3 research outputs found

    A Multi-temporal fusion-based approach for land cover mapping in support of nuclear incident response

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    An increasingly important application of remote sensing is to provide decision support during emergency response and disaster management efforts. Land cover maps constitute one such useful application product during disaster events; if generated rapidly after any disaster, such map products can contribute to the efficacy of the response effort. In light of recent nuclear incidents, e.g., after the earthquake/tsunami in Japan (2011), our research focuses on constructing rapid and accurate land cover maps of the impacted area in case of an accidental nuclear release. The methodology involves integration of results from two different approaches, namely coarse spatial resolution multi-temporal and fine spatial resolution imagery, to increase classification accuracy. Although advanced methods have been developed for classification using high spatial or temporal resolution imagery, only a limited amount of work has been done on fusion of these two remote sensing approaches. The presented methodology thus involves integration of classification results from two different remote sensing modalities in order to improve classification accuracy. The data used included RapidEye and MODIS scenes over the Nine Mile Point Nuclear Power Station in Oswego (New York, USA). The first step in the process was the construction of land cover maps from freely available, high temporal resolution, low spatial resolution MODIS imagery using a time-series approach. We used the variability in the temporal signatures among different land cover classes for classification. The time series-specific features were defined by various physical properties of a pixel, such as variation in vegetation cover and water content over time. The pixels were classified into four land cover classes - forest, urban, water, and vegetation - using Euclidean and Mahalanobis distance metrics. On the other hand, a high spatial resolution commercial satellite, such as RapidEye, can be tasked to capture images over the affected area in the case of a nuclear event. This imagery served as a second source of data to augment results from the time series approach. The classifications from the two approaches were integrated using an a posteriori probability-based fusion approach. This was done by establishing a relationship between the classes, obtained after classification of the two data sources. Despite the coarse spatial resolution of MODIS pixels, acceptable accuracies were obtained using time series features. The overall accuracies using the fusion-based approach were in the neighborhood of 80%, when compared with GIS data sets from New York State. This fusion thus contributed to classification accuracy refinement, with a few additional advantages, such as correction for cloud cover and providing for an approach that is robust against point-in-time seasonal anomalies, due to the inclusion of multi-temporal data

    Line Based Multi-Range Asymmetric Conditional Random Field For Terrestrial Laser Scanning Data Classification

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    Terrestrial Laser Scanning (TLS) is a ground-based, active imaging method that rapidly acquires accurate, highly dense three-dimensional point cloud of object surfaces by laser range finding. For fully utilizing its benefits, developing a robust method to classify many objects of interests from huge amounts of laser point clouds is urgently required. However, classifying massive TLS data faces many challenges, such as complex urban scene, partial data acquisition from occlusion. To make an automatic, accurate and robust TLS data classification, we present a line-based multi-range asymmetric Conditional Random Field algorithm. The first contribution is to propose a line-base TLS data classification method. In this thesis, we are interested in seven classes: building, roof, pedestrian road (PR), tree, low man-made object (LMO), vehicle road (VR), and low vegetation (LV). The line-based classification is implemented in each scan profile, which follows the line profiling nature of laser scanning mechanism.Ten conventional local classifiers are tested, including popular generative and discriminative classifiers, and experimental results validate that the line-based method can achieve satisfying classification performance. However, local classifiers implement labeling task on individual line independently of its neighborhood, the inference of which often suffers from similar local appearance across different object classes. The second contribution is to propose a multi-range asymmetric Conditional Random Field (maCRF) model, which uses object context as post-classification to improve the performance of a local generative classifier. The maCRF incorporates appearance, local smoothness constraint, and global scene layout regularity together into a probabilistic graphical model. The local smoothness enforces that lines in a local area to have the same class label, while scene layout favours an asymmetric regularity of spatial arrangement between different object classes within long-range, which is considered both in vertical (above-bellow relation) and horizontal (front-behind) directions. The asymmetric regularity allows capturing directional spatial arrangement between pairwise objects (e.g. it allows ground is lower than building, not vice-versa). The third contribution is to extend the maCRF model by adding across scan profile context, which is called Across scan profile Multi-range Asymmetric Conditional Random Field (amaCRF) model. Due to the sweeping nature of laser scanning, the sequentially acquired TLS data has strong spatial dependency, and the across scan profile context can provide more contextual information. The final contribution is to propose a sequential classification strategy. Along the sweeping direction of laser scanning, amaCRF models were sequentially constructed. By dynamically updating posterior probability of common scan profiles, contextual information propagates through adjacent scan profiles

    Hybrid Bayesian Classifier for Improved Classification Accuracy

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    The widely used Bayesian classifier is based on the assumption of equal prior probabilities for all the classes. However, inclusion of equal prior probabilities may not guarantee high classification accuracy for the individual classes. Here, we propose a novel technique-Hybrid Bayesian Classifier (HBC)-where the class prior probabilities are determined by unmixing a supplemental low spatial-high spectral resolution multispectral (MS) data that are assigned to every pixel in a high spatial-low spectral resolution MS data in Bayesian classification. This is demonstrated with two separate experiments-first, class abundances are estimated per pixel by unmixing Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer data to be used as prior probabilities, while posterior probabilities are determined from the training data obtained from ground. These have been used for classifying the Indian Remote Sensing Satellite LISS-III MS data through Bayesian classifier. In the second experiment, abundances obtained by unmixing Landsat Enhanced Thematic Mapper Plus are used as priors, and posterior probabilities are determined from the ground data to classify IKONOS MS images through Bayesian classifier. The results indicated that HBC systematically exploited the information from two image sources, improving the overall accuracy of LISS-III MS classification by 6% and IKONOS MS classification by 9%. Inclusion of prior probabilities increased the average producer's and user's accuracies by 5.5% and 6.5% in case of LISS-III MS with six classes and 12.5% and 5.4% in IKONOS MS for five classes considered