7,775 research outputs found

    Human-Automation Collaboration in Complex Multivariate Resource Allocation Decision Support Systems

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    In resource allocation problems for systems with moving planning horizons and significant uncertainty, typical of supervisory control environments, it is critical that some balance of human-automation collaboration be achieved. These systems typically require leveraging the computational power of automation, as well as the experience and judgment of human decision makers. Human-automation collaboration can occur through degrees of collaboration from automation-centric to human-centric, and such collaboration is inherently distinct from previously-discussed levels of automation. In the context of a command and control mission planning task, we show that across a number of metrics, there is no clear dominant human-automation collaboration scheme for resource allocation problems using three distinct instantiations of human-automation collaboration. Rather, the ultimate selection for the best resource allocation decision support system will depend on a cost-benefit approach that could include mitigation of workload, conformance to intended design characteristics, as well as the need to maximize overall mission performance

    Operator Objective Function Guidance for a Real-time Unmanned Vehicle Scheduling Algorithm

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    Advances in autonomy have made it possible to invert the typical operator-to-unmanned-vehicle ratio so that asingle operator can now control multiple heterogeneous unmanned vehicles. Algorithms used in unmanned-vehicle path planning and task allocation typically have an objective function that only takes into account variables initially identified by designers with set weightings. This can make the algorithm seemingly opaque to an operator and brittle under changing mission priorities. To address these issues, it is proposed that allowing operators to dynamically modify objective function weightings of an automated planner during a mission can have performance benefits. A multiple-unmanned-vehicle simulation test bed was modified so that operators could either choose one variable or choose any combination of equally weighted variables for the automated planner to use in evaluating mission plans. Results from a human-participant experiment showed that operators rated their performance and confidence highest when using the dynamic objective function with multiple objectives. Allowing operators to adjust multiple objectives resulted in enhanced situational awareness, increased spare mental capacity, fewer interventions to modify the objective function, and no significant differences in mission performance. Adding this form of flexibility and transparency to automation in future unmanned vehicle systems could improve performance, engender operator trust, and reduce errors.Aurora Flight Sciences, U.S. Office of Naval Researc

    ,The Impact of Human-Automation Collaboration in Decentralized Multiple Unmanned Vehicle Control

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    For future systems that require one or a small team of operators to supervise a network of automated agents, automated planners are critical since they are faster than humans for path planning and resource allocation in multivariate, dynamic, time-pressured environments. However, such planners can be brittle and unable to respond to emergent events. Human operators can aid such systems by bringing their knowledge-based reasoning and experience to bear. Given a decentralized task planner and a goal-based operator interface for a network of unmanned vehicles in a search, track, and neutralize mission, we demonstrate with a human-on-the-loop experiment that humans guiding these decentralized planners improved system performance by up to 50%. However, those tasks that required precise and rapid calculations were not significantly improved with human aid. Thus, there is a shared space in such complex missions for human–automation collaboration

    Resource Allocation Planning Helper (RALPH): Lessons learned

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    The current task of Resource Allocation Process includes the planning and apportionment of JPL's Ground Data System composed of the Deep Space Network and Mission Control and Computing Center facilities. The addition of the data driven, rule based planning system, RALPH, has expanded the planning horizon from 8 weeks to 10 years and has resulted in large labor savings. Use of the system has also resulted in important improvements in science return through enhanced resource utilization. In addition, RALPH has been instrumental in supporting rapid turn around for an increased volume of special what if studies. The status of RALPH is briefly reviewed and important lessons learned from the creation of an highly functional design team are focused on through an evolutionary design and implementation period in which an AI shell was selected, prototyped, and ultimately abandoned, and through the fundamental changes to the very process that spawned the tool kit. Principal topics include proper integration of software tools within the planning environment, transition from prototype to delivered to delivered software, changes in the planning methodology as a result of evolving software capabilities and creation of the ability to develop and process generic requirements to allow planning flexibility

    User interface issues in supporting human-computer integrated scheduling

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    Explored here is the user interface problems encountered with the Operations Missions Planner (OMP) project at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL). OMP uses a unique iterative approach to planning that places additional requirements on the user interface, particularly to support system development and maintenance. These requirements are necessary to support the concepts of heuristically controlled search, in-progress assessment, and iterative refinement of the schedule. The techniques used to address the OMP interface needs are given

    The Role of Human-Automation Consensus in Multiple Unmanned Vehicle Scheduling

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    Objective: This study examined the impact of increasing automation replanning rates on operator performance and workload when supervising a decentralized network of heterogeneous unmanned vehicles. Background: Futuristic unmanned vehicles systems will invert the operator-to-vehicle ratio so that one operator can control multiple dissimilar vehicles connected through a decentralized network. Significant human-automation collaboration will be needed because of automation brittleness, but such collaboration could cause high workload. Method: Three increasing levels of replanning were tested on an existing multiple unmanned vehicle simulation environment that leverages decentralized algorithms for vehicle routing and task allocation in conjunction with human supervision. Results: Rapid replanning can cause high operator workload, ultimately resulting in poorer overall system performance. Poor performance was associated with a lack of operator consensus for when to accept the automation’s suggested prompts for new plan consideration as well as negative attitudes toward unmanned aerial vehicles in general. Participants with video game experience tended to collaborate more with the automation, which resulted in better performance. Conclusion: In decentralized unmanned vehicle networks, operators who ignore the automation’s requests for new plan consideration and impose rapid replans both increase their own workload and reduce the ability of the vehicle network to operate at its maximum capacity. Application: These findings have implications for personnel selection and training for futuristic systems involving human collaboration with decentralized algorithms embedded in networks of autonomous systems.Aurora Flight Sciences Corp.United States. Office of Naval Researc

    Assessing Operator Strategies for Real-time Replanning of Multiple Unmanned Vehicles

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    Future unmanned vehicles systems will invert the operator-to-vehicle ratio so that one operator controls a decentralized network of heterogeneous unmanned vehicles. This study examines the impact of allowing an operator to adjust the rate of prompts to view automation-generated plans on system performance and operator workload. Results showed that the majority of operators chose to adjust the replan prompting rate. The initial replan prompting rate had a significant framing effect on the replan prompting rates chosen throughout a scenario. Higher initial replan prompting rates led to significantly lower system performance. Operators successfully self-regulated their task-switching behavior to moderate their workload.This research is funded by the Office of Naval Research (ONR) and Aurora Flight Sciences
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