5 research outputs found

    Sexual dimorphism in the lip size and finger pattern by digital method- A cross-sectional study

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    Background: Human lips recognition is most intriguing and growing method in human identification. The lip prints are unique among individuals and shown to have a prospective role in sex identification. The fingerprints of an individual can be used in instances like criminological, civil cases due to their inimitable property for absolute identity. The study aims to identify fingerprint pattern and lip size for identification of gender.Methods: This study involved 100 dentistry students from our college (50 male and 50 female).The thumb, lip photos were recorded by using a digital camera. The lip size was calculated by using Adobe photoshop software. The fingerprints patterns were by read by using the classification given by Michael and Kucken's.Results: Males had more lip length and width when compared to females which are statistically significant(p=0.000). The predominant fingerprint pattern in the entire study was loop (67%) followed by whorl (23%) and then arch (10%). The arch pattern of fingerprint showed a statistical significance between males and females (p=0.008).Conclusion: In the present study, lip length, lip width and fingerprint pattern showed a significant difference in males and females which can be used to determine an individual's gender. Moreover, employing digital method in analysing the fingerprints and lip-prints is very convenient in terms of accessibility and storage.Keywords: Cheiloscopy; Forensic identification; Lip size

    Establishing Role of Cheiloscopy in Person Identification and Sex Determination

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    Background: The study of lip prints (LP) is known as Cheiloscopy. Every individual has a unique lip print pattern. Thus it can act as an important tool for person identification in civil and criminal cases. Objective: The aim of this study is to ascertain whether the uniqueness of LP can help in identifying a person, to evaluate the varied lip patterns among males and females and its usefulness in gender discrimination. Materials and methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted on 80 undergraduate students (40 males and 40 females) of Hazaribagh Dental College aged between 18 to 24years. The lipstick was applied evenly on both the lips and then the LP was collected. Later these lip patterns were analyzed and interpreted. Results: 35 out of 40 LP of females and 36 out of 40 LP of males were correctly matched. Type I and I’ were predominantly seen in females while type IV and V patterns were more common among males. A total of 73 of 80 subjects were identified correctly by this method. Conclusion: The result suggests that the uniqueness of LP in forensic dentistry can be explored for law implementation by determining gender and person’s identity

    Projeto de pesquisa: acurácia do uso do scanner oral na análise queiloscópica: Research project: accuracy of the use of oral scanner in cheiloscopic analysis

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    Introdução: a análise da impressão labial é chamada de queiloscopia. Ao se utilizar as características dos sulcos labiais, é possível verificar de forma simplificada o desenho dos mesmos e classificá-los de acordo com sua disposição, variabilidade e posição. Materiais e métodos: Foi realizado um estudo observacional, classificatório e transversal com natureza de abordagem quantitativa, envolvendo 20 voluntários de ambos os sexos, que tiveram os lábios inferiores e superiores escaneados pelo equipamento 3Shape- TRIOS®️ para classificação das impressões labiais, utilizando o método proposto por Suzuki e Tsuchihashi. Resultados: nos tipos (I, I’, II, IV, V Superior e I’, II, IV Inferior), houve concordância na análise do sulco dos lábios superior e inferior entre os dois examinadores. Já para o Tipo III superior, e Tipo I e III inferior, houve diferenças significativas na análise estatística entre os dois examinadores, já que não houve consenso em relação aos gêneros, nem quanto à classificação do tipo de lábios. Conclusão: é possível considerar que há possibilidade de avaliar, por meio de escaneamentos, as fissuras tanto em lábio superior como inferior, já que houve concordância entre os dois examinadores na maioria das comparações. Sendo assim, novos estudos se fazem necessários para obter dimorfismos sexuais, pois houve diferenças significativas dos tipos Tipo III superior, e Tipo I e III inferior, quanto a determinação do gênero, já que possivelmente, a intensa miscigenação brasileira pode interferir no resultado. &nbsp

    Lip print based authentication in physical access control Environments

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    Abstract: In modern society, there is an ever-growing need to determine the identity of a person in many applications including computer security, financial transactions, borders, and forensics. Early automated methods of authentication relied mostly on possessions and knowledge. Notably these authentication methods such as passwords and access cards are based on properties that can be lost, stolen, forgotten, or disclosed. Fortunately, biometric recognition provides an elegant solution to these shortcomings by identifying a person based on their physiological or behaviourial characteristics. However, due to the diverse nature of biometric applications (e.g., unlocking a mobile phone to cross an international border), no biometric trait is likely to be ideal and satisfy the criteria for all applications. Therefore, it is necessary to investigate novel biometric modalities to establish the identity of individuals on occasions where techniques such as fingerprint or face recognition are unavailable. One such modality that has gained much attention in recent years which originates from forensic practices is the lip. This research study considers the use of computer vision methods to recognise different lip prints for achieving the task of identification. To determine whether the research problem of the study is valid, a literature review is conducted which helps identify the problem areas and the different computer vision methods that can be used for achieving lip print recognition. Accordingly, the study builds on these areas and proposes lip print identification experiments with varying models which identifies individuals solely based on their lip prints and provides guidelines for the implementation of the proposed system. Ultimately, the experiments encapsulate the broad categories of methods for achieving lip print identification. The implemented computer vision pipelines contain different stages including data augmentation, lip detection, pre-processing, feature extraction, feature representation and classification. Three pipelines were implemented from the proposed model which include a traditional machine learning pipeline, a deep learning-based pipeline and a deep hybridlearning based pipeline. Different metrics reported in literature are used to assess the performance of the prototype such as IoU, mAP, accuracy, precision, recall, F1 score, EER, ROC curve, PR curve, accuracy and loss curves. The first pipeline of the current study is a classical pipeline which employs a facial landmark detector (One Millisecond Face Alignment algorithm) to detect the lip, SURF for feature extraction, BoVW for feature representation and an SVM or K-NN classifier. The second pipeline makes use of the facial landmark detector and a VGG16 or ResNet50 architecture. The findings reveal that the ResNet50 is the best performing method for lip print identification for the current study. The third pipeline also employs the facial landmark detector, the ResNet50 architecture for feature extraction with an SVM classifier. The development of the experiments is validated and benchmarked to determine the extent or performance at which it can achieve lip print identification. The results of the benchmark for the prototype, indicate that the study accomplishes the objective of identifying individuals based on their lip prints using computer vision methods. The results also determine that the use of deep learning architectures such as ResNet50 yield promising results.M.Sc. (Science