159 research outputs found

    Hypertableau Reasoning for Description Logics

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    We present a novel reasoning calculus for the description logic SHOIQ^+---a knowledge representation formalism with applications in areas such as the Semantic Web. Unnecessary nondeterminism and the construction of large models are two primary sources of inefficiency in the tableau-based reasoning calculi used in state-of-the-art reasoners. In order to reduce nondeterminism, we base our calculus on hypertableau and hyperresolution calculi, which we extend with a blocking condition to ensure termination. In order to reduce the size of the constructed models, we introduce anywhere pairwise blocking. We also present an improved nominal introduction rule that ensures termination in the presence of nominals, inverse roles, and number restrictions---a combination of DL constructs that has proven notoriously difficult to handle. Our implementation shows significant performance improvements over state-of-the-art reasoners on several well-known ontologies

    Reasoning over Ontologies with Hidden Content: The Import-by-Query Approach

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    There is currently a growing interest in techniques for hiding parts of the signature of an ontology Kh that is being reused by another ontology Kv. Towards this goal, in this paper we propose the import-by-query framework, which makes the content of Kh accessible through a limited query interface. If Kv reuses the symbols from Kh in a certain restricted way, one can reason over Kv U Kh by accessing only Kv and the query interface. We map out the landscape of the import-by-query problem. In particular, we outline the limitations of our framework and prove that certain restrictions on the expressivity of Kh and the way in which Kv reuses symbols from Kh are strictly necessary to enable reasoning in our setting. We also identify cases in which reasoning is possible and we present suitable import-by-query reasoning algorithms

    Automated Reasoning in Deontic Logic

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    Deontic logic is a very well researched branch of mathematical logic and philosophy. Various kinds of deontic logics are discussed for different application domains like argumentation theory, legal reasoning, and acts in multi-agent systems. In this paper, we show how standard deontic logic can be stepwise transformed into description logic and DL- clauses, such that it can be processed by Hyper, a high performance theorem prover which uses a hypertableau calculus. Two use cases, one from multi-agent research and one from the development of normative system are investigated

    A Novel Approach to Multimedia Ontology Engineering for Automated Reasoning over Audiovisual LOD Datasets

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    Multimedia reasoning, which is suitable for, among others, multimedia content analysis and high-level video scene interpretation, relies on the formal and comprehensive conceptualization of the represented knowledge domain. However, most multimedia ontologies are not exhaustive in terms of role definitions, and do not incorporate complex role inclusions and role interdependencies. In fact, most multimedia ontologies do not have a role box at all, and implement only a basic subset of the available logical constructors. Consequently, their application in multimedia reasoning is limited. To address the above issues, VidOnt, the very first multimedia ontology with SROIQ(D) expressivity and a DL-safe ruleset has been introduced for next-generation multimedia reasoning. In contrast to the common practice, the formal grounding has been set in one of the most expressive description logics, and the ontology validated with industry-leading reasoners, namely HermiT and FaCT++. This paper also presents best practices for developing multimedia ontologies, based on my ontology engineering approach

    Towards Understanding Reasoning Complexity in Practice

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    Although the computational complexity of the logic underlying the standard OWL 2 for the Web Ontology Language (OWL) appears discouraging for real applications, several contributions have shown that reasoning with OWL ontologies is feasible in practice. It turns out that reasoning in practice is often far less complex than is suggested by the established theoretical complexity bound, which reflects the worstcase scenario. State-of-the reasoners like FACT++, HERMIT, PELLET and RACER have demonstrated that, even with fairly expressive fragments of OWL 2, acceptable performances can be achieved. However, it is still not well understood why reasoning is feasible in practice and it is rather unclear how to study this problem. In this paper, we suggest first steps that in our opinion could lead to a better understanding of practical complexity. We also provide and discuss some initial empirical results with HERMIT on prominent ontologie

    Context Reasoning for Role-Based Models

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    In a modern world software systems are literally everywhere. These should cope with very complex scenarios including the ability of context-awareness and self-adaptability. The concept of roles provide the means to model such complex, context-dependent systems. In role-based systems, the relational and context-dependent properties of objects are transferred into the roles that the object plays in a certain context. However, even if the domain can be expressed in a well-structured and modular way, role-based models can still be hard to comprehend due to the sophisticated semantics of roles, contexts and different constraints. Hence, unintended implications or inconsistencies may be overlooked. A feasible logical formalism is required here. In this setting Description Logics (DLs) fit very well as a starting point for further considerations since as a decidable fragment of first-order logic they have both an underlying formal semantics and decidable reasoning problems. DLs are a well-understood family of knowledge representation formalisms which allow to represent application domains in a well-structured way by DL-concepts, i.e. unary predicates, and DL-roles, i.e. binary predicates. However, classical DLs lack expressive power to formalise contextual knowledge which is crucial for formalising role-based systems. We investigate a novel family of contextualised description logics that is capable of expressing contextual knowledge and preserves decidability even in the presence of rigid DL-roles, i.e. relational structures that are context-independent. For these contextualised description logics we thoroughly analyse the complexity of the consistency problem. Furthermore, we present a mapping algorithm that allows for an automated translation from a formal role-based model, namely a Compartment Role Object Model (CROM), into a contextualised DL ontology. We prove the semantical correctness and provide ideas how features extending CROM can be expressed in our contextualised DLs. As final step for a completely automated analysis of role-based models, we investigate a practical reasoning algorithm and implement the first reasoner that can process contextual ontologies