5,868 research outputs found


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    This paper introduces a new method in the multispectral image fusion based on ridgelet transform which represents edges better than wavelets. Since edges play a fundamental rule in image understanding, one good way to enhance spatial resolution is to enhance the edges. Ridgelet based image fusion method provides richer information in the spatial and spectral domains simultaneously. Also another method introduced based on new Hybrid transform which is improvement from the Ridgelet transform. Here we used our method to merge the panchromatic image of IKONOS sensor (1m resolution) with its multispectral image (4m resolution). The software used in this paper is (Matlab V 7.0.4 )

    Classification accuracy increase using multisensor data fusion

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    The practical use of very high resolution visible and near-infrared (VNIR) data is still growing (IKONOS, Quickbird, GeoEye-1, etc.) but for classification purposes the number of bands is limited in comparison to full spectral imaging. These limitations may lead to the confusion of materials such as different roofs, pavements, roads, etc. and therefore may provide wrong interpretation and use of classification products. Employment of hyperspectral data is another solution, but their low spatial resolution (comparing to multispectral data) restrict their usage for many applications. Another improvement can be achieved by fusion approaches of multisensory data since this may increase the quality of scene classification. Integration of Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) and optical data is widely performed for automatic classification, interpretation, and change detection. In this paper we present an approach for very high resolution SAR and multispectral data fusion for automatic classification in urban areas. Single polarization TerraSAR-X (SpotLight mode) and multispectral data are integrated using the INFOFUSE framework, consisting of feature extraction (information fission), unsupervised clustering (data representation on a finite domain and dimensionality reduction), and data aggregation (Bayesian or neural network). This framework allows a relevant way of multisource data combination following consensus theory. The classification is not influenced by the limitations of dimensionality, and the calculation complexity primarily depends on the step of dimensionality reduction. Fusion of single polarization TerraSAR-X, WorldView-2 (VNIR or full set), and Digital Surface Model (DSM) data allow for different types of urban objects to be classified into predefined classes of interest with increased accuracy. The comparison to classification results of WorldView-2 multispectral data (8 spectral bands) is provided and the numerical evaluation of the method in comparison to other established methods illustrates the advantage in the classification accuracy for many classes such as buildings, low vegetation, sport objects, forest, roads, rail roads, etc

    Multispectral Palmprint Encoding and Recognition

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    Palmprints are emerging as a new entity in multi-modal biometrics for human identification and verification. Multispectral palmprint images captured in the visible and infrared spectrum not only contain the wrinkles and ridge structure of a palm, but also the underlying pattern of veins; making them a highly discriminating biometric identifier. In this paper, we propose a feature encoding scheme for robust and highly accurate representation and matching of multispectral palmprints. To facilitate compact storage of the feature, we design a binary hash table structure that allows for efficient matching in large databases. Comprehensive experiments for both identification and verification scenarios are performed on two public datasets -- one captured with a contact-based sensor (PolyU dataset), and the other with a contact-free sensor (CASIA dataset). Recognition results in various experimental setups show that the proposed method consistently outperforms existing state-of-the-art methods. Error rates achieved by our method (0.003% on PolyU and 0.2% on CASIA) are the lowest reported in literature on both dataset and clearly indicate the viability of palmprint as a reliable and promising biometric. All source codes are publicly available.Comment: Preliminary version of this manuscript was published in ICCV 2011. Z. Khan A. Mian and Y. Hu, "Contour Code: Robust and Efficient Multispectral Palmprint Encoding for Human Recognition", International Conference on Computer Vision, 2011. MATLAB Code available: https://sites.google.com/site/zohaibnet/Home/code

    Unsupervised Domain Adaptation for Multispectral Pedestrian Detection

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    Multimodal information (e.g., visible and thermal) can generate robust pedestrian detections to facilitate around-the-clock computer vision applications, such as autonomous driving and video surveillance. However, it still remains a crucial challenge to train a reliable detector working well in different multispectral pedestrian datasets without manual annotations. In this paper, we propose a novel unsupervised domain adaptation framework for multispectral pedestrian detection, by iteratively generating pseudo annotations and updating the parameters of our designed multispectral pedestrian detector on target domain. Pseudo annotations are generated using the detector trained on source domain, and then updated by fixing the parameters of detector and minimizing the cross entropy loss without back-propagation. Training labels are generated using the pseudo annotations by considering the characteristics of similarity and complementarity between well-aligned visible and infrared image pairs. The parameters of detector are updated using the generated labels by minimizing our defined multi-detection loss function with back-propagation. The optimal parameters of detector can be obtained after iteratively updating the pseudo annotations and parameters. Experimental results show that our proposed unsupervised multimodal domain adaptation method achieves significantly higher detection performance than the approach without domain adaptation, and is competitive with the supervised multispectral pedestrian detectors

    On the use of the SOS metaheuristic algorithm in hybrid image fusion methods to achieve optimum spectral fidelity

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    Image fusion aims to spatially enhance a low-resolution multispectral (MS) image by utilizing a high-resolution panchromatic (Pan) band. Various image fusion methodologies have been proposed with the aim to improve the spatial detail quality without deteriorating the colour content of the input MS image. Previous studies revealed the fact that there is no such thing as 'the best image fusion method' since all fusion methods cause either spectral distortion or spatial detail loss to some extent, which motivates the researchers to develop more advanced methods to keep the colour content while increasing the spatial detail quality. This study proposed to use the Symbiotic Organisms Search (SOS) metaheuristic algorithm in hybrid image fusion methods to achieve the optimum colour quality in the fused images. The SOS algorithm was used in two hybrid fusion approaches, one including the Intensity-Hue-Saturation (IHS) and Discrete Wavelet Transform (DWT) methods and the other one including the IHS and Discrete Wavelet Frame Transform (DWFT) methods. The results of the proposed methods were qualitatively and quantitatively compared in three test sites against those of eighteen widely-used image fusion methods. It was concluded that the proposed methods led to superior colour quality with both singlesensor and multisensor input images, regardless of the spatial resolution difference between the input images. The proposed methods were also found to be very successful in sharpening the images, despite the fact that their main purpose was to keep the colour content as much as possible

    GETNET: A General End-to-end Two-dimensional CNN Framework for Hyperspectral Image Change Detection

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    Change detection (CD) is an important application of remote sensing, which provides timely change information about large-scale Earth surface. With the emergence of hyperspectral imagery, CD technology has been greatly promoted, as hyperspectral data with the highspectral resolution are capable of detecting finer changes than using the traditional multispectral imagery. Nevertheless, the high dimension of hyperspectral data makes it difficult to implement traditional CD algorithms. Besides, endmember abundance information at subpixel level is often not fully utilized. In order to better handle high dimension problem and explore abundance information, this paper presents a General End-to-end Two-dimensional CNN (GETNET) framework for hyperspectral image change detection (HSI-CD). The main contributions of this work are threefold: 1) Mixed-affinity matrix that integrates subpixel representation is introduced to mine more cross-channel gradient features and fuse multi-source information; 2) 2-D CNN is designed to learn the discriminative features effectively from multi-source data at a higher level and enhance the generalization ability of the proposed CD algorithm; 3) A new HSI-CD data set is designed for the objective comparison of different methods. Experimental results on real hyperspectral data sets demonstrate the proposed method outperforms most of the state-of-the-arts