinct methods. The first is a blocked version of column pivoted Householder QR, organized as a “left-looking” method to minimize the number of the expensive write operations. The second method results employs a UTV factorization. It is organized as an algorithm-by-blocks to overlap computations and I/O operations. As it incorporates power iterations, it is much better at revealing the numerical rank. Numerical experiments on several computers demonstrate that the new algorithms are almost as fast when processing data stored on slow memory devices as traditional algorithms are for data stored in RAM

    On-the-fly tracing for data-centric computing : parallelization, workflow and applications

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    As data-centric computing becomes the trend in science and engineering, more and more hardware systems, as well as middleware frameworks, are emerging to handle the intensive computations associated with big data. At the programming level, it is crucial to have corresponding programming paradigms for dealing with big data. Although MapReduce is now a known programming model for data-centric computing where parallelization is completely replaced by partitioning the computing task through data, not all programs particularly those using statistical computing and data mining algorithms with interdependence can be re-factorized in such a fashion. On the other hand, many traditional automatic parallelization methods put an emphasis on formalism and may not achieve optimal performance with the given limited computing resources. In this work we propose a cross-platform programming paradigm, called on-the-fly data tracing , to provide source-to-source transformation where the same framework also provides the functionality of workflow optimization on larger applications. Using a big-data approximation computations related to large-scale data input are identified in the code and workflow and a simplified core dependence graph is built based on the computational load taking in to account big data. The code can then be partitioned into sections for efficient parallelization; and at the workflow level, optimization can be performed by adjusting the scheduling for big-data considerations, including the I/O performance of the machine. Regarding each unit in both source code and workflow as a model, this framework enables model-based parallel programming that matches the available computing resources. The techniques used in model-based parallel programming as well as the design of the software framework for both parallelization and workflow optimization as well as its implementations with multiple programming languages are presented in the dissertation. Then, the following experiments are performed to validate the framework: i) the benchmarking of parallelization speed-up using typical examples in data analysis and machine learning (e.g. naive Bayes, k-means) and ii) three real-world applications in data-centric computing with the framework are also described to illustrate the efficiency: pattern detection from hurricane and storm surge simulations, road traffic flow prediction and text mining from social media data. In the applications, it illustrates how to build scalable workflows with the framework along with performance enhancements
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