304 research outputs found

    MSDH: matched subspace detector with heterogeneous noise

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    The matched subspace detector (MSD) is a classical subspace-based method for hyperspectral subpixel target detection. However, the model assumes that noise has the same variance over different bands, which is usually unrealistic in practice. In this letter, we relax the equal variance assumption and propose a matched subspace detector with heterogeneous noise (MSDH). In essence, the noise variances are different for different bands and they can be estimated by using iteratively reweighted least squares methods. Experiments on two benchmark real hyperspectral datasets demonstrate the superiority of MSDH over MSD for subpixel target detection

    Hyperspectral Remote Sensing Data Analysis and Future Challenges

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    Multiclass Object Detection with Single Query in Hyperspectral Imagery Using Class-Associative Spectral Fringe-Adjusted Joint Transform Correlation

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    We present a deterministic object detection algorithm capable of detecting multiclass objects in hyperspectral imagery (HSI) without any training or preprocessing. The proposed method, which is named class-associative spectral fringe-adjusted joint transform correlation (CSFJTC), is based on joint transform correlation (JTC) between object and nonobject spectral signatures to search for a similar match, which only requires one query (training-free) from the object\u27s spectral signature. Our method utilizes class-associative filtering, modified Fourier plane image subtraction, and fringe-adjusted JTC techniques in spectral correlation domain to perform the object detection task. The output of CSFJTC yields a pair of sharp correlation peaks for a matched target and negligible or no correlation peaks for a mismatch. Experimental results, in terms of receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curves and area-under-ROC (AUROC), on three popular real-world hyperspectral data sets demonstrate the superiority of the proposed CSFJTC technique over other well-known hyperspectral object detection approaches

    Hyperspectral Imaging for Landmine Detection

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    This PhD thesis aims at investigating the possibility to detect landmines using hyperspectral imaging. Using this technology, we are able to acquire at each pixel of the image spectral data in hundreds of wavelengths. So, at each pixel we obtain a reflectance spectrum that is used as fingerprint to identify the materials in each pixel, and mainly in our project help us to detect the presence of landmines. The proposed process works as follows: a preconfigured drone (hexarotor or octorotor) will carry the hyperspectral camera. This programmed drone is responsible of flying over the contaminated area in order to take images from a safe distance. Various image processing techniques will be used to treat the image in order to isolate the landmine from the surrounding. Once the presence of a mine or explosives is suspected, an alarm signal is sent to the base station giving information about the type of the mine, its location and the clear path that could be taken by the mine removal team in order to disarm the mine. This technology has advantages over the actually used techniques: • It is safer because it limits the need of humans in the searching process and gives the opportunity to the demining team to detect the mines while they are in a safe region. • It is faster. A larger area could be cleared in a single day by comparison with demining techniques • This technique can be used to detect at the same time objects other than mines such oil or minerals. First, a presentation of the problem of landmines that is expanding worldwide referring to some statistics from the UN organizations is provided. In addition, a brief presentation of different types of landmines is shown. Unfortunately, new landmines are well camouflaged and are mainly made of plastic in order to make their detection using metal detectors harder. A summary of all landmine detection techniques is shown to give an idea about the advantages and disadvantages of each technique. In this work, we give an overview of different projects that worked on the detection of landmines using hyperspectral imaging. We will show the main results achieved in this field and future work to be done in order to make this technology effective. Moreover, we worked on different target detection algorithms in order to achieve high probability of detection with low false alarm rate. We tested different statistical and linear unmixing based methods. In addition, we introduced the use of radial basis function neural networks in order to detect landmines at subpixel level. A comparative study between different detection methods will be shown in the thesis. A study of the effect of dimensionality reduction using principal component analysis prior to classification is also provided. The study shows the dependency between the two steps (feature extraction and target detection). The selection of target detection algorithm will define if feature extraction in previous phase is necessary. A field experiment has been done in order to study how the spectral signature of landmine will change depending on the environment in which the mine is planted. For this, we acquired the spectral signature of 6 types of landmines in different conditions: in Lab where specific source of light is used; in field where mines are covered by grass; and when mines are buried in soil. The results of this experiment are very interesting. The signature of two types of landmines are used in the simulations. They are a database necessary for supervised detection of landmines. Also we extracted some spectral characteristics of landmines that would help us to distinguish mines from background

    Context dependent spectral unmixing.

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    A hyperspectral unmixing algorithm that finds multiple sets of endmembers is proposed. The algorithm, called Context Dependent Spectral Unmixing (CDSU), is a local approach that adapts the unmixing to different regions of the spectral space. It is based on a novel function that combines context identification and unmixing. This joint objective function models contexts as compact clusters and uses the linear mixing model as the basis for unmixing. Several variations of the CDSU, that provide additional desirable features, are also proposed. First, the Context Dependent Spectral unmixing using the Mahalanobis Distance (CDSUM) offers the advantage of identifying non-spherical clusters in the high dimensional spectral space. Second, the Cluster and Proportion Constrained Multi-Model Unmixing (CC-MMU and PC-MMU) algorithms use partial supervision information, in the form of cluster or proportion constraints, to guide the search process and narrow the space of possible solutions. The supervision information could be provided by an expert, generated by analyzing the consensus of multiple unmixing algorithms, or extracted from co-located data from a different sensor. Third, the Robust Context Dependent Spectral Unmixing (RCDSU) introduces possibilistic memberships into the objective function to reduce the effect of noise and outliers in the data. Finally, the Unsupervised Robust Context Dependent Spectral Unmixing (U-RCDSU) algorithm learns the optimal number of contexts in an unsupervised way. The performance of each algorithm is evaluated using synthetic and real data. We show that the proposed methods can identify meaningful and coherent contexts, and appropriate endmembers within each context. The second main contribution of this thesis is consensus unmixing. This approach exploits the diversity and similarity of the large number of existing unmixing algorithms to identify an accurate and consistent set of endmembers in the data. We run multiple unmixing algorithms using different parameters, and combine the resulting unmixing ensemble using consensus analysis. The extracted endmembers will be the ones that have a consensus among the multiple runs. The third main contribution consists of developing subpixel target detectors that rely on the proposed CDSU algorithms to adapt target detection algorithms to different contexts. A local detection statistic is computed for each context and then all scores are combined to yield a final detection score. The context dependent unmixing provides a better background description and limits target leakage, which are two essential properties for target detection algorithms

    Object Detection in High Resolution Aerial Images and Hyperspectral Remote Sensing Images

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    With rapid developments in satellite and sensor technologies, there has been a dramatic increase in the availability of remotely sensed images. However, the exploration of these images still involves a tremendous amount of human interventions, which are tedious, time-consuming, and inefficient. To help imaging experts gain a complete understanding of the images and locate the objects of interest in a more accurate and efficient way, there is always an urgent need for developing automatic detection algorithms. In this work, we delve into the object detection problems in remote sensing applications, exploring the detection algorithms for both hyperspectral images (HSIs) and high resolution aerial images. In the first part, we focus on the subpixel target detection problem in HSIs with low spatial resolutions, where the objects of interest are much smaller than the image pixel spatial resolution. To this end, we explore the detection frameworks that integrate image segmentation techniques in designing the matched filters (MFs). In particular, we propose a novel image segmentation algorithm to identify the spatial-spectral coherent image regions, from which the background statistics were estimated for deriving the MFs. Extensive experimental studies were carried out to demonstrate the advantages of the proposed subpixel target detection framework. Our studies show the superiority of the approach when comparing to state-of-the-art methods. The second part of the thesis explores the object based image analysis (OBIA) framework for geospatial object detection in high resolution aerial images. Specifically, we generate a tree representation of the aerial images from the output of hierarchical image segmentation algorithms and reformulate the object detection problem into a tree matching task. We then proposed two tree-matching algorithms for the object detection framework. We demonstrate the efficiency and effectiveness of the proposed tree-matching based object detection framework. In the third part, we study object detection in high resolution aerial images from a machine learning perspective. We investigate both traditional machine learning based framework and end-to-end convolutional neural network (CNN) based approach for various object detection tasks. In the traditional detection framework, we propose to apply the Gaussian process classifier (GPC) to train an object detector and demonstrate the advantages of the probabilistic classification algorithm. In the CNN based approach, we proposed a novel scale transfer module that generates enhanced feature maps for object detection. Our results show the efficiency and competitiveness of the proposed algorithms when compared to state-of-the-art counterparts
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