6 research outputs found

    Reconstruction of functions from minors

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    The central notion of this thesis is the minor relation on functions of several arguments. A function f: A^n→B is called a minor of another function g: A^m→B if f can be obtained from g by permutation of arguments, identification of arguments, and introduction of inessential arguments. We first provide some general background and context to this work by presenting a brief survey of basic facts and results concerning different aspects of the minor relation, placing some emphasis on the author’s contributions to the field. The notions of functions of several arguments and minors give immediately rise to the following reconstruction problem: Is a function f: A^n→B uniquely determined, up to permutation of arguments, by its identification minors, i.e., the minors obtained by identifying a pair of arguments? We review known results – both positive and negative – about the reconstructibility of functions from identification minors, and we outline the main ideas of the proofs, which often amount to formulating and solving reconstruction problems for other kinds of mathematical objects. We then turn our attention to functions determined by the order of first occurrence, and we are interested in the reconstructibility of such functions. One of the main results of this thesis states that the class of functions determined by the order of first occurrence is weakly reconstructible. Some reconstructible subclasses are identified; in particular, pseudo-Boolean functions determined by the order of first occurrence are reconstructible. As our main tool, we introduce the notion of minor of permutation. This is a quotient-like construction for permutations that parallels minors of functions and has some similarities to permutation patterns. We develop the theory of minors of permutations, focusing on Galois connections induced by the minor relation and on the interplay between permutation groups and minors of permutations. Our results will then find applications in the analysis of the reconstruction problem of functions determined by the order of first occurrence

    Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Algebras, Graphs and Ordered Sets (ALGOS 2020)

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    International audienceOriginating in arithmetics and logic, the theory of ordered sets is now a field of combinatorics that is intimately linked to graph theory, universal algebra and multiple-valued logic, and that has a wide range of classical applications such as formal calculus, classification, decision aid and social choice.This international conference “Algebras, graphs and ordered set” (ALGOS) brings together specialists in the theory of graphs, relational structures and ordered sets, topics that are omnipresent in artificial intelligence and in knowledge discovery, and with concrete applications in biomedical sciences, security, social networks and e-learning systems. One of the goals of this event is to provide a common ground for mathematicians and computer scientists to meet, to present their latest results, and to discuss original applications in related scientific fields. On this basis, we hope for fruitful exchanges that can motivate multidisciplinary projects.The first edition of ALgebras, Graphs and Ordered Sets (ALGOS 2020) has a particular motivation, namely, an opportunity to honour Maurice Pouzet on his 75th birthday! For this reason, we have particularly welcomed submissions in areas related to Maurice’s many scientific interests:• Lattices and ordered sets• Combinatorics and graph theory• Set theory and theory of relations• Universal algebra and multiple valued logic• Applications: formal calculus, knowledge discovery, biomedical sciences, decision aid and social choice, security, social networks, web semantics..

    Subject Index Volumes 1–200

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    Hypomorphic Sperner systems and non-reconstructible functions

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    A reconstruction problem is formulated for Sperner systems, and infinite families of non-reconstructible Sperner systems are presented. This has an application to a reconstruction problem for functions of several arguments and identification minors. Sperner systems being representations of certain monotone functions, infinite families of non-reconstructible functions are thus obtained. The clones of Boolean functions are completely classified in regard to reconstructibility