14 research outputs found

    Hypergraphs with Edge-Dependent Vertex Weights: p-Laplacians and Spectral Clustering

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    We study p-Laplacians and spectral clustering for a recently proposed hypergraph model that incorporates edge-dependent vertex weights (EDVW). These weights can reflect different importance of vertices within a hyperedge, thus conferring the hypergraph model higher expressivity and flexibility. By constructing submodular EDVW-based splitting functions, we convert hypergraphs with EDVW into submodular hypergraphs for which the spectral theory is better developed. In this way, existing concepts and theorems such as p-Laplacians and Cheeger inequalities proposed under the submodular hypergraph setting can be directly extended to hypergraphs with EDVW. For submodular hypergraphs with EDVW-based splitting functions, we propose an efficient algorithm to compute the eigenvector associated with the second smallest eigenvalue of the hypergraph 1-Laplacian. We then utilize this eigenvector to cluster the vertices, achieving higher clustering accuracy than traditional spectral clustering based on the 2-Laplacian. More broadly, the proposed algorithm works for all submodular hypergraphs that are graph reducible. Numerical experiments using real-world data demonstrate the effectiveness of combining spectral clustering based on the 1-Laplacian and EDVW

    Core-periphery detection in hypergraphs

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    Core-periphery detection is a key task in exploratory network analysis where one aims to find a core, a set of nodes well-connected internally and with the periphery, and a periphery, a set of nodes connected only (or mostly) with the core. In this work we propose a model of core-periphery for higher-order networks modeled as hypergraphs and we propose a method for computing a core-score vector that quantifies how close each node is to the core. In particular, we show that this method solves the corresponding non-convex core-periphery optimization problem globally to an arbitrary precision. This method turns out to coincide with the computation of the Perron eigenvector of a nonlinear hypergraph operator, suitably defined in term of the incidence matrix of the hypergraph, generalizing recently proposed centrality models for hypergraphs. We perform several experiments on synthetic and real-world hypergraphs showing that the proposed method outperforms alternative core-periphery detection algorithms, in particular those obtained by transferring established graph methods to the hypergraph setting via clique expansion

    Local Hypergraph Clustering using Capacity Releasing Diffusion

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    Local graph clustering is an important machine learning task that aims to find a well-connected cluster near a set of seed nodes. Recent results have revealed that incorporating higher order information significantly enhances the results of graph clustering techniques. The majority of existing research in this area focuses on spectral graph theory-based techniques. However, an alternative perspective on local graph clustering arises from using max-flow and min-cut on the objectives, which offer distinctly different guarantees. For instance, a new method called capacity releasing diffusion (CRD) was recently proposed and shown to preserve local structure around the seeds better than spectral methods. The method was also the first local clustering technique that is not subject to the quadratic Cheeger inequality by assuming a good cluster near the seed nodes. In this paper, we propose a local hypergraph clustering technique called hypergraph CRD (HG-CRD) by extending the CRD process to cluster based on higher order patterns, encoded as hyperedges of a hypergraph. Moreover, we theoretically show that HG-CRD gives results about a quantity called motif conductance, rather than a biased version used in previous experiments. Experimental results on synthetic datasets and real world graphs show that HG-CRD enhances the clustering quality.Comment: 18 pages, 6 figure

    Equivariant Hypergraph Diffusion Neural Operators

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    Hypergraph neural networks (HNNs) using neural networks to encode hypergraphs provide a promising way to model higher-order relations in data and further solve relevant prediction tasks built upon such higher-order relations. However, higher-order relations in practice contain complex patterns and are often highly irregular. So, it is often challenging to design an HNN that suffices to express those relations while keeping computational efficiency. Inspired by hypergraph diffusion algorithms, this work proposes a new HNN architecture named ED-HNN, which provably represents any continuous equivariant hypergraph diffusion operators that can model a wide range of higher-order relations. ED-HNN can be implemented efficiently by combining star expansions of hypergraphs with standard message passing neural networks. ED-HNN further shows great superiority in processing heterophilic hypergraphs and constructing deep models. We evaluate ED-HNN for node classification on nine real-world hypergraph datasets. ED-HNN uniformly outperforms the best baselines over these nine datasets and achieves more than 2\%↑\uparrow in prediction accuracy over four datasets therein.Comment: Code: https://github.com/Graph-COM/ED-HN

    Generalizing p-Laplacian: spectral hypergraph theory and a partitioning algorithm

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    For hypergraph clustering, various methods have been proposed to defne hypergraph p-Laplacians in the literature. This work proposes a general framework for an abstract class of hypergraph p-Laplacians from a diferential-geometric view. This class includes previously proposed hypergraph p-Laplacians and also includes previously unstudied novel generalizations. For this abstract class, we extend current spectral theory by providing an extension of nodal domain theory for the eigenvectors of our hypergraph p-Laplacian. We use this nodal domain theory to provide bounds on the eigenvalues via a higher-order Cheeger inequality. Following our extension of spectral theory, we propose a novel hypergraph partitioning algorithm for our generalized p-Laplacian. Our empirical study shows that our algorithm outperforms spectral methods based on existing p-Laplacians

    A Generalized Ratio Cut Objective in Graphs and Efficient Algorithm for Solving the Localized Generalized Expansion Ratio Problem

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    In graph clustering, ratio cut objectives represent the ratio between the connectivity of the subgraph and some notation of the graph properties including size and density. These ratio cut objectives are widely studied and used for many tasks including graph partitioning. Specifically, the standard expansion ratio measures the ratio between subgraph’s connections to the rest of the graph and the subgraph size. This thesis introduces a generalized version of the standard expansion ratio objective and studies a localized variant of the expansion ratio problem by presenting its connections to existing problems and numerical results on existing problems. The generalized version of the expansion ratio concerned in this thesis replaces the subgraph size with a convex function of the set size, generalizing more than one existing objective functions. The localized variant of the expansion ratio problem removes the constraint of subgraph size while restricting the resulting subgraph to a given seed set of nodes. While the original expansion problem is NP-hard to solve, this thesis introduces a polynomial-time algorithm for the novel localized variant of the problem. By varying the convex function and tuning parameters, numerical experiments show solving this new problem with the generalized objective allows one implicitly control the size of the resulting subgraph