14,696 research outputs found

    Recognising facial expressions in video sequences

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    We introduce a system that processes a sequence of images of a front-facing human face and recognises a set of facial expressions. We use an efficient appearance-based face tracker to locate the face in the image sequence and estimate the deformation of its non-rigid components. The tracker works in real-time. It is robust to strong illumination changes and factors out changes in appearance caused by illumination from changes due to face deformation. We adopt a model-based approach for facial expression recognition. In our model, an image of a face is represented by a point in a deformation space. The variability of the classes of images associated to facial expressions are represented by a set of samples which model a low-dimensional manifold in the space of deformations. We introduce a probabilistic procedure based on a nearest-neighbour approach to combine the information provided by the incoming image sequence with the prior information stored in the expression manifold in order to compute a posterior probability associated to a facial expression. In the experiments conducted we show that this system is able to work in an unconstrained environment with strong changes in illumination and face location. It achieves an 89\% recognition rate in a set of 333 sequences from the Cohn-Kanade data base

    Observations on Cortical Mechanisms for Object Recognition andsLearning

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    This paper sketches a hypothetical cortical architecture for visual 3D object recognition based on a recent computational model. The view-centered scheme relies on modules for learning from examples, such as Hyperbf-like networks. Such models capture a class of explanations we call Memory-Based Models (MBM) that contains sparse population coding, memory-based recognition, and codebooks of prototypes. Unlike the sigmoidal units of some artificial neural networks, the units of MBMs are consistent with the description of cortical neurons. We describe how an example of MBM may be realized in terms of cortical circuitry and biophysical mechanisms, consistent with psychophysical and physiological data

    End-to-end 3D face reconstruction with deep neural networks

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    Monocular 3D facial shape reconstruction from a single 2D facial image has been an active research area due to its wide applications. Inspired by the success of deep neural networks (DNN), we propose a DNN-based approach for End-to-End 3D FAce Reconstruction (UH-E2FAR) from a single 2D image. Different from recent works that reconstruct and refine the 3D face in an iterative manner using both an RGB image and an initial 3D facial shape rendering, our DNN model is end-to-end, and thus the complicated 3D rendering process can be avoided. Moreover, we integrate in the DNN architecture two components, namely a multi-task loss function and a fusion convolutional neural network (CNN) to improve facial expression reconstruction. With the multi-task loss function, 3D face reconstruction is divided into neutral 3D facial shape reconstruction and expressive 3D facial shape reconstruction. The neutral 3D facial shape is class-specific. Therefore, higher layer features are useful. In comparison, the expressive 3D facial shape favors lower or intermediate layer features. With the fusion-CNN, features from different intermediate layers are fused and transformed for predicting the 3D expressive facial shape. Through extensive experiments, we demonstrate the superiority of our end-to-end framework in improving the accuracy of 3D face reconstruction.Comment: Accepted to CVPR1

    Multi-directional Geodesic Neural Networks via Equivariant Convolution

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    We propose a novel approach for performing convolution of signals on curved surfaces and show its utility in a variety of geometric deep learning applications. Key to our construction is the notion of directional functions defined on the surface, which extend the classic real-valued signals and which can be naturally convolved with with real-valued template functions. As a result, rather than trying to fix a canonical orientation or only keeping the maximal response across all alignments of a 2D template at every point of the surface, as done in previous works, we show how information across all rotations can be kept across different layers of the neural network. Our construction, which we call multi-directional geodesic convolution, or directional convolution for short, allows, in particular, to propagate and relate directional information across layers and thus different regions on the shape. We first define directional convolution in the continuous setting, prove its key properties and then show how it can be implemented in practice, for shapes represented as triangle meshes. We evaluate directional convolution in a wide variety of learning scenarios ranging from classification of signals on surfaces, to shape segmentation and shape matching, where we show a significant improvement over several baselines