326 research outputs found

    Dynamical spectral unmixing of multitemporal hyperspectral images

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    In this paper, we consider the problem of unmixing a time series of hyperspectral images. We propose a dynamical model based on linear mixing processes at each time instant. The spectral signatures and fractional abundances of the pure materials in the scene are seen as latent variables, and assumed to follow a general dynamical structure. Based on a simplified version of this model, we derive an efficient spectral unmixing algorithm to estimate the latent variables by performing alternating minimizations. The performance of the proposed approach is demonstrated on synthetic and real multitemporal hyperspectral images.Comment: 13 pages, 10 figure

    Inertia-Constrained Pixel-by-Pixel Nonnegative Matrix Factorisation: a Hyperspectral Unmixing Method Dealing with Intra-class Variability

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    Blind source separation is a common processing tool to analyse the constitution of pixels of hyperspectral images. Such methods usually suppose that pure pixel spectra (endmembers) are the same in all the image for each class of materials. In the framework of remote sensing, such an assumption is no more valid in the presence of intra-class variabilities due to illumination conditions, weathering, slight variations of the pure materials, etc... In this paper, we first describe the results of investigations highlighting intra-class variability measured in real images. Considering these results, a new formulation of the linear mixing model is presented leading to two new methods. Unconstrained Pixel-by-pixel NMF (UP-NMF) is a new blind source separation method based on the assumption of a linear mixing model, which can deal with intra-class variability. To overcome UP-NMF limitations an extended method is proposed, named Inertia-constrained Pixel-by-pixel NMF (IP-NMF). For each sensed spectrum, these extended versions of NMF extract a corresponding set of source spectra. A constraint is set to limit the spreading of each source's estimates in IP-NMF. The methods are tested on a semi-synthetic data set built with spectra extracted from a real hyperspectral image and then numerically mixed. We thus demonstrate the interest of our methods for realistic source variabilities. Finally, IP-NMF is tested on a real data set and it is shown to yield better performance than state of the art methods

    Bidirectional recurrent imputation and abundance estimation of LULC classes with MODIS multispectral time series and geo-topographic and climatic data

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    Remotely sensed data are dominated by mixed Land Use and Land Cover (LULC) types. Spectral unmixing (SU) is a key technique that disentangles mixed pixels into constituent LULC types and their abundance fractions. While existing studies on Deep Learning (DL) for SU typically focus on single time-step hyperspectral (HS) or multispectral (MS) data, our work pioneers SU using MODIS MS time series, addressing missing data with end-to-end DL models. Our approach enhances a Long-Short Term Memory (LSTM)-based model by incorporating geographic, topographic (geo-topographic), and climatic ancillary information. Notably, our method eliminates the need for explicit endmember extraction, instead learning the input-output relationship between mixed spectra and LULC abundances through supervised learning. Experimental results demonstrate that integrating spectral-temporal input data with geo-topographic and climatic information significantly improves the estimation of LULC abundances in mixed pixels. To facilitate this study, we curated a novel labeled dataset for Andalusia (Spain) with monthly MODIS multispectral time series at 460m resolution for 2013. Named Andalusia MultiSpectral MultiTemporal Unmixing (Andalusia-MSMTU), this dataset provides pixel-level annotations of LULC abundances along with ancillary information. The dataset (https://zenodo.org/records/7752348) and code (https://github.com/jrodriguezortega/MSMTU) are available to the public

    Spectral unmixing approach in hyperspectral remote sensing: a tool for oil palm mapping

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    Las plantaciones de palma de aceite típicamente abarcan grandes áreas, por esto, la teledetección remota se ha convertido en una herramienta útil para el monitoreo avanzado de este cultivo. Este trabajo revisa y evalúa dos enfoques para analizar las plantaciones de palma de aceite a partir de datos de teledetección remota hiperespectral: desmezclado espectral lineal y variabilidad espectral. Además, se propone un marco computacional basado en el desmezclado espectral para la estimación de las fracciones de abundancias de cultivos de palma de aceite. Este enfoque también considera la variabilidad espectral de las firmas en las imágenes hiperespectrales. El marco computacional propuesto modifica el modelo de mezcla lineal mediante la introducción de un vector de pesos, de manera que se puedan identificar las bandas espectrales que menos contribuyen a la estimación de fracciones de abundancias erróneas. Este enfoque aprovecha la detección de los árboles de palma de aceite, ya que permite diferenciarlos de otros materiales en términos de fracciones de abundancia. Los resultados experimentales obtenidos a partir de datos de teledetección remota hiperespectral en el rango de 410-990 nm, muestran mejoras de un 8.18 % en la métrica de Precisión del Usuario (Uacc) en la identificación de palmas de aceite por el marco propuesto con respecto a los métodos tradicionales de desmezclado espectral; el método propuesto logró un 95 % de Uacc. Esto confirma las capacidades del marco computacional formulado y facilita la gestión y el monitoreo de grandes áreas de plantaciones de palma de aceite.Oil palm plantations typically span large areas; therefore, remote sensing has become a useful tool for advanced oil palm monitoring. This work reviews and evaluates two approaches to analyze oil palm plantations based on hyperspectral remote sensing data: linear spectral unmixing and spectral variability. Moreover, a computational framework based on spectral unmixing for the estimation of fractional abundances of oil palm plantations is proposed in this study. Such approach also considers the spectral variability of hyperspectral image signatures. More specifically, the proposed computational framework modifies the linear mixing model by introducing a weighting vector, so that the spectral bands that contribute the least to the estimation of erroneous fractional abundances can be identified. This approach improves palm detection as it allows to differentiate them from other materials in terms of fractional abundances. Experimental results obtained from hyperspectral remote sensing data in the range 410-990 nm show improvements of 8.18 % in User Accuracy (Uacc) in the identification of oil palms by the proposed framework with respect to traditional unmixing methods. Thus, the proposed method achieved a 95% Uacc. This confirms the capabilities of the proposed computational framework and facilitates the management and monitoring of large areas of oil palm plantations

    Blind hyperspectral unmixing using an Extended Linear Mixing Model to address spectral variability

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    International audienceSpectral Unmixing is one of the main research topics in hyperspectral imaging. It can be formulated as a source separation problem whose goal is to recover the spectral signatures of the materials present in the observed scene (called endmembers) as well as their relative proportions (called fractional abundances), and this for every pixel in the image. A Linear Mixture Model is often used for its simplicity and ease of use but it implicitly assumes that a single spectrum can be completely representative of a material. However, in many scenarios, this assumption does not hold since many factors, such as illumination conditions and intrinsic variability of the endmembers, induce modifications on the spectral signatures of the materials. In this paper, we propose an algorithm to unmix hyperspectral data using a recently proposed Extended Linear Mixing Model. The proposed approach allows a pixelwise spatially coherent local variation of the endmembers, leading to scaled versions of reference endmembers. We also show that the classic nonnegative least squares, as well as other approaches to tackle spectral variability can be interpreted in the framework of this model. The results of the proposed algorithm on two different synthetic datasets, including one simulating the effect of topography on the measured reflectance through physical modelling, and on two real datasets, show that the proposed technique outperforms other methods aimed at addressing spectral variability, and can provide an accurate estimation of endmember variability along the scene thanks to the scaling factors estimation
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