4 research outputs found

    Exploring the Design Space of Static and Incremental Graph Connectivity Algorithms on GPUs

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    Connected components and spanning forest are fundamental graph algorithms due to their use in many important applications, such as graph clustering and image segmentation. GPUs are an ideal platform for graph algorithms due to their high peak performance and memory bandwidth. While there exist several GPU connectivity algorithms in the literature, many design choices have not yet been explored. In this paper, we explore various design choices in GPU connectivity algorithms, including sampling, linking, and tree compression, for both the static as well as the incremental setting. Our various design choices lead to over 300 new GPU implementations of connectivity, many of which outperform state-of-the-art. We present an experimental evaluation, and show that we achieve an average speedup of 2.47x speedup over existing static algorithms. In the incremental setting, we achieve a throughput of up to 48.23 billion edges per second. Compared to state-of-the-art CPU implementations on a 72-core machine, we achieve a speedup of 8.26--14.51x for static connectivity and 1.85--13.36x for incremental connectivity using a Tesla V100 GPU

    ConnectIt: A Framework for Static and Incremental Parallel Graph Connectivity Algorithms

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    Connected components is a fundamental kernel in graph applications due to its usefulness in measuring how well-connected a graph is, as well as its use as subroutines in many other graph algorithms. The fastest existing parallel multicore algorithms for connectivity are based on some form of edge sampling and/or linking and compressing trees. However, many combinations of these design choices have been left unexplored. In this paper, we design the ConnectIt framework, which provides different sampling strategies as well as various tree linking and compression schemes. ConnectIt enables us to obtain several hundred new variants of connectivity algorithms, most of which extend to computing spanning forest. In addition to static graphs, we also extend ConnectIt to support mixes of insertions and connectivity queries in the concurrent setting. We present an experimental evaluation of ConnectIt on a 72-core machine, which we believe is the most comprehensive evaluation of parallel connectivity algorithms to date. Compared to a collection of state-of-the-art static multicore algorithms, we obtain an average speedup of 37.4x (2.36x average speedup over the fastest existing implementation for each graph). Using ConnectIt, we are able to compute connectivity on the largest publicly-available graph (with over 3.5 billion vertices and 128 billion edges) in under 10 seconds using a 72-core machine, providing a 3.1x speedup over the fastest existing connectivity result for this graph, in any computational setting. For our incremental algorithms, we show that our algorithms can ingest graph updates at up to several billion edges per second. Finally, to guide the user in selecting the best variants in ConnectIt for different situations, we provide a detailed analysis of the different strategies in terms of their work and locality

    High-Performance Computing Algorithms for Constructing Inverted Files on Emerging Multicore Processors

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    Current trends in processor architectures increasingly include more cores on a single chip and more complex memory hierarchies, and such a trend is likely to continue in the foreseeable future. These processors offer unprecedented opportunities for speeding up demanding computations if the available resources can be effectively utilized. Simultaneously, parallel programming languages such as OpenMP and MPI have been commonly used on clusters of multicore CPUs while newer programming languages such as OpenCL and CUDA have been widely adopted on recent heterogeneous systems and GPUs respectively. The main goal of this dissertation is to develop techniques and methodologies for exploiting these emerging parallel architectures and parallel programming languages to solve large scale irregular applications such as the construction of inverted files. The extraction of inverted files from large collections of documents forms a critical component of all information retrieval systems including web search engines. In this problem, the disk I/O throughput is the major performance bottleneck especially when intermediate results are written onto disks. In addition to the I/O bottleneck, a number of synchronization and consistency issues must be resolved in order to build the dictionary and postings lists efficiently. To address these issues, we introduce a dictionary data structure using a hybrid of trie and B-trees and a high-throughput pipeline strategy that completely avoids the use of disks as temporary storage for intermediate results, while ensuring the consumption of the input data at a high rate. The high-throughput pipelined strategy produces parallel parsed streams that are consumed at the same rate by parallel indexers. The pipelined strategy is implemented on a single multicore CPU as well as on a cluster of such nodes. We were able to achieve a throughput of more than 262MB/s on the ClueWeb09 dataset on a single node. On a cluster of 32 nodes, our experimental results show scalable performance using different metrics, significantly improving on prior published results. On the other hand, we develop a new approach for handling time-evolving documents using additional small temporal indexing structures. The lifetime of the collection is partitioned into multiple time windows, which guarantees a very fast temporal query response time at a small space overhead relative to the non-temporal case. Extensive experimental results indicate that the overhead in both indexing and querying is small in this more complicated case, and the query performance can indeed be improved using finer temporal partitioning of the collection. Finally, we employ GPUs to accelerate the indexing process for building inverted files and to develop a very fast algorithm for the highly irregular list ranking problem. For the indexing problem, the workload is split between CPUs and GPUs in such a way that the strengths of both architectures are exploited. For the list ranking problem involved in the decompression of inverted files, an optimized GPU algorithm is introduced by reducing the problem to a large number of fine grain computations in such a way that the processing cost per element is shown to be close to the best possible

    Image Re-ranking Acceleration On Gpus

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    Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)Huge image collections are becoming available lately. In this scenario, the use of Content-Based Image Retrieval (CBIR) systems has emerged as a promising approach to support image searches. The objective of CBIR systems is to retrieve the most similar images in a collection, given a query image, by taking into account image visual properties such as texture, color, and shape. In these systems, the effectiveness of the retrieval process depends heavily on the accuracy of ranking approaches. Recently, re-ranking approaches have been proposed to improve the effectiveness of CBIR systems by taking into account the relationships among images. The re-ranking approaches consider the relationships among all images in a given dataset These approaches typically demands a huge amount of computational power, which hampers its use in practical situations. On the other hand, these methods can be massively parallelized. In this paper, we propose to speedup the computation of the RL-Sim algorithm, a recently proposed image re-ranking approach, by using the computational power of Graphics Processing Units (GPU). GPUs are emerging as relatively inexpensive parallel processors that are becoming available on a wide range of computer systems. We address the image re-ranking performance challenges by proposing a parallel solution designed to fit the computational model of GPUs. We conducted an experimental evaluation considering different implementations and devices. Experimental results demonstrate that significant performance gains can be obtained. Our approach achieves speedups of 7 × from serial implementation considering the overall algorithm and up to 36 × on its core steps. © 2013 IEEE.176183Brazilian Computer Society (SBC),Brazilian Funding Agencies CAPES,CNPq,et al.,IEEE Computer Society Through the Technical Committees,on Computer Architecture (TCCA) and TCSCConselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)Datta, R., Joshi, D., Li, J., Wang, J.Z., Image retrieval: Ideas, influences, and trends of the new age (2008) ACM Computing Surveys, 40 (2), pp. 51-560McDonald, S., Tait, J., Search strategies in content-based image retrieval (2003) 26th ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Informaion Retrieval (SIGIR'03), pp. 80-87Ferreira, C.D., Dos Santos, J.A., Da Torres, S.R., Gonçalves, M.A., Rezende, R.C., Fan, W., Relevance feedback based on genetic programming for image retrieval (2011) Pattern Recogninion Letters, 32 (1), pp. 27-37Dos Santos, J.A., Ferreira, C.D., Da Torres, S.R., Gonçalves, M.A., Lamparelli, R.A., A relevance feedback method based on genetic programming for classification of remote sensing images (2011) Information Sciences, 181 (13), pp. 2671-2684Pedronette, D.C.G., Da Torres, S.R., Image re-ranking and rank aggregation based on similarity of ranked lists (2013) Pattern Recognition, , to appear http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.patcog.2013.01.004Yang, X., Prasad, L., Latecki, L., Affinity learning with diffusion on tensor product graph (2012) Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, PP (99), p. 1. , IEEE Transactions onYang, X., Latecki, L.J., Affinity learning on a tensor product graph with applications to shape and image retrieval (2011) IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR'2011), pp. 2369-2376Pedronette, D.C.G., Da Torres, S.R., Exploiting pairwise recommendation and clustering strategies for image re-ranking (2012) Information Sciences, 207, pp. 19-34Jegou, H., Schmid, C., Harzallah, H., Verbeek, J., Accurate image search using the contextual dissimilarity measure (2010) IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, 32 (1), pp. 2-11Pedronette, D.C.G., Da Torres, S.R., Borin, E., Breternitz, M., Efficient image re-ranking computation on GPUs (2012) Int. Symposium Parallel Distributed Processing (ISPA'2012), pp. 95-102Pedronette, D.C.G., Da Torres, S.R., Image re-ranking and rank aggregation based on similarity of ranked lists (2011) Computer Analysis of Images and Patterns (CAIP'2011), 6854, pp. 369-376Banerjee, D., Kothapalli, K., Hybrid algorithms for list ranking and graph connected components (2011) High Performance Computing (HiPC), pp. 1-10. , 2011 18th International Conference on, decKontschieder, P., Donoser, M., Bischof, H., Beyond pairwise shape similarity analysis (2009) Asian Conference on Computer Vision, pp. 655-666Yang, X., Bai, X., Latecki, L.J., Tu, Z., Improving shape retrieval by learning graph transduction (2008) European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV'2008), 4, pp. 788-801Jiang, J., Wang, B., Tu, Z., Unsupervised metric learning by self-smoothing operator (2011) ICCV, pp. 794-801Shen, X., Lin, Z., Brandt, J., Avidan, S., Wu, Y., Object retrieval and localization with spatially-constrained similarity measure and k-nn re-ranking (2012) Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), pp. 3013-3020. , 2012 IEEE Conference on, juneQin, D., Gammeter, S., Bossard, L., Quack, T., Van Gool, L., Hello neighbor: Accurate object retrieval with k-reciprocal nearest neighbors (2011) Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), pp. 777-784. , 2011 IEEE Conference on, juneYe, G., Liu, D., Jhuo, I.-H., Chang, S.-F., Robust late fusion with rank minimization (2012) Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), pp. 3021-3028. , 2012 IEEE Conference on, juneWang, J., Li, Y., Bai, X., Zhang, Y., Wang, C., Tang, N., Learning context-sensitive similarity by shortest path propagation (2011) Pattern Recognition, 44 (10-11), pp. 2367-2374Yang, X., Koknar-Tezel, S., Latecki, L.J., Locally constrained diffusion process on locally densified distance spaces with applications to shape retrieval (2009) IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR'2009), pp. 357-364Pedronette, D.C.G., Da Torres, S.R., Exploiting clustering approaches for image re-ranking (2011) Journal of Visual Languages and Computing, 22 (6), pp. 453-466Pedronette, D.C.G., Da Torres, S.R., Exploiting contextual information for image re-ranking and rank aggregation (2012) International Journal of Multimedia Information Retrieval, 1 (2), pp. 115-128Perronnin, F., Liu, Y., Renders, J.-M., A family of contextual measures of similarity between distributions with application to image retrieval (2009) IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR'2009), pp. 2358-2365Steele, J., Cochran, R., Introduction to GPGPU programming (2007) Proceedings of the 45th Annual Southeast Regional Conference, Ser. 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