375 research outputs found

    Temporal Segmentation of Surgical Sub-tasks through Deep Learning with Multiple Data Sources

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    Many tasks in robot-assisted surgeries (RAS) can be represented by finite-state machines (FSMs), where each state represents either an action (such as picking up a needle) or an observation (such as bleeding). A crucial step towards the automation of such surgical tasks is the temporal perception of the current surgical scene, which requires a real-time estimation of the states in the FSMs. The objective of this work is to estimate the current state of the surgical task based on the actions performed or events occurred as the task progresses. We propose Fusion-KVE, a unified surgical state estimation model that incorporates multiple data sources including the Kinematics, Vision, and system Events. Additionally, we examine the strengths and weaknesses of different state estimation models in segmenting states with different representative features or levels of granularity. We evaluate our model on the JHU-ISI Gesture and Skill Assessment Working Set (JIGSAWS), as well as a more complex dataset involving robotic intra-operative ultrasound (RIOUS) imaging, created using the da Vinci® Xi surgical system. Our model achieves a superior frame-wise state estimation accuracy up to 89.4%, which improves the state-of-the-art surgical state estimation models in both JIGSAWS suturing dataset and our RIOUS dataset

    Segmental Spatiotemporal CNNs for Fine-grained Action Segmentation

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    Joint segmentation and classification of fine-grained actions is important for applications of human-robot interaction, video surveillance, and human skill evaluation. However, despite substantial recent progress in large-scale action classification, the performance of state-of-the-art fine-grained action recognition approaches remains low. We propose a model for action segmentation which combines low-level spatiotemporal features with a high-level segmental classifier. Our spatiotemporal CNN is comprised of a spatial component that uses convolutional filters to capture information about objects and their relationships, and a temporal component that uses large 1D convolutional filters to capture information about how object relationships change across time. These features are used in tandem with a semi-Markov model that models transitions from one action to another. We introduce an efficient constrained segmental inference algorithm for this model that is orders of magnitude faster than the current approach. We highlight the effectiveness of our Segmental Spatiotemporal CNN on cooking and surgical action datasets for which we observe substantially improved performance relative to recent baseline methods.Comment: Updated from the ECCV 2016 version. We fixed an important mathematical error and made the section on segmental inference cleare

    Temporal Segmentation of Surgical Sub-tasks through Deep Learning with Multiple Data Sources

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    Many tasks in robot-assisted surgeries (RAS) can be represented by finite-state machines (FSMs), where each state represents either an action (such as picking up a needle) or an observation (such as bleeding). A crucial step towards the automation of such surgical tasks is the temporal perception of the current surgical scene, which requires a real-time estimation of the states in the FSMs. The objective of this work is to estimate the current state of the surgical task based on the actions performed or events occurred as the task progresses. We propose Fusion-KVE, a unified surgical state estimation model that incorporates multiple data sources including the Kinematics, Vision, and system Events. Additionally, we examine the strengths and weaknesses of different state estimation models in segmenting states with different representative features or levels of granularity. We evaluate our model on the JHU-ISI Gesture and Skill Assessment Working Set (JIGSAWS), as well as a more complex dataset involving robotic intra-operative ultrasound (RIOUS) imaging, created using the da Vinci® Xi surgical system. Our model achieves a superior frame-wise state estimation accuracy up to 89.4%, which improves the state-of-the-art surgical state estimation models in both JIGSAWS suturing dataset and our RIOUS dataset

    daVinciNet: Joint Prediction of Motion and Surgical State in Robot-Assisted Surgery

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    This paper presents a technique to concurrently and jointly predict the future trajectories of surgical instruments and the future state(s) of surgical subtasks in robot-assisted surgeries (RAS) using multiple input sources. Such predictions are a necessary first step towards shared control and supervised autonomy of surgical subtasks. Minute-long surgical subtasks, such as suturing or ultrasound scanning, often have distinguishable tool kinematics and visual features, and can be described as a series of fine-grained states with transition schematics. We propose daVinciNet - an end-to-end dual-task model for robot motion and surgical state predictions. daVinciNet performs concurrent end-effector trajectory and surgical state predictions using features extracted from multiple data streams, including robot kinematics, endoscopic vision, and system events. We evaluate our proposed model on an extended Robotic Intra-Operative Ultrasound (RIOUS+) imaging dataset collected on a da Vinci Xi surgical system and the JHU-ISI Gesture and Skill Assessment Working Set (JIGSAWS). Our model achieves up to 93.85% short-term (0.5s) and 82.11% long-term (2s) state prediction accuracy, as well as 1.07mm short-term and 5.62mm long-term trajectory prediction error

    daVinciNet: Joint Prediction of Motion and Surgical State in Robot-Assisted Surgery

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    This paper presents a technique to concurrently and jointly predict the future trajectories of surgical instruments and the future state(s) of surgical subtasks in robot-assisted surgeries (RAS) using multiple input sources. Such predictions are a necessary first step towards shared control and supervised autonomy of surgical subtasks. Minute-long surgical subtasks, such as suturing or ultrasound scanning, often have distinguishable tool kinematics and visual features, and can be described as a series of fine-grained states with transition schematics. We propose daVinciNet - an end-to-end dual-task model for robot motion and surgical state predictions. daVinciNet performs concurrent end-effector trajectory and surgical state predictions using features extracted from multiple data streams, including robot kinematics, endoscopic vision, and system events. We evaluate our proposed model on an extended Robotic Intra-Operative Ultrasound (RIOUS+) imaging dataset collected on a da Vinci Xi surgical system and the JHU-ISI Gesture and Skill Assessment Working Set (JIGSAWS). Our model achieves up to 93.85% short-term (0.5s) and 82.11% long-term (2s) state prediction accuracy, as well as 1.07mm short-term and 5.62mm long-term trajectory prediction error.Comment: Accepted to IROS 202

    Gesture Recognition in Robotic Surgery: a Review

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    OBJECTIVE: Surgical activity recognition is a fundamental step in computer-assisted interventions. This paper reviews the state-of-the-art in methods for automatic recognition of fine-grained gestures in robotic surgery focusing on recent data-driven approaches and outlines the open questions and future research directions. METHODS: An article search was performed on 5 bibliographic databases with combinations of the following search terms: robotic, robot-assisted, JIGSAWS, surgery, surgical, gesture, fine-grained, surgeme, action, trajectory, segmentation, recognition, parsing. Selected articles were classified based on the level of supervision required for training and divided into different groups representing major frameworks for time series analysis and data modelling. RESULTS: A total of 52 articles were reviewed. The research field is showing rapid expansion, with the majority of articles published in the last 4 years. Deep-learning-based temporal models with discriminative feature extraction and multi-modal data integration have demonstrated promising results on small surgical datasets. Currently, unsupervised methods perform significantly less well than the supervised approaches. CONCLUSION: The development of large and diverse open-source datasets of annotated demonstrations is essential for development and validation of robust solutions for surgical gesture recognition. While new strategies for discriminative feature extraction and knowledge transfer, or unsupervised and semi-supervised approaches, can mitigate the need for data and labels, they have not yet been demonstrated to achieve comparable performance. Important future research directions include detection and forecast of gesture-specific errors and anomalies. SIGNIFICANCE: This paper is a comprehensive and structured analysis of surgical gesture recognition methods aiming to summarize the status of this rapidly evolving field

    Multi-Task Recurrent Neural Network for Surgical Gesture Recognition and Progress Prediction

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    Surgical gesture recognition is important for surgical data science and computer-aided intervention. Even with robotic kinematic information, automatically segmenting surgical steps presents numerous challenges because surgical demonstrations are characterized by high variability in style, duration and order of actions. In order to extract discriminative features from the kinematic signals and boost recognition accuracy, we propose a multi-task recurrent neural network for simultaneous recognition of surgical gestures and estimation of a novel formulation of surgical task progress. To show the effectiveness of the presented approach, we evaluate its application on the JIGSAWS dataset, that is currently the only publicly available dataset for surgical gesture recognition featuring robot kinematic data. We demonstrate that recognition performance improves in multi-task frameworks with progress estimation without any additional manual labelling and training.Comment: Accepted to ICRA 202

    Gesture Recognition and Control for Semi-Autonomous Robotic Assistant Surgeons

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    The next stage for robotics development is to introduce autonomy and cooperation with human agents in tasks that require high levels of precision and/or that exert considerable physical strain. To guarantee the highest possible safety standards, the best approach is to devise a deterministic automaton that performs identically for each operation. Clearly, such approach inevitably fails to adapt itself to changing environments or different human companions. In a surgical scenario, the highest variability happens for the timing of different actions performed within the same phases. This thesis explores the solutions adopted in pursuing automation in robotic minimally-invasive surgeries (R-MIS) and presents a novel cognitive control architecture that uses a multi-modal neural network trained on a cooperative task performed by human surgeons and produces an action segmentation that provides the required timing for actions while maintaining full phase execution control via a deterministic Supervisory Controller and full execution safety by a velocity-constrained Model-Predictive Controller